Developers actually thought of this...

Published 2024-05-12

All Comments (21)
  • @NomadUrpagi
    Some players were absolutely bored out of their mind to find this.
  • @Kapsek1
    The most surprising part for me was that there were no missing collisions out of map at all, shit, in most games character would just fall under the map
  • I've been to that place every time I have played through the game, but I've always followed different routes (using the same mod you mention), partly to explore, but mostly because I keep on forgetting what I did on previous playthroughs ---- your route is a lot easier to remember. Thanks!
  • @tvojejidlo8143
    I feel so proud, that I found this organically on my own.
  • @kaikelley4528
    Seeing Geralt climb the mountain reminded me of Journey.
  • @-IDIR-
    I can't believe it ! Haven't seen something like that nowhere before, love it 😁
  • So they added all that out of bounds but cut of most of the map edge even when there loads of space on the map.
  • @928kkkk5
    The way Roach is gettin those abs n six pack from allat work
  • @glc8312
    This is some kind of high hrothgar pilgrimage !
  • @h4nv
    Imagine finding this by accident without actually knowing it's there. Only reason this was ever found was because of the freecamera mod, when they looked up to the mountains with it. Route was found only later. I also wonder how many years it might have taken for players to find it without the freecamera mode, if ever - which would have resulted in no one still knowing about it, which is quite interesting to think about! But yeah, it's quite interesting Easter Egg!
  • @DavidCheok
    Talk about finding a silver needle in an ocean of steel needles
  • @Valskyr
    i got out there without using mods, on xbox series x. you can break the map in the fantasy world, near the end of the main quest for the dlc
  • @ris_kis
    How did someone ever find that location?
  • @VamosViverFora
    I just found something interesting… Near the house of respite and kimbolt way (near the Nifgaardian camp, there’s a guarded treasure. There’s a stone circle. If you check the stones, you can see maybe a seagull , maybe a dog, a kraken, a swallow and a horse. The treasure is in the centre of the circle. There’s a dead nifgaardian soldier and an earth elemental. Why is there those references to Ciri? Was the soldier trying to steal the treasure or it was some kind of human sacrifice? 🤔
  • @anomalyp8584
    I always wondered if you could climb that mountain!!
  • @classydays43
    So those hugh jass mountains in the background would be accessible without borders? Damn, we're this 🤏 close to having a continent to play through!
  • @royce9749
    hello my friend, what mode did you use for the video ?