Starving Cancer: A Surprising Treatment To Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease | Dr. William Li

Published 2021-09-09
Restart Your Life in 7 Days

On Today's Episode:

Being open minded to new science, new research and medical breakthroughs is always a bonus. Too often it’s thought that health is for the rich or privileged that can afford high quality care, but when researchers and physicians begin to share how easy and accessible better health is for everyone, it’s time to really pay attention. Dr. William Li is an internal medicine doctor from the Harvard Medical School Faculty that studies angiogenesis, and is the author of the best-selling book, Eat To Beat Disease. Dr. Li is breaking down the 5 natural body defenses protecting you at all times, even right now, and exactly how powerful foods are that can prevent disease in your body. This interview feels like part of the missing chronicles of optimizing your health to a level you never knew existed, and there’s nothing complicated about it.

Order Dr. William Li’s book, Eat to Beat Disease:


0:00 | Introduction William Li
0:53 | Defining Real Health
4:39 | 5 Health Defense Systems
11:00 | Hiding Cancer in the Body
18:00 | Cellular Profiling Cancer
23:07 | Microbiome & Immune System
33:03 | Medicinal Food Power
40:49 | Explaining Angiogenesis
45:15 | Eating to Beat Disease


“In most people's minds, including mine, not being sick is kind of the default definition of being healthy. But that is very problematic” [2:40]

“Health is not just the absence of disease, it is the result of our body's own hardwired defense systems, health defense systems that we’re born with.” [3:09]

“Organic coffee has more bioactives than the pesticide treated coffee because the insects, the natural things in the environment cause it to create more natural health defenses.” [39:36]

“Eating to beat disease is not just picking a particular disease and trying to figure out what the recipe is that the one size fits all. But it's really a journey that we have our whole lives.” [46:24]

