Runway collisions and emergency landings + more | Feat. Thunder storms | Besiege

Published 2020-07-11

All Comments (21)
  • @flemsemand1979
    hey guys, so tried to use some visual effects like the lightning in the video, what do you think of it, should do more videos with visual effects, or does it look unrealistic? Please let me know!
  • These never get old... I'm pretty sure this is my 4th time watching this and it hasn't gotten old.
  • plane: crashes and breaks in half Fire Truck: i sleep Plane: exlpodes and gets on fire Fire Truck: oh boi time to save some lifes
  • 3:59-4:10 Flemse Airlines flight 45 Pilots: - Captain Mark Mcdouglas (aged 38) - First Officer Reginald Crysteffor (aged 37) - Trainee First Officer Refi Wijaya (aged 30) - Flight Engineer Tyler Svensson (aged 29) Summary: Forced to make a Hard Landing Occupants: 326 Passengers: 315 Crew members: 11 Fatalities: 123 (119 Passengers, 2 Cabin Crew, Reginald Crysteffor and Tyler Svensson) Survivors: 203 (196 passengers, 5 Cabin Crew, Captain Mark Mcdouglas and Trainee First Officer Refi Wijaya)
  • @joeyhammet1
    These are the kind of videos that I like to watch while pooping
  • @raain4819
    This the best video ever on my recommendation
  • @oh_no_no_no
    9:17 Have a story. Flemse Airlines Flight 9/KLM Flight 799 - Too Close To Comfort On November 7, 2012, KLM Flight 799, a 27 year-old Boeing 727-200, took off from San Diego International Airport for San Francisco at 12:05 PM, with 22 passengers and 4 crew on board. The captain is 29 year old Jeremy Fox, who has 29,500 hours in the cockpit. The first officer is 32 year old Fernando Inez, who has 27,200 hours in the cockpit. At the same time time, a 7 year-old Airbus A330-300, operating as Flemse Airlines Flight 9, took off from Miami with 223 passengers and 10 crew. The captain is a 43 year-old Terrence Edwards, who has 74,000 hours in the cockpit. The first officer is 30 year old Damien Russell, with 22,000 hours in cockpit. At 4:05 PM, both Flight 9 and Flight 799 approached SFO. Both aircraft were nearly aligned with the runway. However, Flight 799 had gone somewhat too fast and was flying over Flight 9. As a result, Flight 9 attempted to go-around, but their airspeed was too slow. CVR: FO Damien Russell: Is KLM 799 still above us? Captain Terrence Edwards: Checked the radar, yes, they are still over us. *impact between the 2 aircraft* FO Damien: WE JUST GOT HIT BY KLM 799! REPEATING, WE HAVE BEEN HIT BY KLM 799! Captain: Get a glimpse here. We probably lost an engine. Captain: This is your captain speaking, due to a mid-air collision, we will make an emergency landing. At this time, brace for impact immediately! FO: Hold on... Captain: Ladies and gentlemen, for the 2nd time, please brace for impact! We have been struck by another aircraft and we will have to ditch! FO: Damn! System: Pull up! System: 50.. 40.. 30.. PULL UP! FO: Here we go! Captain: Ah- *impact* Flight 9 crashes while attempting to land at SFO. As it crashed, one of the engines imploded, resulting in the fuselage breaking in half. Incredibly, nobody was killed when this happened. More than 50 people were injured, however, there would’ve been more casualties had the crew not warned everyone before impact and help everyone evacuate the aircraft safely. Meanwhile, Flight 799 safely landed on the runway with no casualties, and everyone was evacuated safely. As said by the BTSB, the cause of the crash was not only due to pilot error on Flight 799 and not making a go-around, but also a faulty TCAS system on that 727. The A330 was written off. FO Damien Russell and Terrence Edwards were thanked for their efforts to save the occupants of Flight 9.
  • @M82Spartan
    Please make more of these videos I love it
  • @px41serum6
    Well to be honest my focus is not in every plane crash anymore. I am just amazed with those landing skills
  • @tgwh11
    1:45 that was a great landing! even though That plane’s back was destroyed
  • @evosagara
    Cool planes , you must have work very hard on those
  • @boxic2205
    2:14 in loving memory of Asiana 214 (this is a recreation but in a KLM MD-11 somehow at SFO)