made in love

Published 2024-07-07
all i ever wished for was to be friends with everyone, this community has taught me otherwise. its everyone's job to make sure that you have a miserable time. the amount of bias in every decision made is insane. i've talk to many many people throughout my 5 years of playing, and it seems the more i stay, the more people hate me for made up reasons. soni led me on for multiple months, so i cut him off, he tries to join RT while i was also RT, i bring up saying i do not want him here and that i'll leave if he gets added. well he gets added so i leave the server, i look in the server with my alt and its albe saying im permanently banned from joining RT because i left when he did. i didnt know it was my fault he cheated on me. he got reese banned, his proof was proven false within 20 minutes. albe broke up with him for a little bit because cynthia showed albe undeniable proof that soni cheated on her with reese, a couple days later, they're back together and now albe doesnt like cynthia and reese. i cant even imagine what he told her, but its ASTONISHING how we let someone like this in the community. its crazy to me how they always ban people they dont like with little to no reasoning. examples, me with rt, odmack for doing the exact same thing as someone else, the other person did not get in trouble, he had to fight to get unbanned. the entire server has turned into a who has a bigger friend group challenge. you can see people like cynthia who have also encountered similar interactions, look where she is now, gone from the community. ive never seen more self loathed, self centered, losers than people in cs. you manage to take everything good about a community and take it out. something that happened very recently that was my last reason to leave, i say that you cant put a super specific niche that one person can hit and call it a top pass, i was then proceeded to get yelled at by every single person. another scenario, devilcat was sharing that his parents just got divorved, i ask why he would share such information to such a public group, he then proceeded to yell at me for asking that question, so i told him i'd fight him, which is obviously wrong, but you simply cant get mad at someone asking why would you share very personal information in a public server, i was proceeded to be told to shut the fuck up by multiple people and that i was a terrible person. of course there are some very nice people in cs that just cant outweigh the 5 terrible people. and to those people, i have very high respect for.
to bug, you were probably my biggest inspiration to keep pushing myself to where i am now, i probably would've quit 4 months ago if it weren't for you. i dont know if i can emotionally pick myself back up to grind this game again but you make it easier
to cynthia, you were there when i was probably at one of my lowests, and im very happy that we talked for the time we did.
to syn0sin, i never got to talk to you that much but for the time i did, you were super cool and i'd always like to hang out with you again.
to flashy, you are probably one of the nicest people i know and i wish you keep it up 🙏, thank you for putting me on mac demarco, he's still my most listened to artist each month, and i will for sure still talk to you on tiktok
to reVIVe, you basically built my career in challenge and i will forever be grateful about MN. i couldn't have asked for a better friend group back then, it was like actual core memories 😭
to MGK, you have probably one of the coolest personalities i've ever seen, i dont know if you're still dating that one person but i hope you guys go far, and i will still keep you added on discord cause you're freaking cool.
to dorsalplum, might sound kinda dumb but i was always happy when i saw new requests from you because they're always good
to awzzie, albe, and soni, you are the problem and you should reconsider some things with your life.
to log specifically, you are the worst, most terrible, annoying, transphobic, person i've ever had the displeasure of being friends with. for all 6 years i've known you, you made fun of me for being suicidal, you constantly make fun of me whenever you get the chance so you look better, you faked your depression to get prescribed pills just because your sister genuinely had depression. you SA'd your ex and then got mad at me when i found out. you've ruined 3 of my relationships just to make yourself feel better, you threatened to take your life because a lesbian wouldn't date you. i've never seen a worse person in my life.

i could probably make a 30 minute video explaining every single thing that has happened and how the people who are truly the problem just dont get in trouble, and i probably will be doing that soon if i get the motivation for it.
im at 5000 characters now so i cant write anymore. i missed out on a lot of important details that i will be sharing at a later time. thank you to everyone who was there for me.

