The Biggest CHEATER in Geometry Dash History Was Just EXPOSED

Published 2023-04-28

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Kolo's Videos Exposing Spaceuk in 2021
   • Slaughterhouse 92% is really suspicio...  

Zoe's Video Breaking the Story
   • Exposing SpaceUK  

More GD players to check out

00:00 - Intro
00:41 - How the Game Works
08:26 - Timeline of Getting Caught
12:41 - Kolo's Videos
14:52 - Fallout

All Comments (21)
  • I did NOT have Abyssoft making a geometry dash video on my bingo card for this year
  • @swiborg
    As the person that was SpaceUK’s best friend throughout all this, I can say that this video covers it very well, I am very disappointed that this happened and that I trusted everything without applying logic, however I am glad it came to light at the end regardless of how rough it is. Again, very great job on the video :)
  • @FloydMaxwell
    "You might be thinking this doesn't look hard." Right. I'm thinking it looks SUPER HARD, lol
  • @Zoink
    This video is so high quality. Thank you for covering and i’m so happy i could help you a bit
  • Just a correction: Zbot isn’t what allows you to place checkpoints in levels. That’s a base-game feature called Practice Mode. Without it, most levels would be several times harder, if not impossible. ZBot does indeed create macros, though.
  • @DJ1482.
    I could not be happier that you covered this situation. As someone who's been a part of the gd community since early 2017, this is by far the biggest scandal I've ever seen. It's so disappointing to see all of these top players lose motivation because of the fact that they can't keep up with someone not playing fair. Even as a high level player, not top player, but someone who grinds list demons and ranks top 200, this also affects my pov on the community in the fact that we can't trust anyone anymore. Thank you so much for covering this :)
  • @hjewkes
    Thats wild that the ZBot creator added an anti cheat mechanism and nobody noticed it. You’d figure people would all be looking out for the smaller text
  • @_Dearex_
    I really like the inclusion of such subtle differences like smaller text to prevent cheating 😄
  • @xenobeam7874
    10:34 hold up, placing checkpoints is a vanilla feature, and zbot is just for botting. Just a quick correction.
  • @bloo9781
    "You might be thinking: Hey, this doesn't look hard!" nope, it definitely looks insanely hard :')
  • @SeptaGon7
    extremely good video, im surprised to see so much nuance and accuracy of the situation from someone who doesnt do gd content, and how you include pretty much all the context needed, id go as far to say this is better than a lot of vids on the situation even from players in the community lmao, so yeah great work on this
  • @etopowertwon
    zBot authors really had some 200 IQ moment with this end level font size decrease.
  • @TrickGMD
    Cool video! Thanks for covering this and thanks for the shoutout in the desc!
  • It's funny how doggie was originally the verifier of slaughterhouse (but a heavily nerfed version), gets beaten by spaceuk, becomes first Victor, hacker gets caught, and he becomes the rightfully deserved verifier he should've been all those years ago.
  • @figmentboy
    The watermark being 2 years old definitely contributed to the longevity of his records; by the time he started using zBot the method fell into obscurity
  • @MeatiusGaming
    This video is good for what it's trying to convey, but a lot of information has been missed that is relevant to perceive just how dominant SpaceUK was thought to be and how it ruined some players. As you can see in the poll for best player of 2021 SpaceUK won with over 70% of the votes, and looking from the perspective of any good player worth their salt, it was obvious he was the best player in the game by miles. The game was in the middle of a stagnation period due to the fact that new hardest demons take a lot of time to be verified, it takes thousands of (active playtime) hours to get good at this game and whenever a set of top players quit (they tend to all leave after a certain period of inactivity) it can take quite a lot of time for new top players to rise to the challenge and verify new top 1 demons. The hardest demon at the time was Tartarus, a level verified in January of 2020 by fairly good player, Dolphy, who took around 60k attempts, for context how a less good player compares, Mullsy had been attempting to verify Tartarus since I believe early 2019, maybe late 2018, and he was at around 200k attempts when Dolphy completed Tartarus, Dolphy's hardest was the then top 3 demon Zodiac, whilst I don't