The BIGGEST MISTAKES People Make When Trying To LOSE WEIGHT! | Dr. Jason Fung

Published 2021-05-06
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Which diet are you following? Are you doing the carnivore diet? Vegan? Keto? The choices and variations of every diet plan available is nearly endless. At the heart of the matter, diet consciousness is a question of overall health and better managing and preventing diseases and conditions that hinder your performance and destroy your ability to live a happy and healthy life. In this episode, nephrologist and intermittent fasting expert, Dr. Jason Fung, exposes the overarching importance of understanding your body’s hormonal response to insulin activated by what you eat and the frequency with which you eat. He also breaks down the three major paradigms for cancer, and ranks the danger of a poor diet as high as cigarette smoke in terms of high risk contributors of cancer. Dr. Fung is also the author of the #1 best seller, The Obesity Code.

Order Dr. Jason Fung’s Book, “The Cancer Code”:…


Weight Loss | Dr. Fung on why weight loss is critical and counting calories doesn’t work [1:23]
Calories | Dr. Fung reveals how hormones impact your body’s response to less calories [3:31]
Carbohydrates | Dr. Fung on how carbs stimulate insulin and signal the body to store fat [6:59]
Protein vs. Carbs | The hormonal response of these nutrients on satiety & effect on insulin [9:50]
Processed Carbs | Dr. Fung explains the danger behind processed carbs & hormones [13:03]
Insulin | Dr. Fung explains getting fat on calorie restriction when insulin is high [15:49]
Low Insulin Diet | Dr Fung on losing weight by lower insulin and cycle feeding & fasting [23:32]
Fasting | Dr. Fung introduces options to get through fast with salt, magnesium or broths [26:32]
Cancer | Dr. Fung breaks down 3 paradigm shifts in cancer research & treatments [28:50]
Growth Paradigm | How the overgrowth of cells have been treated by cut, burn or poison [29:41]
Genetic Paradigm | Understanding genetic mutations and the complication curing cancer [30:36]
Evolutionary Paradigm | The primitive mutation of cancer treated with immunotherapy [34:00]
Seed in Soil | Preventing cancer “seeds” to grow, understanding chronic stressors [42:30]


“So it's simply false to say, if you cut 500 calories a day down, you will lose a pound of body fat a week, it's actually not true in any way, shape, or form.” [5:31]

“when you're thinking about weight gain, weight loss, you really have to think about hormones, because it's really a hormonal imbalance, not a caloric imbalance” [12:04]

“when insulin is going down you're going to burn body fat, [...] you can't burn body fat if insulin is high.” [21:05]

“...we're not trying to kill cells with immunotherapy, we're not trying to fix genetic mutations. What we're trying to do is treat these cancers like a foreign species, like an invasive foreign species...” [40:03]

“diet actually plays a massive role, and by understanding it, perhaps you can reduce your risk of cancer.” [47:45]

