Alibaba IPO: Jack Ma's Original Sales Pitch in 1999

Published 2014-09-08
In this clip from 1999, Jack Ma delivers a speech to 17 friends in his apartment to introduce Alibaba and lay out his plan to compete with U.S. internet titans. For more, check out "Crocodile in the Yangtze: The Alibaba Story," premiering on Bloomberg Television Monday Sept. 8 at 9pm EDT.

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All Comments (21)
  • @kayf_ahmad
    This is why you need Public Speaking Skills Hats off to his enthusiasm
  • @jonselair
    Well definitly not an science guy (for those who've seen his interview with Musk) but the guy is a true visionary, impressive
  • @Stringfreak
    To think that he is talking like that in 1999, before startup culture became a common thing, is outstanding. Now a days, we can easily say these things with conviction, we can start a company and run it without profit for 3 years with the hope to make it big, because we have so many examples of that now. But back then, it must've taken tremendous vision and conviction to even plan for something like this.
  • @Triannosaurus
    “Damn yahoo stock will fall and eBay will rise, then eBay will fall and alibaba will rise....” this was inspiring
  • @okealex6904
    Jack Ma like you said today is bad and tomorrow will be worse but a day after tomorrow will be beautiful. See you soon.
  • @RayMak
    Even back then, he was so clear and so passionate
  • @winzyl9546
    Basically just telling everyone to work harder
  • The audience is like "He is gonna disappear soon..." Fast forward 21 years later...
  • @michaeltse321
    Wow - Jack Ma predicted the Yahoo crash and Google rise back in 1999 when Yahoo was in it's prime.
  • @ppeeza
    Beautiful... Its always great to see a plan materialize
  • “eBay is a shark in the ocean. We are a crocodile in the Yangtze River." Passionate speech. 👏
  • @yashparmar87
    Thats why i dont have 8 to 5 attitude.. instead I have 9 to 5 attitude 😎
  • @KevinHoda
    Always nice to see it at the beginning.
  • His acknowledgement in the suffering that came in the upcoming years is one of two things that really stood out to me in this speech. Too often do people disregard this and lose faith of the long term goal they originally had in mind.
  • Yahoo fell. eBay rose. Alibaba sky high. The man predicted this 20 years ago. Holy shite
  • This video is one of those hidden gems in You Tube as it expresses the mindset and passion that like Jack Ma many visionaries employ in the development of their business. Respect.
  • @YoussefKYassine
    He had a dream, a vision and he accomplish it. I bet you that people around him by that time would have been making fun of him that he won't get anywhere! Look at him now! Powerful and Inspiring!
  • @bwing411
    As an American, I love seeing him use us as a target. I respect that drive and the capitalistic mindset. This is awesome
  • @kaolid
    “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” He studied the Art Of War