All Comments (21)
  • @Seaweeduu
    you're so on point about so much here. the community is so painfully plagued with bias and ego its insufferable. its hard to have opinions about anything there and not apparently be wrong about everything you support. if this is goodbye, know I'll respect you forever as a friend, a player, and a person. i hope that whatever you migrate to can provide you some healthier reciprocation, because you didn't deserve the mud the community forced you through. you're one of the most accepting people I've ever come to know, sleep. best of luck in everything you do. & thanks for all the great music lol, a real one for that for sure
  • @gmoney6829
    While I have also made some mistakes in the community I completely understand what you are talking about. I am very sorry for what the community has put you through, and I’m sorry for the way you have been treated by others when you were at your lowest. A player that is as respectful and kind as you are doesn’t deserve to be treated in such an awful way. I completely understand how you feel because I got treated the same way at one point. Everybody hated me for cheesing stuff and the whole transphobic thing happened with me, and people were calling me a bad person because of it. Thank you so much for putting this out there Sleep, you will always be a goated person in this entire community. Thank you for the inspiration you have given me as well 🙏
  • @schonk_
    this is so sad to hear and it is just so relatable. i'm not saying i was always a kind person in this server but it was probably because of the energy that people have in this community. everytime i put anything in ranking requests i get flamed like im stupid or dont even have any idea of what im talking about and this is just sad to see cuz i was genuenly trying to change the ranking of cs for the better. after deleting my maps i just realized how terrible people can be in this community as i got insulted by people i thought were my friends over maps i deleted. the only worth people saw in me is in the maps i provided to the ranking and not in me as a person. being gone from this community has improved my life in every aspect for the better.
  • @spearrrr_
    this is painfully accurate, i know i havent been in any drama other than the 900bpm thing 2yrs ago but its insufferable the way everyone in this community treats each other. ive been on good enough terms with enough people in the community to hear first hand peoples opinions of others, and it is actually so unwarranted. like, its a fucking game dude theres no reason to slander other people bc they did/said something you dont like. its disgusting how much people in the community escalate things. if you wanna talk tho hmu (i cant dm you bc i dont have ur new acc added)
  • @chillbs7426
    i am extremely sorry for how you were treated, at the time i didn't think much of it, as i didn't really have and still really haven't had much involvement in the community besides randomly going into general and saying "ever" or whatever the fuck, but i wish you the best for whatever you do next and i'm glad we could share a lotta fun times in mn and just random gcs.
  • @DySMiSeRy
    yo we havent spoken in a while but im glad i got to chat with you the times i did while you were in the community, you're fr one of the coolest people ive met through challenge and it sucks that the community has dragged you through the dirt as much as they have, best of luck to you in whatever you choose to do next! I'll always be rooting for ya
  • @p1nk90
    It's really interesting to hear diffrent perspectives and like damn like even minutes ago I was talking about you in cs and they were saying that "everyone dick rides sleep." I wish the best for you in life and sorry for the treatment that some of cs has given you and I know I haven't treated you the best but back in the prime days of MN it was really fun with you and all the goofy shit that went on. I wish the best for you Sleep.
  • @sirpine0101
    i am and always will be here for you :). if you even need to talk about anything thats happening i am here.
  • @veonox7461
    why is bro deleting comments critizing people?
  • @Leva_
    dude i’m really sorry for all of that, it was great that i could be friends with you
  • @Koishii7_7
    At the end of the day, we should all just try to have fun playing the game right?
  • @idk_Meow
    I didn’t know these stuff were happing in cs Wowie😨. I hope you have a good and fun life I hope you get better. Thank you for teaching me how to do floor to tytyty
  • @soap_420
    :( i aint been around for a while but im sad to see u go. u a real 1 sleep
  • @CosmonautSaitni
    hey man listen i completely understand everything you said. ive been fucked over multiple times for bullshit reasons by some certain people... honestly if you need help with anything i am willing to help. you were always good to me and im glad i at least got to know you a little bit. i considered you one of my closest friends at one point. thanks for always being so nice to me.
  • @Speedy0248
    you were a great friend sleep. multiplayer nerds was so fun. i hope to see you around sometime again 🙏
  • @Gas469
    sigma pass sleep (don't quit you're good at this game!)
  • @reeseresse378
    never seen something so accurate in my life😭 it feels so refreshing seeing someone actually say whats wrong with cs instead of just "cs bad", thank you for this and thank you for always being nice to me regardless of how immature i was and i hope we can still talk even if you arent playing the game anymore