All T-1000 cameos in other movies (1991-2015)

Published 2019-11-22
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Wayne's World (1992)
Last Action Hero (1993)
The Marine (2006)
Hollywood Adventures (2015)

All Comments (21)
  • Robert Patrick as the T-1000 is proof that you don't need to be 6'5" tall, have big muscles, lots of tattoos, scars or an extremely deep voice to be a scary villain in a movie.
  • Fun fact: the door was supposed to be open on the set of T2, but Robert Patrick surprised everyone by improvising the scene and melting through the bars. James Cameron decided to keep that take after he saw that it didn't need editing.
  • The way he delivers the “Say; that’s a nice bike” line is perfection. He sounds like an apex predator trying to pass himself off as “normal”, and you just know that the cop isn’t going to be around for long.
    Looking at the last action hero cameo as a kid,my mind was blown. Now as an adult, it's just 10x funnier. 😂
  • @markula_4040
    Robert Patrick was too good as the villian. That's where all the Terminator sequels have failed. He set the bar so high there was just no hope of approaching it.
  • "This guy is like the Terminator." Robert Patrick's eyes stares coldly through the rear view mirror.
  • @luvmenow33
    Robert Patrick was awesome. I remember laughing my ass off at his cameo in Wayne's World. It was so outta nowhere.
  • @billtree52
    I've seen Last Action Hero a bunch of times, and this is the first time I've noticed that Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct) is right outside lighting a cigarette. Criminally underrated movie.
  • @DeltaKnight
    Fun fact: When they were getting ready to make Terminator: Genysis, they actually asked Robert Patrick to reprise and cameo as the T-1000 in it, but he had to refuse due health-related issues.
  • In Avatar the Last Airbender, Robert Patrick voiced the Sword master Piandao, and one of his lines was nearly like this: "sword is like extentsion of you arm, it's like LONG REALLY SHARP ARM". That was very nice refference.
  • @allainangcao28
    Director: Hey Robert! We want to cast you for a role. Robert: That’s great! What’s the character, you have a script or some mockup artwork on him? Director: pulls out police uniform Robert: “Ah shit, here we go again…”
  • @kekelaward
    I really liked him in the X-Files. He did a great job with the role, in a situation most actors wouldn't want to be in (replacing one of the well loved leads).
  • Robert Patrick did a phenomenal job playing the T-1000, the facial expression and movement. Humble guy and was very lucky to take the role considering he was a unknown actor at the time. Robert Patrick is that down to earth guy, funny and has probably lots of stories to tell💯🙏
  • @freddy2nt
    He needed an Oscar for the best supporting actor. But I believe he played his role too well for the academy to consider him a human.
  • @macadoo1588
    Robert Patrick was a great villian. He said he prepared for the role of the T-100 by watching alot on nature videos on how animals and insects hunt, capture and kill their prey. He said the Praying Mantis was actually a big inspiration for the character.