The Day The Earth Got Mooned. A review. Of the game called The Day The Earth Got Mooned.

Published 2013-06-26
The Day The Earth Got Mooned is a game! From JimMakesGames, or as you know him on YouTube, JimPlaysGames. Full disclosure: I was fortunate enough to be one of the playtesters for this game. So who knows, maybe I am biased. But I do try to be honest in this review. Find out how honest by watching! Not that you would have any reference point to know if I was being truthful or not.

Anyway, this is a fun game where you shoot crap in space. It is available free at:

I am playing on my Windows XP machine, but the game runs on Java, so it shouldn't be limited to just Windows computers, but I cannot vouch for any other OS. I also can't vouch for what system specs this requires. It is not the most highly optimized game, but please do not judge by this video. There may be moments where there is slowdown, but I think that is due to me recording while playing. I did not experience slowdown in those parts while just playing. Though there are parts that get choppy. Basically, this game might require a little more computing power than one would think by the 2D style. But whatever, I don't know anything. Honest! Got nothin' goin' on in the ol' noggin' except a love of '.

One thing I forgot to mention in this video is that while this game combines a vertically scrolling shooter with Robotron kind of, I also feel a slight element of Asteroids creeping in there. Mainly because your ship actually has a little doesn't just stop on a dime when you stop pressing movement buttons.

Eh, watch the video. Please. :) I play terribly, it is amusing to watch my failure. Or better yet! Head on over to and try the game yourself. It's free! And if you like 2D shootin' crap games, this is a pretty fun one.

Relevant links:

Head on over to Jim's website and tell him Nice and Games sent ya. And tell him to return my tennis racket, it will confuse him greatly. Unless he is reading this now. Oh crap...abort mission! Run!

All Comments (12)
  • Niceandgames, I am glad you did not give up. I think you already have your own style of commentary and I know I look forward to any videos you make in the future
  • Jim has done an excellent job with this game and you have done an excellent job with this review (as always).
  • @HiroPlaysGames
    Sweet, a Nice and Games review! And sweet, a JimMakesGames game! I've yet to try this one, but I just played through Shitty Quest earlier today and loved it.
  • @16BitBrothers
    Awesome review as always, always look forward to everything you do mate ! You are a funny man ! :-)
  • @JimPlaysGames
    Nice one! And games one! So pleased to see you review this, and indeed just to see a new video from my favourite Something and Something Else type of channel. Made my day :D It can indeed get a bit choppy. Not exactly brilliantly optimised I must admit. Hehe, Scrollbotron. Man I want to make that now. More enemy types would be nice but I wasn't sure what else to make XD Thanks again. Great review, although I am biased.
  • @zendell37
    Looks good. I'll have to pick it up. Wasn't there another space shooter out in the early nineties on Mac where you collected broken parts of blown up enemies? It pops up in my brain tv every now and again, but I can't get more than a few cartoony visuals and the basic concept... Anyway, great video. I love your reviews and those other things you do in video form that get uploaded to youtube. They are fine. They are nice! And don't stop being who you are. The boot helmet/combo is groovy!
  • @Quimbyrbg
    Such an awesome game; It's a steal at twice the price!
  • @mrhoeivo
    I was excited to see a new video from you until I realized it was just another advertisement for your friend's game.