Subnautica's Degasi: Full Lore Documentary

Published 2023-08-25
Degasi was a medium sized ship that was owned and operated by the Torgal Corporation - a small clan-corp of the Mongolian Independent States. The Torgal Corporation was by no means massive, but it did have plenty of experience hauling materials across space, and talks were even being made of the company constructing a brand new phasegate. At the head of it all was Paul Torgal, who became the company’s CEO following his mother’s retirement. Often traveling with a skeleton crew, Paul was well known for his ability to make impulsive, but profitable decisions.

For the Corporation’s next mission, Paul planned to accompany his son Bart as they traveled to a new deep space station, where Bart would serve as Chief Operating Officer for the next 5 years. The Degasi was selected for the mission, and the crew was stripped down to just 6 members as a result of the seemingly simple task at hand.

For a while, the mission went quite well, the ship was making good time, and the crew were never distressed. Nothing was out of the ordinary until Paul observed a planet in the 4546 system. The object in question was planet 4546B - a near earth-sized terrestrial planet which appeared to contain a liquid ocean. Knowing that these types of planets were the most likely to contain life, Paul makes the decision to detour and investigate up close...

All Comments (21)
  • Why yes, Marguerite is indeed part of the ecosystem now, heck you could even say she's an apex predator
  • I feel so bad for Bart. He was just a young curious individual that wanted to do more discovering and research, but his life was sadly cut short because of the decisions of his dad.
  • @Prak_Giggles
    the sad part is that the last base could've told us a bit more about Bart's last days/weeks, but the Aurora destroyed the base and possibly any other PDAs
  • @masteryadiel
    Not only is it sad that Bart died before he could find out how to cure the disease, but also that all of his final work and home got destroyed when the Aurora landed. Imagine if there was a way to explore his final base.
  • @astrixalasen7816
    I like how Bart's POV continues off of whoever is speaking, showing that he's the one neutral party in all this, just there due to his father's choices and just making the best of it by studying the planet.
  • @NiCoNiCoNiCola
    I love how a Captain, a Biologist and a Mercenary had it worse than a janitor. One Riley is enough to defeat fauna, build bases, feed himself, establish communication with an outside ship, establish communication with a Sea Emperor, cure Kharaa within himself, hatch the Emperor's children, become a step dad for lovely little Emperors, turn off the Main Architect Defence Weapon, build a rocket and succesfully escape with tonnes of diamonds in tow, probably buying out the entire Alterra Corporation
  • @harsy1622
    man this actually describes their story the right way, great vid mate!
  • @MidanMagistrate
    People rag on Paul too much, and worship Margeurit too much. Both of them had very different views, and neither of them were inherently correct, as Bart says. Paul was playing things safe, perhaps a little too safe. His ideas for survival were sound, but a sound plan never lasts against such an unknown and alien environment. Margeurit was too hot headed and reckless, while she was right about needing the resources from the deep, she was wrong to want to stay down there just for said resources. Paul was very understandably not okay with the idea of going deeper, any normal person in such a situation would want to stay on solid ground. His constant threatening to dock Maida's pay also shows that he was confident in escaping, and that he was fearful of the ramifications that could come his way if he did whatever it took to survive. Meanwhile Maida was too obsessed with beating the environment. She doesn't like Paul for being a corporatist bourgeoisie in her own words, but also holds a very imperialist "Kill anything threatening, and use the resources to kill the next big thing". It's only when Bart reveals they're sick that reality seems to set in for both of them. That they're sick with alien bacteria, and know nothing about it. For once the two are not fighting eachother for power, and their reactions reflect their personalities. Paul is afraid, but trusts his son's intelligence and asks if theres anything he can do to help his son possibly learn more about it, any resource he can scrounge up. But Maida doesn't want to be threatened by it, almost as if the idea of being taken out by an invisible bacterium is insulting to her, so she starts cracking remarks about the absurdity of it and what it could do to them. She doesn't want to be weakened by and lose to such a thing. Really, the writing and characterization of the Dagasi Survivors is incredible.
  • @arcdecibel9986
    I liked this a lot better than trying to piece together audiologs with Reapers eating me, and that's saying something, since I found the original experience pretty enjoyable. I was so busy that I didn't ever consider the logs much, but with this talented narration I can fully appreciate the writing and character arcs. They're better than I thought.
  • @bnd1506
    it was so amazing that you rebuilt the abandoned bases! nice work!
  • @kakashi0909
    17:00 wow, i never knew margeruite is such a monster hunter. I would really love her to see toe-to-toe against an elder dragon if she can tangle with a reaper leviathan, win, and use its body for stuffs.
  • @ReallySirius
    Mercury II’s Survivors and their fate maybe? Even though the game pretty much spells it out I’d still like to hear it all in one sitting without stopping.
  • @Plazex_
    Make a below zero one. I played the game a long time and discovered that Marguerite is alive and was actually dragged to the void and appeared to the below zero map. Maybe she was dragged to the other side of the planet which explains why so many fish are the same and some are different due to the environment.
  • They should’ve made Bart’s base explorable by putting it on the edge of the crash zone. It’d be really hard to access because of all the reapers, but very rewarding because you could find lots of resources and pda’s detailing his final days.
  • @witherwolf3316
    Having a Subnautica movie about the DeGasi would be so good. The writing is already on that level. It could even have certain parts that use a found footage perspective for all the scenes that the audio logs cover, and more cinematic perspectives whenever it's filling in the gaps.
  • What surprises me about the first base of the island its the fact that there is a cave system with the gigantic alien portal on it and the degasi crew didn't find that even living there that ammont of time. I don't know if this Is explained because "in gameplay" the island its small but in lore was bigger like the maps and cities of other games like fallout or skyrim. But for me its quite surprising that they found that alien object on the island and don't searched more both over the land and under to see those gigantic floaters.
  • @miniwhiffy3465
    poor paul he got baited by a crabsquid a died it's a sad story of these three atleast we meet one
  • @tobiz1922
    2 things I noticed: Paul saw a light below him so I think he found the lost river and not a squid. He might have been killed by one though. This makes more sense since it's a hint for the player to go deeper. Bart talks about visions getting worse. I don't think Kharaa causes these so it's most likely the sea emperor trying to communicate with him like she does with the player but Bart thinks it's the illness.
  • @colbyreader
    I had done what I thought was adequate research to write a fanfic about them but wow I was missing a lot. You did such an amazing job with this and I really enjoyed the visuals. 10/10