Film Theory: Blair Witch's SECRET KILLERS! (Blair Witch Project)

Published 2016-09-16
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Through the movie hype, the viral marketing, and the fake websites created for the movie, we've all been led to believe that the Blair Witch is a dangerous demon roaming the woods, ready to kill us. But what if that was never the case? What if, even in the movie, there's no such thing as the Blair Witch? Today's episode uncovers a secret murder plot where the only monsters are the kids making a documentary in the woods...

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All Comments (21)
  • @tai0purto
    I find the idea of two guys trying to scare and kill a girl in the woods is way scarier then a stupid witch.
  • @smolshay
    My favorite part of this movie is that the film crew would send someone out dressed up to rush through the woods or hide to scare the actors. If you see something walking around in the background, it's one of those crew members and the actors weren't aware. So if you hear one of them going "What was that!?" It's the actual reaction.
  • @abyschaaf6985
    I think its also plausible that mike and josh were attempting a malicious prank and got scared by a real haunting halfway through, it would explain their weird actions and reactions, but also explains any unexplainably supernatural buts in the movie
  • @nonnacekim89
    The thing I like best about this movie is IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE CAUSE IS. Supernatural or not, it’s terrifying, and it’s infinitely scarier not knowing exactly what’s going on. Whether she’s seeing some kind of supernatural abomination or someone she used to trust about to brutally end her life, something very wrong is happening and it’s scary.
  • @marcisozols2800
    can we all agree that kicking a piece of paper is the worst way of disposing of it
  • @Hinaru2008
    Some things that I thought were really interesting about the movie: - The directors gave the actors a script of a few pages that explained the story and the actions they would have to follow while filming BUT it didn't have many details, there were many things they didn't know, a lot was added by the directors while filming. - To guide the actors the directors were nearby all the time (the actors were aware of this from the beginning), they would place a basket with food and personal stuff every morning nearby their tent before they wake up. The basket also contained notes about what they would have to do that day (That's how the directors added decisions while filming). - It was stablished that the directors would use flashlights to guide them in the night, also they would add things, like the piles of rocks and the dolls BUT the directors didn't tell the actors the methods they would use to scare them so a lot of their reactions are real, even the crying. - There were other endings filmed like one in wich Mike was found dead by Heather hanging from a rope. - The people that are interviewed in the town at the beginning of the film are not part of the casting, they were not actors. Those were actually residents of the town nearby the forest. - The actors didn't know there was no Blair Witch legend, they thought the legend was used as an excuse for the film, also the people in town were paid by the directors to tell scary stories about the witch to the actors so they would believe that is was an actual legend of the town, this increased the initial fear of the actors. - The movie was filmed in 8 days - There were not many people involved in the making of the film, the 2 directors, the 3 actors, the writer of the script and a couple more. And because the film doesn't have special effects or sounds, just editing, the making of the film was very low in cost - Due to it's low cost "The Bllair witch project" is one the most profitable movies in history and one of the most succesfull independent films ever. With an original budget around $50000 the movie earned $250 millions
  • @l.i.n.c1264
    I’m pretty sure the reason Mike was standing in the corner of the room was because of the killer that supposedly lived in the house explained at the beginning of the movie, apparently the man would face the children the other way because he didn’t want them watching as he killed other kids.
  • I come back to this one all the time, because this is one of a few theories that I treat as very plausible, and in fact very likely. There are some small issues- like how Mike and Josh would get away with this without drawing suspicion (then again, disappearing in '94 was a lot easier than today)- but for the most part there's zero evidence of a monster, and plenty of opportunity for the boys to slip away and set up the scary stuff. There are several things that the movie almost included- an actual visual of the witch, alternate endings where Mike was staring at Heather or doing something different- but the end product as-is tells us that there's zero evidence of the paranormal that can't be explained or reasonably doubted. I'm also of the mind that a demonic entity is far less terrifying than real people. Like yeah, the unknown is scary. But what's scarier to me is how awful people are capable of being. I've heard too many true crime stories and seen too much of the dark side of humanity, that the paranormal is no longer as scary. When I'm in the woods at night, my top fear is other people, not wild animals or cryptids. All in all, one of my top 5 theories across channels <3
  • @ramager
    MatPat: There’s nothing supernatural in the Blair Witch franchise Blair Witch the game: I’m about to end this man’s whole career
  • @matthewwood690
    Imagine if they actually put this in the movie. Picture this: just one scene at the end, after everything else. Mike and Josh running through the forest, laughing. That’d be crazy.
  • @j.j.3214
    When The Blair Witch Project was the scariest movie you’d ever seen so you tried to scare your sister by making her watch it but she’d already watched MatPat’s theory about it so the entire movie she was like “ooooohhh piles of rocks so SCARY.” Thank you MatPat. You have destroyed my dreams
  • @salleymudd5488
    I had all the same questions and suspicions years ago after it came out - I was teased for having "writer's brain" where I'm always over-thinking plots and can't just enjoy the movie.  Glad to see I'm not alone.
  • @simbriant
    Plot twist: After murdering Heather, Josh and Mike die from a mixture of exposure and starvation cause they lost the map. :D
  • i just watched this movie for the first time recently, and I love this theory, and I fully believe it. The nail in the coffin for me is, at the beginning of the movie when Heather is interviewing the people of the town, she comes across a mother who says that two men went hunting up by the cabin where the witch lives, and disappeared off the face of the earth (those men possibly being Mike and Josh and the cabin being the murder house at the end?) and then another guy she talks to mentions there was a male serial killer who killed seven kids, and killed them by twos, making one face the corner while he killed the other. Both of those two interviews are undeniable evidence for me that this theory is true. Idk if I believe the whole thing about Mike being able to set up speakers, especially considering this movie took place before Bluetooth speakers were a thing, and there are no outlets in the woods, but I believe this theory nonetheless. Also, about the seven kids thing, I noticed while watching the movie that the first time they see the piles of rocks, there are seven piles (which I’m sure Heather would immediately connect to the seven dead kids) and then the second time they see the piles, there’s three, which I assume is supposed to be a foreshadowing by the “witch” that the three of them are next. Idk. Just thought that was an interesting detail.
  • @KazooieKablooey
    The fact they added missing people papers on places and made a documentary and gave the parents sympathy cards is just the funniest and most awsome way to advertise the move
  • @barb6955
    This theory is 10x scarier than the one we're supposed to believe.
  • I like to think both theories are true. The guys, annoyed by the girl decide to prank her by pretending to be lost only to walk right into a actual supernatural event.
  • @Teethconsumer
    Mat is 100% correct here, getting spare human teeth is shockingly easy
  • @nonh1
    Interesting theory. But, what about the children who were laughing and shaking the tent? Mike may have set a couple of speakers outside to create the laughing, ok, but how did he make the tent shake? They would have to had accomplices to do that, which seems unlikely.