The Night I Fled For My Life

Published 2022-11-01
I was about 9 years old and in the early hours of the morning to escape my fathers violence I climbed out of my bedroom window and fled into the wintry night.

This is a story from my childhood, I am sharing this traumatic experience in the hope it helps anyone who can relate to be curious about your own trauma and continue to heal and grow from your own negative life experiences. 🙏🏼

We all have things in our childhood, I want to encourage you to go and sit with those memories that will help give you a key to your recovery and moving on.

Your life matters, and you can break generational patterns - and commit to do the work.

Get a hold of this e-book I AM NOT MY FATHER for one week only at £7.00 which included for free is the audiobook version at

All Comments (21)
  • 😢Well this explains why I’ve felt such a connection with you from the very first video, when you were explaining that you are an introvert and you don’t need fixing. God bless you Paul for all of your meaningful shares. This share, however, was right out of a long chapter of my own life. I relate to both the terror of that night as well as how it helped to mold you into who you have become. Thanks be to God that His hands are the reason that we didn’t end up on an ash heap. What a beautiful overcomer and help you are to humanity. “Beauty for ashes…”.
  • @ErickoTandayu
    Thanks for sharing Paul. Great courage to share it to us. Bless you
  • @roelkosters
    Thank you for Sharing..😢 love u bro! Wanna hug you.
  • Thank you Paul for sharing an experience in words I have found difficult to explain and connect the dots to the impact past experience can have in trusting and feeling safe.
  • @luluvsraven
    😢💔 Oh Paul. They just left. How much you have overcome.
  • @andykirk26
    Yes Paul!! 👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏽 You sharing this...... I am sure will help so many people who have had childhood trauma that almost always shapes there adult lives in some way. Hats off to you for 'Doing the work'👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏽💖 and going painfully back to that night, to forensically piece together how that awful childhood experience shaped your adult life.
  • Thank you for sharing this Raw experience with us Paul. I have too many traumatic experiences, which I have meditated on in my quiet times with Jesus, as and when they come to the forefront, over many decades, wish I could share more! God Bless you my Brother x
  • @spaceoddity5674
    Labelled.... uh oh ! ...myself as introvert....but thought confidence was not being introverted... but had to and still have to overcome fear ....
  • @user-hu9sk5cm6t
    and my mother a passive bystander as she'd call me for my father..only found out later he wasn't my biological father...I felt totally his hatred toward me..I was so little.
  • @katyaloban
    Thank you for sharing so openly. I don’t know what it did but it did something beautiful.
  • @nicolegrima3839
    Ty. It clarifies my own self in a few issues. Not wanting company. Not trusting. Not liking friends. My guitar at 15was my everything. Not wanting to socialise with anyone. Ty God I never came in contact with drugs. TyvmpS
  • @elekktrik1
    You are such a beautiful, intelligent, amazing and inspiring man. Thank you for being so open and sharing your story with us. It takes so much courage & strength to do that. ❤️🙏🏻We all have some form of trauma in our lives from childhood…& can relate to yours. You are not alone. I don’t know exactly what your spiritual beliefs are but I do know that you are a child of God & He loves you so much. Our heavenly Father is our one true father, and His love is always there for us….we can always trust and count on Him….because his love is forever faithful. I pray that you find peace & healing through His love. His arms are wide open for us to surrender all of our past…all the pain & trauma. In Him we never have to live in guilt, shame, or condemnation. He is the one true healer. His peace truly transcends & surpasses all understanding& in Him we find refuge.❤️🙏🏻😇 sending you love and hugs.🤗