How To SURVIVE & THRIVE In The Upcoming Financial Crisis! (PREPARE NOW) | Ray Dalio

Published 2022-09-22
Restart Your Life in 7 Days

On Today's Episode:

The principles you live your life by will either reward you with a life you enjoy living or lead you to a life you want to escape. Whether you consciously choose your principles or operate subconsciously on your default network, principles specific to you are guiding you in the outcomes you achieve.

Ray Dalio is the founder of the world’s biggest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates which manages over $100 billion. His mission has been to share the principles that have made him wildly successful. He wasn’t born into wealth, so when he shares these principles and lessons he’s found repeatedly successful, you may want to take notes.

This episode is stuffed with foundational ideas and mindset shifts to help you succeed and learn to start thinking from first principles. Understanding how to handle your opinions, how to struggle well, how to separate yourself from doing things that are better done by someone else is your first step to major success.


0:00 | Introduction to Ray Dalio
0:14 | Prepare for the Recession
33:32 | The Secret to Wealth & Success
52:55 | How to Survive & Thrive
1:20:50 | Adopt the Right Mindset


“When you have a large wealth gap and you have an economic downturn people are more inclined to have conflict.” [10:57]

“People in the top 40% of income will spend about five times as much money on their children’s education than those in the bottom 60%, and that’s neither fair nor productive.” [26:18]

“There’s always a path out there, you just don’t happen to see the path now, so you have to find the path.” [32:44]

“Make your passion and your work the same thing.” [35:52]

“The truth is you can have a lot more life and you can have a lot more if you know how to get more out of a minute.” [37:10]

“Struggling well will get you what you want rather than avoiding struggle.” [39:41]

“If you worry, you don’t have to worry, and if you don’t worry, you have to worry.” [40:53]

“What you don’t know is greater than what you do know.” [1:08:14]

“If you have the equanimity, that calm centeredness, and you have your plan, and you triangulate well with others so that you can get all the best advice and don’t have to approach it in your own head, you're a long way there.” [1:20:31]

“If you can get past your ego barrier and you get past your blind spot barrier you can accomplish anything...” [1:21:45]

“For God’s sake don’t be overly opinionated! Just because you have that opinion doesn’t mean that it’s true.” [1:23:11]

“If you want your life to be successful you will not let yourself do certain things because you’re just no good at them.” [1:31:37]

Follow Ray Dalio:
YouTube:    / @principlesbyraydalio  

All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming recession? Drop a comment below!
  • @chris-pj7rk
    In every crisis, there is an opportunity," as the saying goes. The 2024 recession, while challenging, presents unique avenues to amass wealth. First, it's essential to remember Warren Buffet's advice: "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." During recessions, assets often undervalue. By investing wisely in stocks, real estate, or businesses during this downturn, you position yourself for significant returns during the economic recovery.
  • @neworleansjoe
    Biggest lesson of 2022 in the stock market: Nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and follow a strategy with a long term edge.
  • @joesphcu8975
    I used to think everybody went broke during the Great Depression and other major crashes but they didn’t… Some made millions, I also thought everybody went out of business during these times but they didn’t, some went into business, there's always depression/recession for some people and there's always a good time for others, it's all about perspective.
  • @Rochelletrem
    Thank you. Just what I needed to watch. My hubby and I are directors of our farm business and own property, plus small pensions. I am nearly 52, hubby is 55. We have started to save to retire from the farm, and possibly live on rental income, I'd really appreciate you go LIVE and talk about how to earn passive income online and retire comfortably, let’s say $1M.
  • I learnt most of these principles about seven years ago. A lot of people have been trapped strongly in the matrix-- Go to school, get a job, and then slave your whole life. Many miss out on life-changing information that could have great effect on their finances. I played with the stock market sometime in 2020, and I was surprised at how well it turned out. I want to put in $80k more into the market. I heard people are making really great returns despite the downturn. Any recommendations?
  • @jameswood9772
    I wonder if people that experienced the 2008 crash had it easier because. my portfolio has lost over $27000 and I don't see my retirement turning out well when I can't even grow my stagnant reserve
  • Every family has that one person who will break the family's financial struggle, I hope you become the one 😊, Merry Christmas!!
  • @andrew.alonzo
    At this moment, it is crucial for individuals to prioritize investing in alternative streams of income that are not reliant on the government, particularly with the existing worldwide economic crisis. Investing in stocks, gold and digital currencies can still be profitable during this period. Therefore, it is advisable to explore these investment options to secure one's financial future.
  • Investing in alternative income streams that are independent of the government should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.
  • @toughtiffies
    I’m in my 30s, and I feel like I’m 16 some days and 65 other days. I’ve been through quite a bit in my life. I’ve experienced a bankruptcy, homelessness, physical abuse, alcoholism, and I lost my spouse to suicide in 2020. I’ve just come to realize that pain is in attachment. Nothing in life is permanent, and learning to stay in that realm of non-attachment allows you to love more and fear less. The reason we have regrets when we get older is due to the things we didn’t do or say; we don’t regret the failures. I spend time with family as much as possible now. It’s not about the years they have left, it’s about how many times you get to see them before there is no more time. Spend time being grateful for the things you have, and the things you’ve taken for granted. There is never a “perfect” time. The time is now. Do it before you regret not doing it, and do it with gratitude of being capable at this time to do it.
  • In this perilous time of recession, protecting your capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if you lose your capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over. This is for stock holders.
  • @comment2250
    Having the BASICS in life food, clothing, shelter, and good reasonable health are all blessings, everything else is extra.
  • @franknedu1957
    With the current problem around the world today I think it's best everyone invest more in digital asset than Saving in banks, anyone you can manage don't live a life with no investment . Just my thoughts
  • Money is a way to build and grow. Asset ownership is the way to build wealth. Financial freedom is your ultimate goal.
  • These are very valuable rules for anybody who wants to get rich. Unfortunately, most people who will watch this video will not really be able to apply the principles. We may not want to admit, but as Warren Buffett once said, investing is like any other profession-- it requires a certain level of expertise. No surprise that some people are losing a lot of money in the bear market, while others are making hundreds of thousands in profit. I just don't know how they do it. I have about $89k now to put in the market.
  • @BrainKeener
    The financial system has been artificially pumped for over a decade to ensure big pockets were lined; and now those same hands will make a fortune in the largest transfer of wealth in human history by shorting it on the way down. Inflation does have a roll, but that's to keep everyone panicked, and focused on their bills and expenses, rather than focus on the capital crimes of politicians and corporations,I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $338k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market??
  • I have started to embrace a simple life. Got rid of the things I think I need and have done with basic necessities and I am actually more content. There getting us addicted to everything, so that when they take everything away ( which they will) your more likely to do what is required to gain back. Embrace simplicity you will be glad you did.
  • @kaylawood9053
    What's happening in the market is quite unfortunate. However, if you're cautious, even the worst recessions present fantastic purchasing chances in the markets. Additionally, heard volatility can produce fantastic short-term buy and sell opportunities. My portfolio has lost approximately $13K this month alone, and my earnings are in free fall as a result of the market conditions. I would be grateful for any further guidance from anyone who has greater knowledge.
  • Market declines, soaring inflation, a significant increase in interest rates by the Fed, and rising Treasury yields all point to additional losses for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the present market turbulence? I'm still debating whether to sell my $125,000 ETF/Growth Stock portfolio.