really know what Mullsy's hardest was when he started playing Tartarus, but somewhere along the way he beat a top 20 called "Bloodlust". [1] Anyway, after this a lot of good players quit, the dominant player in 2020 was Nswish, along with Rori, Technical and Wolvez. Nswish was a dominant player by miles similarly to SpaceUK because of one specific thing he did that no one before him had ever done, he had completed the entire main list of the Demon list, all 75 demons. Nswish, Rori and Technical all quit sometime in 2020, and the only one that remainder fairly active was Wolvez. Usually new top 1s get verified in about a year, Tartarus had been the longest lasting top 1 this game had ever seen, staying at #1 for a total of about 18 months I believe, during that time ONLY 26 people completed it. Let's now move onto why it takes so long to get good at this game. Completing Geometry Dash levels can be very difficult, and with every level you complete you get ever so slightly better, the harder a level you completed the more it'll improve your skillset (unless your skillset is perfectly tailored to the level, then it won't help that much). I used to be a top player and it took me about 3 years (2015-2018) to go from beating an easy demon, to completing a top 5 demon, with a total of about 3000hours on the game, with at least 50% of those being active playing hours. As time passes new and improved gear is made (mice with less latency, monitors with lower visual delay etc.), but so does the difficulty of levels increase. During the time between when Tartarus was verified and SpaceUK rose to prominence a new rule was allowed, that is, people were allowed to use "fps bypass" to play the game at 360fps, before that people were limited to their native monitor hz, so most good players were using 240hz, but sometimes you'd see some people climb to the top with 144hz, because 240hz was way too expensive. This rule made the game easier, explaining why would make this comment way too long, but in short, the more frames you have the easier this game is, if you don't believe me, try playing the game on 60fps and then switch 240 or 360fps and you'll see how much easier the game is, even if the timings you are doing are easy. Due to all of that happening the release of a new top 1 was expected to be delayed, and thus we waited, after a year passed people started playing hard levels again, the one I was most interested for was Firework, which ended up being verified by Trick (the guy who got #2 on the 2021 polls), not to confuse you, this level ended up being verified after Slaughterhouse (was hacked by SpaceUK)... a day later to be exact. Trick's hardest demon at the time was Bloodlust (same level I mentioned earlier with Mullsy), he had also gotten some runs on a different unverified top 1 (aod) whilst playing Firework. [2] Why SpaceUK was (considered to be) an absolute monster (skill wise): Looking at all this information, you'd expect SpaceUK to be an old player, playing for a couple of years at least. Well you'd be wrong, Space came from practically nowhere, completing The Golden (this wasn't mentioned in the video, but The Golden was the 2nd hardest demon in the game when Space beat it), as his 5th demon, for context on just how insane this is, even if you want to try jumping into this game and trying to recreate what Space did, you'd quickly realize that jumping straight to The Golden is not a good idea, it's just way too hard. This is approximately how normal progression would look: - you beat the first couple of official levels - you beat an easy demon, or one of the official demons (Clubstep, Theory of Everything 2, Deadlocked) - you try a medium demon, it probably takes you around 1000 or so attempts - you beat a couple of medium demons, feel confident enough to take on a hard demon and beat it in probably less attempts than your first medium demon - you beat some hard demons or jump straight into an insane demon (this will probably take you a couple of thousand of attempts) - you beat a couple of insane demons, and then finally you undertake an entry extreme demon... Wait... An "entry" extreme demon? What does that even mean. Well as you would expect, when there's not enough difficulties levels that are not even close in difficulty tend to get clumped up pretty easily, there's currently almost 700 Extreme demons in existence. SpaceUK on the other hand, had a progression that looked like this: - beat a medium demon - beat an insane demon - beat an entry extreme - beat a top 20 demon - beat the number 2 demon in 60k-ish attempts Yeah, remember that Dolphy guy who had a top 5 demon completed and