The Division 2: SHADOWED DROPPED one of the WORST CHANGES that NO ONE asked for!

Published 2024-07-26

All Comments (21)
  • This ONLY benefits solo players or low level players ONLY with low level players. This would have been good in YEAR ONE or YEAR TWO. But in YEAR SIX, every group will have at least one player high level. This is force all low levels into the high bracket regardless. So why do this now? Year six we need this? Thoughts? đź’­
  • @unsaludito
    I think that actually it is a fair change, because for new players it is not easy to enter the dark zone and face people who are far above your level and who are going to kill you very easily. Those who really won't like this change are those who love to bully inexperienced players, believing themselves to be good players and in reality they are not.
  • @BrokeItself
    I think the biggest thing that alot of long term players keep forgetting is that the devs are trying to make the current game more accessible to new players with the announcement of division 3. Hence all the changes to pvp. I personally don't understand why so many "legacy players" are so upset. What now you can't pick on new players who don't have enough shd lvls gear or builds to defend themselves? Forced to play against players of the same lvl and you might lose... again the biggest point so many keep missing is making the game more accessible to new players.
  • This is good at least people will start going into the dz instead of being scared off by the players that have so much expertise an experience
  • i find it quite funny to see rogue gold call it a great new feature while kami calls it one of the worst features
  • @Beanelli
    Lv400SHD returning player and so far I haven't gotten my face smashed in by a lv36000. It's a good change.
  • @tipmn2979
    After finishing the vid I actually agree with the change. The ONLY thing high level players care about this for is they can’t punk light gear people and rob them blind. This was a good change. To take the other side of your argument, what you’re saying is it shouldn’t matter because everyone is your high level anyway right? You “help” low levels to destroy the server because you enjoy it. Otherwise it would be the way the old game was for example…the low level has to be careful because yes he gets way more xp but he can die that much easier.
  • Photo mode is jacked up again. When you take a photo of anything, it will be a blur… Get it together Devs 🤦🏾‍♂️
  • For me it's great, I recently came back to the game, under SHD level 500, and play solo. I was finally able to grab a pair of Emperor's Guard knee pads. I See your point of view, but for people like me it is a great change.
  • @John-Val056
    I think its great that new players were getting farmed in DZ, so newer players etc wouldnt go in. Now they can. This makes the field more level.
  • @whizzdom6923
    I still won't go in the dark zone with the tri hards. You can here them like monkeys on the other side of the door fighting amougst themselves for the spawn kill when I go through the door. NEVER
  • My friends and I are sub 1000 by a long way. I can't wait to do daily projects in the DZ without getting trashed in seconds by players who just pick players out for sport. Fighting someone with at least a 25 % buff in every aspect gets old. I can't even explore the DZ because of it.
  • Get rid of expertise in the DZ and its fair for everybody.. It ultimately doesn't really matter. a low level before this could end up against someone with better expertise.. The idea I think is that your higher level will help the lower person anyway.
  • The real answer would be to just remove expertise/ shd bonuses from dz. But it is a nice change (added too late ofcourse). I was expecting to hear the brackets be every 100 levels. To be honest this just makes the lower brackets more peaceful though yes you may have to go solo if friends are not same level. And if you join a higher one its just going to be the same as it was. Getting deleted by high levels, though once again. Unless you somehow stumble into another group low level your going to know everyone is just stronger than you. But yeah i do wish the brackets were more frequent. As it reminds me of when i was a lvl 12 who encountered a lvl 32 rogue using (almost a full set of) max expertise gear. As i do get the feeling there may be some players around 470 that may stop leveling just so the can bully the newer players
  • @nanoq7849
    Not sure if I agree with the video. I guess I'm a new player with SHD level 850ish. I play casually so I don't even have much expertise. Maybe around level 4 or 5. I think I'll be enjoying this change.
  • It a good change for new solo players…so I’m fine with this.
  • The content creators should promote a boycott and only make content that says fix the game. You all are the only ones keeping this game alive. If you boycott it by not posting content with your follower's support I think the developers will take the game seriously.
  • @dangdang8106
    I love the idea of the brackets. Im only a new player lvl 150. I go to the dz and power fisted by players lvl 1000 and above they team up and just and kill me even if I switch dz they end up there and 100% there only doing it because they know they have the advantage