Follow William Li:
YouTube:    / @drwilliamli  

All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    What’re some of the healthiest activities you do on a daily basis?
  • Today is 11-30-23. Had the surgery. It was stage 3 but they got if all. Telling me they got it all was huge. I was so determined to not do chemo. I read numerous books and watched MANY YouTube channels. You really, really helped. I'm glad I learned about turkey tale mushrooms. Also, turmeric and Essiac tea among others. No processed food. Sugar, oh my addictive deamon. I struggle but know it's poison. Will be leaving for the gym soon. Tomorrow is church then yoga. Tuesday is pilattes. I eat correctly now and FEEL GREAT. Oh, I'm 74 and look fabulous today
  • @kickie6323
    11 years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer. I had my vitamin D checked. It was only 3. It took a long time to get the level up to 70 which I understand reflects lowered cancer levels. I also took alot of supplements, ate a lazy budwig program, did IV nutrition (Riordan protocol) and alot of relaxation techniques including tapping, visualization, etc. No chemo or radiation.
  • @skytechbits
    The medical community has turned their back on me knowing that cancer is in my body. No treatments or help of any kind has been offered so I'm on my own. Thank you Dr. Li for sharing everything you do. It gives me hope as I fight it alone.
  • I strongly agree that you are what you eat. My mother is now 91 years old, still with clear mind, clear eyes, and still strong. She never tasted yogurt, cheese, and all the yumminess out there. She eats garden grown foods and she raises her own chickens.
  • @OfficialChikezie
    I wish I had a science teacher like him in school. He breaks it down and is also clearly excited about the subject. Keeps you engaged. With just the right amount of dad energy.
  • @jasonblack6142
    I've shot heroin 15 years ,been sober 7 years . Changed my diet and mind . Brain heart coherence. My life is under control for the most part lol but I can change my mind set and old beliefs so on I had a spiritual awakening at the age of 40 days last year love you all
  • I broke my motto of moderation in everything, for 20 years, and ended up with metastatic breast cancer. I was so busy, I didn't have time to cook, and depended heavily on fast foods from Wendy's and McDonald's. I wish I could say I learned my lesson, but I didn't, and have had to endure lots of surgeries and toxic treatments as a result. I finally decided to change my ways and go back to moderating my life. Only time will tell if I survive stage 4 cancer, and heart failure from all the treatments, but I am hopeful. as my cancer has been slow growing.
  • @MegaSantiago20
    You guys dont know how much I ADMIRE people like William that work so hard on trying to prevent these problems. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!
  • @ME-hv9kx
    We need to turn into nutrition as medicine in times when drugs are getting too dangerous or too synthetic for our bodies to process them. Prevention is best….I love this doctor’ s definition of health and disease. These days we don’t have doctors as most are robots of a system narrative based on prescription drugs. We need doctors with a functioning and Independent mind to lead us into healing and most important into prevention. We need more like him…
  • @mercyigaya314
    Stretching on bed, go for walk on nature, enjoy vegetables from your garden, appreciate people around you, pray always and do God’s work more often… more power😘🌸👍
  • @gamefiplayer
    My father diagnosed lung cancer last year, and the doctor said he just had 6 months to live, but 1 year after my father still live naturally without any medical treatment and he refused to do so. Now we are altering his eating for his health. This video is meaningful to me, thank you Tom , always .
  • @rick3747
    Thank you to all the physicans, chiropractors, nutritionists and the many others who teach that we can heal our bodies even of Cancer with fasting, better diets, herbs, lifestyle changes..... 👊
  • @irumkhan3381
    Key takeaways for me. - food can be just as effective as drugs against cancer according to his extensive research, compared side by side -Organic foods dont use pesticides so they have way more bioactives which are essential in our bodies to fight disease. -key foods for health defenses (grand slammers that activate all parts of the defence system as opposed to just some) : -Pomegranate -strawberries -lemon, grapes, -bittermelon - cranberries (i think?) - brocolli -blueberries - Tomatoes.stewing them makes lypocene more bioavailable. Lycopene is a potent #antioxidant with antiangiogenic (tumor suppressing​) activity. - Purple potato. “Jaw-dropper” in the book. They contain high levels of the beneficial bioactive compound anthocyanin, which has antiangiogenic activity and antioxidant effects. -Key areas of defence are androgenesis, stem cells for regeneration, gut microbiome, DNA. Spinach contains nitrogen. Great for healing and blood vessels.. -Sourdough -made with Lactobacillus reuteri, a healthy gut bacteria that helps activate our immune system and speed healing. It also activates our brain and prompts it to release the social, feel-good hormone oxytocin. The research has shown that even when the bacteria is killed by the cooking process, the remnants of the bacteria will still have all those benefits. It's quite amazing." -Green tea and coffee are also grandslammers Grand because they activate all five health defense systems in the body -nuts roasted with their skin contain more cancer fighting properties. walnuts contain a natural substance that kills cancer stem cells. - omega 3 is critical for your body and for your immunity. best source is seafood, 2 or 3 servings per week: provides omega 3 - essential ( shellfish salmon. etc) (can also be found from chia and flaxseed but you need to eat more quantity) -Kiwis are also Grand Slammers, and they're particularly great at protecting DNA, which can help slow cellular aging and reduce cancer risk. "A kiwi a day has actually been shown to reduce damage to DNA by about 60 percent," he says - One extra serving of seafood a week increases your lifespan by roughly 5 years. - yoghurt, Kim chi, sauerkraut are good for probioitics - processed meats (sausage, pepperoni etc) are carcinogens - do NOT have regularly. -vitamin k2 is found in egg yolks and chicken thighs, which is not only heart-healthy but anti-angiogenic as well, meaning it helps slow the formation of blood vessels that promote tumor growth. -brocolli - if you have a brocolli shake before you have your vaccine, it csn make the vaccine 20 times mkre powerful! -Acromancia - this is a natural bacteria in the body. Not available as a supplement. Best way to grow this bacteria is to increase the mucus in gut. Key food for this is pomegranate and pomegranate juice. This helps you to grow back acromancia. Once you have this in your gut, your body can then respond to immunotherapy. Without this bacteria, your body wont respond. This was the result of the major study done when comparing the success of immunotherapy for ALL types of cancer. Those who have acromanica will respond to it and therefore the tumor will shrink. Those who don't have it, need to first eat foods to help their natural acromancia grow (like pomegranate). - variety of whole foods nuts legumes veg will help with body defenses I must say I'm very surprised intermittent fasting was not mentioned as a way to trigger immunity and fight cancer. Has anyone read his book and can share some of the 200 keyfoods in his book?
  • I was diagnosed a year and a half ago with stage 4 metastatic cancer. Im a 41 year old single father trying to beat it.
  • Health is not the absence of disease, it is vitality, balance, strength, speed, weight, tone, mood, optimism and joy. Yep.
  • @chelle2244
    My brother Max, has cancer and is taking’s amazing, it’s a miracle! We thank God everyday for Immunotherapy & that my brother is doing well❤️🙏🏻