Follow Dr. Jason Fung:
Youtube:    / @drjasonfung  

All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    How shocking was this episode? Dr. Jason Fung really changed my mind and showed several places I had misconceptions about nutrition, hormones, and cancer. What healthy myths do you want me to explore in future episodes?
  • @AhmetKaan
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending...” ―C. S. Lewis
  • @ImaniBrammer
    This was really technical, but what I got from this was: -no processed foods. -no sugar -very minimal complex carbs -ample protein -don't snack all day - allow fasting time for your insulin level to go down so that your body can release the fat.... I think I got that right. Correct me if I'm erroneous please.
  • I did intermittent fasting and a clean carb diet for 3 months and was dismayed that I only lost 2 lbs. My energy level never improved. I discovered, through no help from medical testing that I was iodine deficient. I started taking a kelp supplement and the weight started falling off me within a couple of weeks even without fasting. It's important for doctors to look at the thyroid gland and deficiencies in people with weightloss resistance. Not just insulin.
  • I am 190 I always been 145 my whole life at one point lower than that I've gained over 50 lbs in the last 4 years and now that I am engaged I am wanting more to be healthy again.… I am not fat but I am thick and have muscle. I am very close to how you were but a lil smaller but I am so sick people making comments to me like I'm huge or like you said having shorts that used to be so cute on me and now I can't even find a pair to fit me. I used to love shopping now I don't even want to go to the store and if I do I pick the biggest size don't even try it on and deal with it. I went from size 5 to size idk because I don't even want to know the real number. I hate looking at pics of myself now or me before. thank you for your video it's time to make a change.
  • @liomeengele7377
    I have progressed from 16:8 to 20:4. The changes are crazy. I was becoming insulin resistant. I had put on 3 stone in 1 year. I totally lost control of my health and body. My dad passed away due to a heart attack triggered by type 2 diabetes. Getting diabetes has always been my fear. Finding Dr Jason has saved me. The weight is coming off gradually. I can feel my whole body normalise. Totally grateful 🙏🏽
  • @gleehanson4775
    Dr Jason Fung has turned my health around. I'm 64 and down 105 pounds.
  • @asbaran
    So much value in this video. That's hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of research and weight loss programs combined. Thanks Dr. Fung and Tom!
  • @maxwell4431
    Dr. Jason Fung was really one of the earliest leading medical practitioners that rolled this out. I think well over a decade ago he was already trying this in his clinical practice when there was nary a whisper of keto or fasting. I have been tracking the work done in this field since the earliest data came out. it's really quite remarkable. I wish he gets more acknowledge as an early pioneer - he's not advertising himself but really in the clinic helping his patients. Kudos Dr. Fung!
  • I sleep so much better at night knowing there are brains like Dr. Jason Fung in the world.
  • I was an obese preteen and went on a calorie counting diet, which did work as I went from 160 to about 130. Unfortunately it also led to an eating disorder, namely bulimia which plagued me on and over for decades! I’m ketovore to carnivore (depending on my day or week) now and it works to keep me slim without worrying about calories as I just follow my hunger and satiety cues to the best of my ability. It’s also healed my migraines and chronic headaches
  • @steelmill888
    Jason helped me with my health 4 yrs ago.I lost almost 30 lbs by fasting and cutting carbs.I had a headache for 5 days when I started.After that I felt great.I have kept the weight off since then.
  • @puja4079
    Dr Jason Fung , hope they honor you with a Nobel Prize for your dedication to humanity and saving people.
  • Dr Jason Fung changed my life. A very special man! I encourage everyone to do some binging on his videos and read his books. Thanks Tom for having him on the show.
  • @sadafkhan1858
    It felt like i held my breath while listening to dr. Jason and I absolutely appreciated how host didnt interrupt him unnecessarily while he was talking about whole cancer thing . I liker how this was pure knowledge without any unnecessary personal conversations and introductions etc like it happens usually podcasts . Brilliant episode 😊
  • I was fasting for a while after watching all these videos from Dr. Fung. I felt healthy, lost some weight. Then I kind of fell out of all the good habits after a few months. Rewatching this video just reminded me of how much of a difference it made when I fasted and how many benefits I just completely forgot fasting had. I don’t understand how it can be so easy to do all the wrong things, but it’s just as easy to do the right with the right info. I just need to rewatch this every so often. It’s all true and it works.
  • @saratonnan
    In the medical field for people requiring tube feeding, the practice is usually to infuse it slowly 24hrs/day to avoid dumping a lot all at once 3 times/ day. Over my 40-plus years as a nurse, I've questioned dieticians on several occasions about this continuous infusion & not giving the body a rest from the digestive process. I was told it's done to assure enough calories are being given. I have also noted that people on long term tube feedings always gained weight. Always. Even if they had been at normal weight range throughout their lives before the illness. This interview finally explains the weight gain! It's not about calories, it's about the constant stimulation for the body to release insulin. THANK YOU! I always knew there was SOMETHING going on we didn't understand.
  • Two things I love about Tom Bilyeu's channel: He has people on whether they fit his paradigm or not, a crucial element of lifelong learning, and the fact that he's read their book before they're on his show. I feel like he's learning with me, and asking the kind of questions my simple brain generates.
  • @majamaja5316
    I have reversed my insulin resistence in 3 months by fasting (16:8, 18:6 depending on a day) and eating low carb (LCHF). My weight just flew away (15-20 kg), which was unthinkable to me before, since I used to spend months fighting to lose a kilo. I cannot describe you how I feel. Like I saved my life, literally. A real heroic act will be to maintain this lifestyle for years to come 💪🏽 wish luck (: Ps. I started psychotherapy at the same time to help me through because the root of my overeating and sweet tooth is emotional damage from my childhood. Would recommend to everyone ❤️ good luck