RIP IDW? Comic Book Publisher LOSES Star Trek and More Licenses?!

Published 2024-06-15
IDW Publishing is about DONE. The company is reportedly losing Star Trek and possibly some other licenses. Their editor-in-chief jumped ship, and they're scrambling to raise about $2 million to stay afloat. This publisher is as tenacious as a cockroach, I'll give them that...

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IDW is facing financial struggles and losing licenses, with their only successful comic being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

00:00 IDW is losing licenses and facing financial problems, with the company being a shell of its former self.

01:13 IDW lost the licenses for Transformers and GI Joe due to failing to appeal to the target demographic and doubling down on identity politics, while Skybound's take on the franchises became bestsellers.

02:42 IDW potentially losing licenses, including Star Trek, and struggling financially despite success of Turtles comic and shutting down profitable tabletop games division.

04:03 IDW is facing financial struggles and executive shuffling after losing licenses and chasing Hollywood deals.

05:29 IDW comic publisher faces revenue losses and reduced licensing revenues, but is raising money to stay afloat, with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles helping to support them.

07:46 IDW is losing licenses, struggling financially, and laying off staff, with their only successful comic being Ninja Turtles.

09:39 IDW is losing the Star Trek license due to low sales and dissatisfaction from Paramount executives, and another publisher could potentially do a better job with the series.

11:35 IDW is in trouble and struggling to stay afloat, losing licenses and relying on large investments to survive, while independent creators can make the same amount from one crowdfunder.

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All Comments (21)
  • The fact remains that IDW peaked with the original Transformers continuity of comics. They haven’t been worth reading for some time. They allowed themselves to be infiltrated and destroyed from within. This news doesn't surprise me at all. Their official end will be reported soon enough.
  • @dwood78part23
    "This publisher is as tenacious as a cockroach, I'll give them that..." & like a cockroach, IDW is on borrowed time. One day, it too will be stomped outta existence- & no one will cry over it's demise.
  • @Hedgehobbit
    Their stock has gone from $50 pre-woke in 2016 to 34 cents today.
  • @WaltRight
    Somehow Heather Antos still has a job
  • I'm honestly amazed the comic industry hasn't collapsed yet. It has to be a life support at this point.
  • At this pount in, we can no longer say that they do not know what they are doing. They are no longer in the market of making money #1 top goal. Making the message #1 has been the goal since they started gate keeping.
  • Imagine being a company in the 1980's, entirely dependent on IP from the 1940's. now add 40 years to both and you have IDW.
  • Hoping IDW loses the Godzilla and Sonic license so Toho and Sega could license them to Skybound.
  • @tenchraven
    I lost ten bucks thinking that IDW would be dead by the start of this year. They're getting to be less like a cockroach and more like black mold.
  • @erict9737
    IDW got their big start with 30 Days Of Night, and now it looks like they are slowly bleeding to death.
  • I still don't know what Nickelodeon was thinking letting IDW keep the Turtles license. The Last Ronin was good but it was a flash in the pan while the ongoing series has been a complete dumpster fire for the last 4 years. Nickelodeon should've taken the hint when Hasbro jumped ship but for some reason they decided to give IDW a second chance.
  • @QuatrinaVR
    Remember when IDW fell off the NYSE because its stock was so bad? Pepperidge Farm remembers, Heather Antos
  • @Hammerhead547
    IDW is following the same path that EMI Records went stumbling down in the late 90's right before they went bankrupt in 1997.
  • I'm trying to wrap my head around WHO'S trying to keep this company afloat, and their rational for why. They aren't course-correcting, nore are they admitting they messed up. So a monster ego that won't let go is the only reason left I can think of. Edit: (Maybe like KK, Heather Antos is a case of refusing to be ousted until the ground gives way.)
  • Management at IDW reminds me of Vince McMahon before getting the boot - Past glory led them to believe they knew better than the audience, even as everybody and their uncle told them was the kids not them. Just out of touch,
  • @Benson...1
    SOME Americans forget or don't realise the comic book industry is a worldwide global industry. Meaning the American branch maybe in decline but the Japanese branch appears to be as popular as it ever has been.
  • Didn't I see someone clip a recent Heather antos tweet where she was bragging and boasting about the characters she's rolled out through specifically star trek in the last few weeks? huh.
  • This makes it even funnier that IDW is running a Humble Bundle sale on their TMNT and The Last Ronin comics. Don't Humble Bundle sales usually lose money for their publishers?