Unemployment goes up. Mbeki quits campaign. IEC says no Zanu PF observers in SA elections.

The unemployment data from the first quarter of 2024 has been released and the numbers are scary. The IEC made several announcements pertaining to Zanu PF and to Zuma's face being on the ballot. Thabo Mbeki has suspended campaigning for the ANC!

コメント (21)
  • @kgjaqe1169
    Precise and to the point, thank you ever so kindly!
  • @mabaker391
    Mbeki's turn around on the ANC party has done more harm than his apparent support....
  • You see why we all love President Zungula 🤔, he sees it differently. He sees this thing with a Double Giraffe View, we can't have Zimbabwe or DA's preferred USA to monitor as
  • @tamara40
    Zanu PF haibo guys observing our elections njani what is wrong with ANC they want to hold to power forever MH just asking
  • Funny how unemployment is so high, but go to government departments and check how empty their offices are. Hell, you will barely see even a cleaner there! If government really wanted to create jobs the public sector would be an example even before foreign investment. They'd rather be short staffed and chow the money. The only jobs they will create for the next five years is the exploitation of young people through level 2 learnerships and none permanent placement internships. We need to catch a wake up call..its intentional and self-serving!
  • @karabo166
    You doing an excellent job on the updates. Better than news channels and established podcasts
  • I like You, you are accurate and can explain very good, every thing in Details. Very good and very seriously Keep it up.
  • @Gatvol9674
    I do agree that unemployment is very high and out of control
  • Thoroughly confusing...JZ is first candidate listed on the final list of the National Ballot for Parliament...yet another distraction from getting our country to move forward!! 🙈
  • I've been looking for this information for such a long time
  • Zuma did clarify how MKP will operate, he said once you are on a NEC, you not going to Parliament. I suspect he will be a member of NEC and appoint others to go