Do we know Frank Castle: A Punisher Retrospective

Published 2023-12-05
Frank Castle: Simplistic killer or ... complex killer? Well, I believe The Punisher is more than what he seems. The comics and most adaptations bring out sides of him that belies the simplicity most people conjure when they think of him.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rubenhinze7695
    I loved that final metaphor. If Matt Murdock is the Devil, Punisher is the Grim Reaper.
  • @MrDp115
    The Punisher is one of the most misunderstood characters, even writers at Marvel alot of time don't understand the character.
  • @fettbub92
    The punisher is my favorite comic book character. He is borderline evil, but his devotion to his war is facinating. Whats better, he would set fire to a building to kill an entire crime family, but could run into a burning building is he hears a child yell for help.
  • I truly believe the reason The Punisher is so popular is because he represents the pure anger we all feel when we see how nature, culture and innocent people are being collateral damage inside of the system we live in. He's doing what we all think of doing at some point out of a sense of impotence, simply killing the people responsible for causing so much pain. Yet, in these times, Frank should be a cautionary tell of why violence is never the answer and taking that path is only falling into the same cycle that led us to where we are in the first place. He's a consequence of that cycle, we should be looking for ways out of it, not perpetuate it. Marvel has a great chance of carrying that message with this character, now specially, when so many people are feeling the system's failure first hand, hope they see the potential. This is probably the best breakdown of the character I've seen. Thanks for the amazing video!
  • @mueggsy
    I was talking with my friend about the Punisher earlier, and she and I agreed that being a male fan is a yellow flag (since you have to take a minute to determine if they like his character or want to BE the character), wheras with women Punisher fans I'm always interested in their takes on him right out the gate. Needless to say, I became immediately intrigued when your voiceover started! I also loooooove Matt and Frank's relationship, their interactions boil themselves down to their core essentials and it's fascinating every time. Their interactions also ring of a divorced couple lmao. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that convo between them on the rooftop in DD season 2 is my favorite dialogue exchange on screen. Its just chef's kiss 😙🤌 On that note, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal that Punisher season 1 & 2 would've been better set prior to Daredevil. I like the show just fine, but I can't deny it would thematically flow a bit better. All the same, I can't deny I enjoy the softer side of Frank in the show, even if it deviates from the comics. I wasn't a big fan of his fling with the woman at rhe beginning, but I like his relationship with Amy and Micro's kids. I think his fatherly side that peeks out is an interesting juxtaposition with his, well, everything else side. Regarding your recurring point about Frank always being right in his mind, I agree with you, but I wish we'd seen more exploration of this. Remember that episode near the end of season 2 when Billy tricked Frank into thinking he killed a bunch of innocent women? Before Frank realized he didn’t actually kill the girls (a total cop-out imho), the man was like, outright suicidal. I believe that if Frank ever screwed up and killed an innocent civilian, he would take himself out because in his mind, there's no longer anything separating him from the people he punishes. I think the only reason we haven’t seen this in the comics is because then, well, no more Punisher. Anywho, I found this Punisher essay after seeking them out following the pic Jon Bernthal posted on his insta today! What are your thoughts in his return in DD Born Again? My hopes and fears are equally high 😅 You just got yourself a new subscriber! Off to watch your Jason Todd essay 🤙
  • @GHOSTRIDER373737
    As one of the biggest Ghost Rider fan out there, I felt like it's an obligation for me to correct the final parts where the penace stare doesn't works on Punisher, it was fundamentally wrong on the writer's part (Marvel Now's Thunderbolts was absolutely atrocious) and had been correct later in Punisher's own series, he got the stare again and this time he vomited. Penace Stare is a divine power that burns people's sin regardless if they felt guilty or not.
  • @dizzykwalla1198
    Made me nostalgic. I grew up mostly with the 90's comics, also the first movie, second movie, and the tv show. You put it all together so elegantly. A great video!
  • @chuckmann7127
    You should check out Punisher Vs. The Marvel Universe. It's basically like 28 Days Later but with Marvel Characters. What's really interesting is that despite the world being full of cannibal monsters that enjoy their brutal acts, Frank is just as bad. Even though he caused the plague, he has little remorse and lives just to kill all the infected; even if that means turning away other survivors because they will get in the way of his hunt.
  • @Temple-27
    He's so similar to Jason Todd, unfortunately...both could've been so much more, rather then mess their own lifes with vengeance.
  • @final_catalyst
    he is a mirror to show us the worst of humanity, but in a way that lets you see how someone would get there, with the understanding no one really believes they are evil. (that is not to say people don't think actions they take can be bad)
  • @BBest1996
    As an Ennis fanboy not ironically either like I genuinely love basically everything he writes I really respect Garth Ennis for writing people with morals that actually reflect our reality. (To some extent)
  • @wildrabbit2237
    Great insight! I love you videos, my favorite background drawing videos
  • @Temple277
    Honestly i still like Punisher as a character but i just recently find the idea of anti heroes boring, overused and cringe. Don't get me wrong i love characters such as red hood or the authority, but i just prefer to read about fun and cool complex characters such as my boy Supes, Shazam or Flash rather then dark edgelords such as Batman, Red Hood or Punisher. Idk maybe just me, but i just hope we will see that ine scene from Superman vs the elite in Superman Legacy where Supes talks about how we should fight for our dreams and give others a chance no matter who they are rather then becoming the dark machine of vengeance who kills basically anyone who happens to be the villain of the story, and hopefully if that happens it will end thr whole trend anti heroes just so the true heroes of the story can return, in a flash. P.S. u made another banger video, u should be proud of yourself! ✌️
  • @MrFillus
    I’m with you on giving that scrappy soccer hooligan lady a second crack at Frank, BUT only if the polar bear she forces him to strike is a New Yorker polar bear with the accent & all. 😂
  • @MrFillus
    Heya, Miss, I was curious about your feelings regarding the Fantastic four cast announcement & Deadpool & Wolverine trailer?😀
  • @movieguy6505
    She's right about the MCU version of the punisher. The Marvel cinematic universe has always been having a continuity problem due to its more fluid nature that it takes from the comics. Sure it does have a good consistency for lining stories up together in a linear fashion but as a massive storyline it misses some core details about minor characters that sometimes slipped between the cracks. Also it's the fact that Marvel Studios is owned by Disney who just from a business perspective likes the crank these out almost every year.
  • @thescarlettlez
    Great vid! My support of vigilantism comes from a place of knowledge. The system's "trained pros" are only humans. They aren't smarter. They aren't more noble. They aren't braver. They have addictions,biases and even sociopathy. Does that mean I can automatically fly a helicopter? No,but when resources are kept from regular people it places a cap on their skill set. This cap is artificial. Access to helicopters would create more copter pilots. At least,resource access is a baseline from which to build a general populace that can actually manage for themselves. Why wouldn't the system want that? Is it because we would find them lacking and replaceable?
  • @paulakroy2635
    2:06 he knows that deep down. He knows he’s a hypocrite and yet he is still justifying to himself so that he can sleep at night.