[BTF M.U.G.E.N] arm-fu girl

Published 2022-12-21
so someone just uncovered a version of kung-fu girl that's older than anything i've seen documented. the only differences from the version afterwards that i can see is that she can summon kfm and has less brutal ai (a miracle for me because i fuckin suck at fighting games lmao). the level 3 hyper at the end isn't exclusive to this version, i just thought it was kinda out of place, why does she become demon
also if you're wondering what the "BTF" in the title means, it's the initials to my old username (BrodyThomasFan). so there ya go
also new watermark, woo.
download that shit here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiSTAaVdLTAYhQ3B4...

seriously i can NOT get over how long her arms are, LOOK AT THEM

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