I had ANOTHER Cringe Sonic OC???

Published 2023-04-14

All Comments (21)
  • @Cody_Wolf1
    Melody’s redesign is adorable and honestly I can see her having a fun dynamic with Shadow- especially if she’s a well known idol in the SNT-verse and Shadow just tells no one his big sister is famous cause she embarrasses him in front of his friends enemies
  • I love the drawing at the 1:00 mark, it’s just so powerful, her standing on someone’s grave and proclaiming her love for the blue blur. Truly empowering.
  • 4:59 Ah yes, childhood OC accidental incest. I feel like everyone who's dabbled in OCs at a young age did this at some point.
  • @MatthewPrower
    ngl if she ever needs a retooled backstory, i'd probably assume it was G.U.N pulling a "new kids on the blecch" by making vocaloids to subliminally convince people to join their cause ...but melody refuses, and well, y’know
  • SNT: I found you... faker. Melody: Faker? I think you're the fake around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha. You're not even good enough to be my fake. SNT: I'll make you eat those words.
  • @F0st1n4t0r
    I got a feeling that SNT and Melody could have a potential to become a long run rivalry anime series, i can tell □
  • @kirus2454
    Alright, I've spent the last couple minutes trying to salvage Melody's story, so here goes: What if the reason why Melody is so good at singing and why her color is black is because she was made out of chondrules from meteorites? To simplify, chondrules are basically beads of glass inside meteorites, so what I'm proposing is that Melody is entirely made of glass. This would explain why she's musically talented because traditionally, many instruments have been made out of glass and it would make more sense given the context that Gerald made Melody in space. Here's the reworked story: In-between the creation of the Biolizard and Shadow, Gerald created Melody as a proof-of-concept, and when she went ballistic, Gerald banished her inside a small capsule that was meant to orbit the Earth forever (that way, Melody cannot exit the capsule). Later on, at the end of SA2, when Shadow fell to his death, he managed to perfectly hit the capsule, causing it to crash on the blue planet. The capsule broke and Melody broke free. Yeah, definitely not a flawless story, but I tried.
  • @BudDinktrap
    The way Sunny looks almost identical to S.N.T. gave me an idea... what if Sunny is an alias S.N.T. uses occasionally when she needs to blend in more and hide the whole genetic experiment thing?
  • @noinfo4789
    Her redesign is adorable! Also sunny and snt shareing a hairstyle is honestly incredibly relatable
  • @DarienOppal
    It'd be kind of interesting if Sunny was Eggman's attempt at recreating SNT's ✨special✨ abilities and synthesizing her to be evil. Only for the good cells in SNT to make her turn out similarly! She doesn't get the combat skill and attraction based things because she ended up being an imperfect version - mostly as SNT's DNA going into her was diluted. It's why they look so similar but are different people! She can keep her crush on Sonic as he could find her while he was at Eggman's base, looking for something, and therefore prevented the doctor from destroying her (because she's a failure in Egghead's eyes and she doesn't need to live if she's not strong). The rest of the group take her in and being the soft, sympathetic, sweetheart she is - SNT declares Sunny as her twin sister... And if we wanna do a full tie in, Sunny can have SNT's changed personality of being a shy and self-conscious person. Maybe brought on by the fact that Eggman told her she was a failed version of SNT; who she could grow to look up to.
  • @nobody43815
    Courtney clearly made 2 female OCs based on Sonic and Shadow. Imagine these two becoming rivals.
  • Gerald creating her with the power of music is something I thought I never thought I needed to hear 😂
  • I really loved that “WHAT IS THAT MELODY?!” Part. That got me laughing. 😆
  • I think a good backstory rework is similar to along the lines of the one Matthew Prower recommended but here's my change: After the absolutely embarrassing disasters that were the Perfect Chaos Incident, The ARK Reactivation Crisis, The Black Arms Attack, and the Eggman War it was safe to say moral and overall recruitment for G.U.N was at its lowest in the organization's history. They needed to find something, anything to not just boost morale but also to increase recruitment. Luckily, they manage to find a solution, through the power of music like old-timey war propaganda songs like Over There, but with a more modern flavor so to speak. But they can't just HIRE someone to do it. They are not going through the hassels of "Legal Ownership" or risk being "Sued of Everything" because the person they hired got a big ego and wanted more than their share. No. They would have to make one. But who could they use as a base for the idol? Rouge is... well... Rouge. Sonic would never be found in time. Amy... Well she COULD work but that runs the gambit of the idol being attached to Sonic too and... No. Not worth the hassel. But who else is there? There's no one el-... Wait. No. There is another. Him. It was a gamble. A HUGE gamble at that. One that, if it didn't work, would ruin G.U.N forever. But as the old saying goes, "Sometimes you have to role a Hard Six." And so, after many months of secrecy from Project Melody came the girl herself. And to the joy of G.U.N everything, was going, perfectly. It seemed they would finally escape that pit they landed in after those strings of failures. But then, it would all come crashing down one fateful day when Shadow showed up with Rouge to one of her concerts, invited by Amy, Tails, Cream, Vanilla, and Sonic, causing a butterfly effect that would not only cause the single most important moment in Shadow's life(/character) but bring G.U.N, an organization that finally recovered after years of humiliation, into absolute ruin...
  • Melody’s redesign was just beautiful and adorable! Thanks for sharing your story about one of your Sonic OCs.
  • I would love to see more of your old OC's! Sometimes it's a lot of fun to look back at your stuff, even if it's cringe. On another note, I hope you're ready for fanart of Melody😆
  • @kulazu
    3:30 Young Courtney could have went with "Dr. Gerald tried to capture her and destroy her but SHE jumped into the escape pod and ran away." But ok I guess lmao Also it's funny how I guessed at first glance that she's shipped with Shadow because of her colors 😂
  • @F0st1n4t0r
    Ooh, Courtney has more OC that hasnt being told until now. Fascinating!
  • Kinda hoping Melody is canon to the SNT universe now. Imagine if she also has the "special" aura, and the only person it doesn't effect is Shadow because of the sibling thing. Imagine if it has an effect on Amy and then SNT and her become rivals. It would be so dumb but also so hilarious.
  • @starterking
    My brain is thinking about her connections of the black arms because even though they were only thing after this character's creation, the color scheme makes me think that she would also fall under the category of a black arms assisted experiment. That or the power of music made her so edgy that she was black and red.