Making Automaton Outposts look easy | Helldivers 2

Published 2024-05-10

All Comments (12)
  • @GeneralMimzy
    The pain of you not taking the samples hurts me
  • @Melethrion
    yea so the only reason this looks easy is bc the rest of your team is probably already having a good time with myriads of active bot drops while you sneak around other locations, totally get discovered but don't have to suffer under those insta-flare-fiaskos bc of it, which would definitely have happened to you otherwise.
  • @gogo8965
    Or you can just quasar the thing from far away in vents
  • @IsaacChoo88
    Cool story bro But your teammates probably fighting for their lives against drop bots at the other side of the map lol
  • @cappedpluto7638
    so why is it that when i try to do something like this, the moment they hear gun shots, some bot on the other side of mountain shoots up a flare
  • @YungAnon7
    How do you scope in that way with your gun? I've been playing for 60+ hours but can't figure how to scope in with my gun be it the anti material rifle or this gun..
  • @daosof
    i hate the way you play. barring the fact that basically no bots were even there, you wasted a grenade on that strider instead of circling it and then didnt pick up a single sample. i feel as though i can speak for all of super earth when i tell you, we are disappointed.
  • @geoffshelton2662
    That WAS too easy. I have tried this before, and I tried again after I saw this. When I destroy that first robot, I get mobbed by 100 MORE robots because the other robots (not just one as in this video) get a flare off and mob me while drop ships arrive to drop MORE robots on top of the outpost! I never get just one robot attempting to get a flare away. If I interrupt one, another one makes an attempt. Somehow they can even get a flare away in the middle of a strike. ANY strike! And then there are the robots that patrol in while I'm still dealing with the outpost. Yes. That was too easy. I kind of get the impression a video like this might be part of the reason AH keep making lower levels more difficult for someone like me who is much more casual about my approach to the game with regards to just looking for some FUN. No, I don't want it to be too easy, but the only way I get it this easy is to play at level 2 difficulty!