
Published 2024-07-08
After arriving here, their ministry had them learn Taiwanese, which was a surprise because he originally thought that the island only spoke Mandarin. However, they are now glad they learned Taiwanese first because it has given them to the chance to work and live ini Taiwan's rural communities. They also witnessed the end of marital law, which meant that some people thought they were from the CIA and had heard that informants might attend their church services. Also, since they were in Taiwanese speaking communities, they witness the aftereffects of the 228 incident that split the island into Mainlander and Local ethnic groups.

Mark and Ruth had three more kids while in Taiwan. They all went to local Taiwanese preschools. Their kids got a lot of attention growing up here, and would often get accosted for pictures while on family vacations.

Their work involves spreading the Lord's message of salvation. This means establishing churches and helping the community. For them, this means being a companion for the lonely, taking people to the doctor, helping kids out with their homework, or teaching people English. Such support ultimately gives people hope, which makes Taiwan a better place.

Eventually, Mark and Ruth heard about the opportunity to become Taiwanese citizens. Because Ruth had never gotten permanent residency, she was concerned that she might not be able to stay in Taiwan after retiring. Thus, the community rallied to help them apply for dual nationality, an honor that only around 285 people have received.

Now they are Taiwanese, have passports, and can vote. They plan on staying here indefinitely, and welcome everyone that wants to work, travel, or study to come to Taiwan for a try.

All Comments (21)
  • @itaiwan520
    謝謝牧師、牧師娘,40年來為台灣的付出、貢獻,為弱勢、為偏鄉。現在雖你們已是拿到台灣身分的台灣人,台灣人還是要謝謝你倆! ❤
  • @kDRkDR-zs9cz
    鄉親啊! 這就是台灣人! 大家愛台灣! 守護台灣!👍😂
  • @kerwinchen0620
    真的很了不起!! 把自己生命的一半奉獻給另一個國家, 然後成為台灣的一份子, 謝謝你們的付出
  • @user-zn3bk8ln5d
  • @dogofegg
  • @ashleyyou8684
  • @user-em5em6pi7o
  • @clch531001
    講得一口標準台語 太厲害了 值得學習
  • @FusungWang
  • @wupotung
  • @along-9453
  • @user-ht4bz4to7t
  • @kailihung
    謝謝馬可牧師 Ruth 師母一生奉獻台灣,祝福您們平安健康
  • 感恩牧師與牧師娘! 您夫妻倆是名副其實的佛菩薩!除了感恩!還是感恩!阿彌陀佛!阿門!
  • @chaolongyang236
    不得不說, 的確西方人是比東方人幽默, 熱情, 博愛!
  • 希望政府眼光多看看這些在地奉獻小半輩子的外籍人士,他們比我們許多在地人都更配得上那張國民身份證
  • @allenfish7892