Arditi - Forging a New Man

Published 2014-12-16
Album: Leading the Iron Resistance, 2011

All Comments (21)
  • @Kreia.
    a man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
  • @MrLegandir
    For many generations…they obeyed the laws and loved the divine to which they were akin…they reckoned that qualities of character were far more important than their present prosperity. So they bore the burden of their wealth and possessions lightly, and did not let their high standard of living intoxicate them or make them lose their self-control… But when the divine element in them became weakened…and their human traits became predominant, they ceased to be able to carry their prosperity with moderation. ― Plato, Timaeus
  • @RealCasperMan
    Baptize yourself in fire, hammer away at weakness, forge an invulnerable soul, with your body as weapon.
  • Man, when forced to use all of his intellect and wisdom, can create perfection in the form of social construction. Wandering through life, confused, without a common purpose, leads to failure and rot. Here we are. Action without purpose leads to failure.
  • @fredbear8047
    I don't know why I love this genre. But indeed I do. A feeling of wealth, accomplishment and knowledge.
  • Feeling myself like a titan in GYM listening to this. I'm sculpturing my ideal of myself from a rock, forging the figure and the will from raw metal. Glorious and noble music for gentlemen for all times and eternity. Raise your dignity and despise the fear! You are strong and can do everything ! The only limit is your time, use it wisely, brother!
  • @uberfeel
    "Liberty is a duty, not a right" - Benito Mussolini
  • @Octaviu5
    "In the crucible of creation, where the raw elements of potential coalesce into realities untold, there arises the Titan of Thought, the Sculptor of Civilization: Man. A Promethean force, Man reaches into the maelstrom of the void, his hands guided by the whispers of aspiration, to wrest from chaos the building blocks of tomorrow. With every stroke of innovation, every chisel mark upon the marble of existence, Man furthers his quest for a transcendent apotheosis, cultivating the garden of culture from the wilderness of primal instinct. As the plough furrows the earth, rending it to yield abundance, so do Man's instruments carve the path to societal nirvana. From the bonds of kinship sprout the roots of governance, the shoots of polity—a verdant canopy sheltering the blossoming of the human spirit. Amidst this perpetual renaissance, Man strives not merely to be, but to embody the sublime architecture of celestial design. Yet, in the shadowed recesses of Man's triumph, the Subhuman slinks—a spectral antithesis. This Leviathan of Envy gnashes its teeth against the sinews of achievement, a corrosive entropy intent on reclaiming light for the dark. Where the Titan of Thought constructs, the Subhuman connives to desecrate. It scours the relics of progress with an infernal fervor, seeking to raze the cathedral of Man's brilliance to but a whisper. Where Man kindles the beacon of progress, a Promethean fire defying the night, the Subhuman skulks in umbral enclaves, cavorting with specters of ruin. In the bogs of despondency, in the mires where hope sinks and festers, the Subhuman concocts its vile congress. From such Stygian depths emerges the Subhuman's monarch, the Eternal Jew, emperor of dissolution, a sovereign whose crown is wrought from the wreckage of human grandeur and whose scepter, a conduit of collapse, touches upon the bones of the world with a caress that leaves naught but the ash of failed empires. With each languid wave, dynasties dissolve into dust, their majesties and marvels rendered into footnotes of a history devoured by his insatiable hunger for the end of epochs. Enthroned in a court where the echoes of splendor's last cries reverberate against the cold, unfeeling void, the Eternal Jew presides over entropy's ceaseless ballet. Around him, a retinue of phantoms dance to the silent music of decay—their movements a somber pantomime that paints the air with the frost of oblivion. Amid this cosmic theatre, a silent war wages in the metaphysical ether—between the celestial Titans and the chthonic fiends. Each sunrise fans the flame of Man's resolve, each innovation a hymn in the symphony of advancement; but with every moon's ascent, the malevolent choir of the Eternal Jew hums its siren call to decay. The stage of existence is vast and ever-shifting, with Man and Subhuman locked in an eternal ballet. One beckons forward into the halcyon glow of uncharted firmaments, while the other seeks to choreograph the sabotage of the very stepping stones to divinity. The cosmic scales tip with each act of creation, each idea birthed, and each call to greatness heeded by the true children of the stars—the harbinger of a dawn wherein Man reigns supreme, and the specters of the abyss are but a cautionary whisper in the winds of history." – Heinrich Himmler
  • At the foundation of this new religion was an ancient occult legend that tells the story of a continent somewhere in the north Atlantic. There lived a race of super-beings who'd fallen from grace through evil and vice. A great flood wiped these beings off the face of the earth, but before they could all be destroyed, certain priests escaped by boat eventually finding their way to India and the high peaks of Tibet. These escaped priests, believed by mystics to be the original race of Aryan god-men, were said to be the ancestors of all Indian and European people. The land was called Atlantis.
  • @Axandmilitary
    This music evokes the idea of a human race that has managed to eliminate numerous different alien species in the Milky Way. Humans now control the entire galaxy and belong to the higher species. Their rise to dominance has not only demonstrated their technological brilliance but also their unwavering determination and ingenuity. The galaxy now bends to their will as they usher in a new era of human rule.
  • @danbreeden91
    some of the great leaders in history according to legend were partly divine
  • @Airman1121
    This is music to recover from leg day. That feeling of satisfaction when you beat your Personal Best when squatting.
  • @andresarcos3824
  • @danbreeden1801
    A new Atlantis arises from coming technological singularity
  • @padraig88
    Warriors of unaltered blood, now is the time!
  • @rexaxis3450
    I know I'm probably on a list now, but this music is very fitting for working on Horus heresy/40k projects