took 60k to verify a new top 1, imagine being compared to some guy who came out of nowhere and almost matched your skill after 5 demons. [3] Granted Space probably grinded lots of other levels (we know he got 77% on an entry extreme that he never beat), to get good at the game, whilst this is a valid tactic, it's a really roundabout way of going about gaining skill. Ignoring knowing that he hacked, this guy then proceeded to absolutely melt every level that was thrown at him, I don't remember how many demons he actually ended up completing, but if I recall correctly he had done at least half of the top 10 before setting his sights on Slaughterhouse. There were multiple people trying to verify Slaughterhouse, since it was so hard it went from being a normal to an semi-open verification. [4] SpaceUK, after getting verification rights proceeded to absolutely destroy the level in about week, and in about 40k attempts stealing the title for the verifier of the (at then) top 1. Other players that were attempting to verify it quickly lost interest and stopped playing it (except for Doggie, who ended up being the first victor (later verifier) of the level). The other level I mentioned earlier, Firework ended up being verified by Trick in whooping 200k attempts. The only players who could at the end of 2021 even say they were a competition for Space in skill were Crisis and Wolvez, but by that point both had started to lose interest, SpaceUK was just too much of a monster to contend with. After Slaughterhouse: Not much ended up happening with Space after Slaughterhouse, Space ended up becoming the 2nd ever person to complete the entire main list, right after Nswish, he did this sometime around the mid point of 2022 and it's the same reason why he ended up getting the award for being the best player of 2022 as well. If you ask me for my personal opinion on just how good Space was perceived to be by all the other players though, I'd say he was easily without competition in 2021, which ruined pretty much everyone's motivation to even try beating Space, in 2022 things took a turn for the better when new top players started appearing, mainly Zoink, Trick, Cursed, Doggie, Diamond, Baeru etc. Even then most of these weren't enough to overtake Space in skill, even after he had practically quit the game after completing the main list, the closest I'd say anyone got to actually becoming a real SpaceUK was probably Zoink, since he ended up being the 3rd person to ever complete the entire main list. Footnotes: [1] A top 1 level being verified by you doesn't necessarily make you a top player, you are definitely good if you can pull it off in a reasonable amount of attempts, and despite Mullsy taking over 200k I'd say he was more than good enough for his time. [2] There's plenty of levels around that are technically top 1, but they are unverified, left on the servers to someday be picked up by someone and verified. [3] We know the furthest Space got on The golden was 94, so I'd still argue that he almost matched his skill [4] A normal verification would constitute a single person having rights to verifying the level, whilst an open verification means anyone can attempt to verify it. I say semi-open, because it was given to a couple of people to attempt to verify it. Quick shoutout to people that I know got madly screwed by Space's existence: Wolvez, Crisis - The undisputably best players of 2021 Jeller (Laniakea) - Cheated out of being the #1 player on the stats viewer Doggie, Trick - Being cheated out of being the verifier of a top 1 Cursed, Trick (again), Doggie (again), Zoink - The best players of 2022 And everyone else that had their motivation destroyed by SpaceUK, I hope you can pick yourself back up after all this, and if you find the motivation to give Geometry Dash another try, I wish you luck :)
  • @Sephyroth97
    Ah Yes, the classic: "I totally did it then the footage got bugged then I faked it because I could have done it again anyways"
  • @zeldafan242
    As Karl Jobst has said, cheaters are thieves
  • @SkyeTheFennec
    Also as a side note. Im p sure the watermark faded into obscurity before someone mentioned it when space admitted to using zbot, which leads to the mods checking for it and ultimately finding it. i personally used zbot for 7 months to screw around with making macro's for humanly impossible levels and never once noticed it. i can see why it took so long to catch cause it was so subtle and only players that remember the watermark being added would of said something, combined with his trusted rep, led him to be able to cheat with it for 2 years before it all was exposed.