[The Battle Cats] Infernal Tyrant Climax (No Gacha)

Published 2023-09-17
No Superfeline or Lil Dark either because barely anyone has Superfeline and I am NOT spending NP on Lil Dark for a challenge run. I don't think I played too well this run? Re-watching it I see a few times I panicked.

I can't judge how objectively hard this is because I literally beat it on my first try but I CAN say that the Twocan phase is the most stressful part of the run that you can easily mess up if you're not careful.

Every cat here is level 50; Dancer has Lvl10 attack Lvl10 surge, and Lvl5 HP
Base HP is Lvl30, Thunderbolt is Lvl30 and Relic Foundation is Lvl15

Now as for tips from my experience and looking over my recording:

- The peons that spawn with M.Ost at the beginning can ruin a run if they mess with Idi's first attempt at hitting M.Ost after Doron. Try to time Doron to hit the peons along with M.Ost as best you can. You especially want to take Lil Doge down with Doron or maybe even Bullet Train before he reaches your meatshields and has higher change to dodge because of said meatshields weak attacks.

- After Idi's first hit you will want to Thunderbolt M.Ost in preparation for Idi's second attack. You should time the thunderbolt to also freeze incoming peons (like the Sir Rel in the video)

- The third Idi attack is a bit rng. One thing you can do something about it is deploy a slime to wave a possible dodging lil doge, clearing other peons. Another nice thing you can do is time rock to wall any peons from going in front of M.Ost as Idi is about to attack (like the Dark Doge stopped by Rock in the video).

- I've heard you can get a fourth hit with Idi against M.Ost if you're lucky, but that doesn't happen in this video.

- Chip M.Ost's remaining HP with everything at your arsenal, Dancer and Courier do most of the job.

- IMPORTANT: You have three sort of "panic buttons" you can use when you are in a pinch: Doron, Idi, and Thunderbolt. Do NOT be afraid to use these. Don't hesitate and trust your gut. The earlier you use them, the earlier you can get them back off cooldown. You will mostly use these as a way to stop Sir Rel from pushing forward or to kill Haniwanwan (I do both at the same time).

- Obviously use time Rock every time you lose ground from Nyandam or Twocan's attacks to get it back. If Rock isn't up when you really need him, you can use Bullet Train.

- Knock pushing peons back in anyway you can to save ground as well. Even if you don't kill them with something like Rock or Courier, it's better than leaving them alone.

- Twocan is very troublesome, use everything to kill him, take advantage of your Doron and Idi while fighting peon push to damage Twocan (or even Nyandam) as well.

- Even though Nyandam is in the back, you should try to damage him as much as possible through out all of this. When the peons die down, Nyandam will still be chipping your base down, and how quick you knock him back with damage can be the deciding factor on whether you win or lose. Slime is the best way to damage Nyandam. Idi can also get some hits in as well if she's available.

- When Nyandam isn't touching your base anymore, you just have to make sure Dark Doge or Lil Doge don't push when they can using Rock for defense, and Courier/Bullet Train for offense. After he's far back enough, you win!

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