Valheim-Fader Boss Fight

Published 2024-05-18

All Comments (19)
  • @Scalpelboy444
    Fader has a pretty badass design, but i think they made him way too easy for a late game boss, yagluth and the gave a way better fight
  • @onelovedrumming
    First thing they say when he spawns in... ooooh that trophy is gonna look good... love the thoughts process my dudes. I think the same way ha
  • @thorsmith59
    Lesson learned.... Bring your sacrificial buddies!
  • @cruiton_0073
    Good video bro and can ya tell me your pc specs?
  • @onelovedrumming
    I feel like other bosses (like queen mainly) hit harder... but that fire and spike earth attack is just insane to have to constantly run around and dodge... made this fight much more intense and longer imo. Had to always be one step ahead (literally of the fire) ... fun loved it. And change in tactics... thought flametal armor would be helpful... nah ask's movement came in clutch
  • @Zenith07
    Damn the difference in Hard difficulty is so Huge, without bone mass that swing wouldve drop me down below 30 health or something
  • @harryevans4994
    i think the boss is a little infuriating solo but if you’re playing with 1 or more other person its too easy
  • @slayerdude18
    2 boss powers at the same time on 1 character?? that aint legit
  • @DimaAlves
    в 5 по идее вы его должны были на пару минут уложить