Let's Talk About Bad Players | FFXIV

Published 2022-10-24
Outro music: ceruleancerise - cosmic space latte The Balance Discord for all your openers and general job information: discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv

discord: discord.gg/HQNkbqvNdc
Thank you to twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!

Music that isn't FFXIV or specified is from:
BGM:dova-syndrome dova-s.jp/
SOUND: Otological otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html

#kougaon #ffxiv

All Comments (21)
  • @afroronin299
    Lol thanks Kou. I have been afraid to try the harder content honestly but you’re right! I’ll watch some people who are actually good at this and then I’ll give it a shot myself!
  • @cyrus1380
    "Like putting Tenacity on BLM gear" If it makes you feel any better, my static once trialed a DNC who had melded all tenacity, cause it was called Battledance
  • @1LuvMLPFiM
    "Having a bad day? Give up. What is fucked cannot be un-fucked." -Self-help Singh
  • @apukami3643
    How to get good. Step 1 : listen to others. Step 2 : be nice to others. Step 3 : have fun. Step 4 : ??? Step 5 : get your Dragonsong weapon.
  • @MaestroKytes
    If you want to practice openers, you can also just visit your targetted expansion's Stone, Sky, Sea and you can just keep trying your opener again and again without having to load into an instance. It's really great because if you mess up your opener, you can just leave the SSS trial and start again, which automatically resets all of your cooldown.
  • @Oreboat
    I accepted I was bad at the game when I crossed the 1000 hours marker, the only thing keeping me from doing raiding is I just don't have a group to make my lack of skill their problem
  • @Glenningway
    What kind of sucks is that most first and second savage fights is that learning parties die off after a month. There's a bit of FOMO, also if you work for a living (oncall), or have family or other obligations raiding is likely out of reach. Some make it work, but I've seen marriages end over this game.
  • I'm an anxious fellow, it takes me a week or more sometimes to face duties with people. i always watch guide videos! but then i freak myself out watching the guide and give up. when i finally do the quest duty, it's always easier than i was stressing it would be. it kind of amazes me that there are people who have been playing for perhaps fifty times the length of time I have done (i started 6mo ago) but are comfortable/confident enough to go into new content blind. I'm always scared of annoying someone or making someone feel like i'm slowing their progress down.
  • @luxorien
    Yeah, I finally gave up on raiding when a PF group that said they were "teaching people how to raid" dissolved their group and reformed it without me because I was so bad. I'm interested in harder content but I just don't have the time. I like to solo older content so I can learn some of the mechanics of the older raids at least without the pressure of a group. xD
  • @LunaGer
    I play at least 4 hours a day, reference the optimal rotation for the jobs I play, am very interested in playing correctly-- but here's the thing: being 50 years old, unmedicated ADHD (girls in the 70's and 80's weren't on the ADHD radar, and heart conditions that run in my family mean no stimulants for me), and my first real video games (aside from the original Atari console) being SWG and EQ2 have me at a disadvantage. Those games didn't exactly prepare me for ffxiv lol, specifically all the movement and quick reactions required. There's a reason I play SMN lol. My dps is good, but my reaction to mechanics is a struggle. I can finally do Aglaia and not die and not just follow the herd. The knockback bull bird thing in P7N is my personal nightmare. I would love to try an extreme, and savages look like so much fun-- but I will never inflict my slow learning style on strangers. Now with several classes to 90 and no real interest in crafting or pvp, the game is starting to stagnate for me a bit and I feel stuck, especially when people talk about how "faceroll" dungeons and raids are, my primary sources of fun and challenge in the game. I'm hoping someday I'll stumble across a group of geezers who want to form a static to limp through content together.
  • @aurumvale9908
    the only real difference between a Raider and a casual is the amount of time spent bashing your head against a wall. it hurts, it sucks but sooner or later either the wall will collapse or you
  • @vanessacys
    Imagine having a group. Purely progging and clearing via pain finder.
  • 2:17 AND I would add: the more stubborn, inflexible, defensive, irresponsible your mindset is, the more other players don't want to play with you. You gotta be open-minded, and take advice for improvements wherever and whenever you get the chance, or go and make that chance! look up a 3rd-party job guide, read the basics, practice on a dummy, and practice some more! and be sure to think for yourself, a guide is a guideline, not gospel. Adapt & adjust to downtime/uptime and MITIGATE THOSE RAIDWIDES TANKS AND DPS!!! this applies to other content to. in other words, life. Plus, Kougaon, if your definition of "fun" is causing back breaking harm to others, you may want to reconsider your definition of fun.
  • @Sev3nn20
    Love the video Kou and good work as usual, it's great to see how far you've come (I'm an og sub since your LDS days) I definitely been having fun with the harder content and as long as you set a goal and have the patience, anyone can definitely learn it and enjoy themselves
  • @llamatoddtv
    Thanks for the big shoutout Kou, you should get that paypal soon! I'm happy to help the new raiders out, it can be an intimidating first step, but you can do it, especially the ERPers! :3
  • @x3AnimeFanXD
    I thought the main way to clear anything is ...having friends xD Cuz HELL NO will I play with RANDOMS! I have all mental illnesses! You can't force me!
  • That is exactly what my friends told me when I wanted to dip my feet in Savage last year xD ! They made me learn my opener properly and the one thing that I believe made quite the difference is that we started from the older content, unsync, and then worked up to the newer ones. (I will proudly say that I was able to clear P5S in less than a month in PF \o/) We don't have a static together, mostly because I don't have a proper schedule thx to college :v , so they have their own groups and when we can we PF stuff nowadays. To those who are still afraid, it's ok. If you need someone to hand-hold you, find a friend you know will have the patience to go step by step with you, be it by teaching you or by learning with you, it makes a world of difference. And you will get out of it having a lot of funny memories (yes speaking from experience. I don't think I'll ever forget when Sis just turned off her stance during O4S's after we pulled and said "hey, you're mt now, have fun" or when my whole group on call started saying I was dead and goodbyes during O12S' beam and I survived because I was 1 pixel out of the AoE thx to BLM bullshit powers). Just remember that the aim is to have fun :D and just like Kou said, you can always just wait a while then unsync/leave it be if you are not having fun.
  • @BabyPholol
    Opener and rotation is a huge part of being okay at the game. You can go into any fight with this knowledge.
  • @soonnah9521
    For me personally, I don't care enough to go and do research for fights and overthink every single rotation down to the exact second - because that's where a game loses its fun for me. I've done my years of serious gaming, with competitive modes so I'm tired of it. However the people I play with - especially one of them - are hardcore raiders and are waiting for me to hit lvl90 to drag me into them as well. I've explained that I'm only here for fun and not here to hard mode the extremes/savages/ultimates, I don't wanna be on the receiving end of toxicity just because I'm not try-harding like others. I prefer much more chill vibes. So the moment someone expects me to go and actually research something for a game? Nah, I'd rather learn through trial and error than treat it like an exam I'm studying for.
  • @iiOmarSP
    (Which day the battle is being shown at? Ill come over) I personally prefer blind runs myself since you get to learn the more you do the fight, but checking a guide beforehand on said content would make things much better and faster to do than blind.