how to get over your fear of being seen | confidence is UNCOMFORTABLE

Published 2024-04-17
Confidence is uncomfortable.. I think as we get older and as we start showing more and more of ourselves and the way we think over the internet
you sart to recognize one thing that we all have in common. We have No SHAME.. And its so funny because when people are living their lives and some are choosing to share parts of themselves ..
you see theres a CLEAR spectrum.. Theres people that may share an outfit or a beauty routine or two.. and then theres other people that share… ALOT.. (we wont get into specifics about what those things are but you know.. its OUT THERE) and so many people are floored.. like I cant belive your sharing that with the world??? “have you no shame?” and the answer is “No ..they dont” and neither should you!
In this episode I will unpack the many layers we may have about the fear being seen and having the confidence to live in our authentic selves .. so that we can get closer to living in our purpose with no limitations..


[email protected]

"THE Raw and a Half Podcast"…

Keywords: feminine energy, strong boundaries, financial security, dating, detachment, magnetic energy, well-being, peace, empowerment, personal growth, how to be magnetic, self-interest, dream self, emotional regulation, self-worth, that girl,seeking validation,how to validate yourself,external validation,male validation,stop people pleasing,chasing others,chasing validation,grow your self worth,how to improve self worth,validate yourself sis,insecure,self doubt,people pleaser,chasing men,emotional validation,how to be more secure in yourself,be more independent,level up,self development,stop waiting for people,self love,how to be a confident woman,confident women

All Comments (21)
  • @Sasha-K
    I’ve come to realize that my outward authenticity reveals others inner hidden insecurities. I’ve always felt like I’ve never belonged & highly sensitive to others perception. To my detriment, longing for deep connections has unconsciously trained me to suffocate/ hide to just to belong...But it’s my time to be seen so others who think like me can find me.
  • @xoxo.landecia
    It definitely hit when you said “I feel like I’m a better writer than I am a speaker” My voice had been quieted so long that I didn’t know it..
  • @AnissaRenee817
    "At the end of the day, You are the one standing in the way of your highest timeline."
  • @kaylanp4476
    Loved this. I'm so used to dimming my light because others couldn't handle my shine. So I was forced to choose between either dimming my light or allowing myself to shine in the company of someone I knew would mishandle me. That stops now. I'm choosing me. Everyone else can put on shades if they can't handle my glow. If I say I want something, that's what it's going to be! With God on my side I can't lose.
  • @asharirolack2998
    I always felt like nobody understood me. Like if I speak my mind, I will only be judged and looked at crazy. When I speak about something, I get caught up on how I sound. Like if I sound insane. I’ve been wanting to make videos like this. But I get so caught up in how I will be judged. I know people need me the way I needed me. I know it’s time to shine my light and get out there. And I’m really going to try to challenge myself. Thank you ❤️
  • @chachasliiide
    “..tried to package myself in a way that was digestible. Not because I was easy to take, but..” 😮‍💨 that was a word
  • @bbasali6046
    Your voice is so relaxing! You should do like guided sleep meditations!
  • @jasminegayle
    Jasmin! The way I resonate with you is crazy. I have been getting so many signs that I need to share more, let go, and trust. I appreciate you for showing up the way you do.
  • @MeadowsOfSound
    It is mind-blowing to me that someone who is young, has super-model good looks, is cogent and polished in her delivery, can still have wrestled with insecurity about being seen! Nuts. But I get it: environment and upbringing both can create soul-stifling experiences. I am glad you are standing up to challenge them, and are sharing that wisdom with the world.
  • @galerights8983
    i love how the camera angle steered away from direct eye contact at the most vulnerable part of the conversation. because of that, i was able to concentrate on what you were saying. thank you for this.
  • My fear has held me back for truly showing up as the person God wants me to be. This video brings comfort that I too can step to the plate and do it scared ❤
  • @ChristianGolson
    Hi. Took a bath, and sat the phone on the sink ans received your message. Thank you, and congrats on allowing yourself to be comfortable inside and out. Ill get there. (:
  • @kayprizzy4358
    “God said your an angel, angelll , angelllll” 🎶🎶🎶
  • I’m 20 I’ll be 21 in a week I watched this video before work and I have put so many positive thoughts into my head I’m use to hiding myself I cringe at the thought of embarrassment and vulnerability this video has inspired me to put myself out there and know that I have a purpose in this world .
  • @smitamehera7723
    Jasmin , I resonate with you so much. As a child , I always had this complaint that nobody understands me! Now I am on my own healing journey , trying to set boundaries and living with authenticity.
  • @ChildofGod98765
    I’m surviving by the grace of GOD! Heavenly Father please continue to protect me and my sons. I’m a single mother God has carried me. Both of my sons are special needs. I’m overwhelmed at times. I’m struggling to provide the necessities for my sons like food and clothing and I struggle to pay rent each and every single month yet my struggles have brought me closer to Jesus. I know he will get me through this hard time in Jesus name.❤️
  • Im getting my 14 year old daughter to be confident. My daughter can tell someone she likes what theyre wearing,say hi to random kids,its great to see because i do these things myself.❤
  • @faebalina7786
    I don’t think confidence should mean doing away with have a degree of boundaries,humility and yes even shame (which in some sense is designed to keep us safe).I need to be more confident with my ideas and self but I don’t want to show off.There needs to be a happy healthy medium.
  • Girl I love everything about you! Your confidence and growth has inspired me to finally step out and stop being afraid of my own light🙏🏾☀️