A Farewell ❤️

Published 2021-12-24
Thank you all ❤️ It's been an amazing journey.

Content warning: talk of malnutrition/unintentional weight loss from 0:50 to 1:42. Skip to 1:42 to avoid.

I added some highlights from my videos right at the end - make sure you don't miss it.

What was your favourite video/moment from my videos? Did you learn anything from my videos? Let me know (it makes me happy!) ☺️

Instagram: www.instagram.com/littlepineneedle/
Kofi (donate a coffee): ko-fi.com/annikavictoria
Merch: store.dftba.com/collections/a...
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@annika_victoria @annika_victoria

All Comments (21)
  • I'm crying/laughing reading all these comments. Thanks for making me feel so warm and fuzzy! And don't worry, my videos will stay up here for as long as YouTube exists ❤️ please come back to them as much as you would like!
  • you were one of the first people casually talk about their disability and younger me got to see someone else take a bunch of pills as part of their daily routine and that was really important for me. and ive always loved watching your beautiful adventures. its also really cool that you came out and are activly prioritizing yourself and doing things that make you happy.
  • @Philosopanda
    You will NEVER have to apologize to us for putting yourself and your health, both pysical and mental, first. You've given us so much - not just videos to watch, but a place to learn, a whole community to be a part of. We're all part of the Sewing Friends now and forever. Whatever you decide to do next you're going to be great! And if you decide to share we'll be here. Much love to you and yours, and everyone stay safe out there! 💖💖💖💖
  • You were the first to ever show me what living a "normal life" with a chronic Illness could be like thank you for that wishing you the best.
  • Hey Annika, you were the person who got me into sewing as a young teenager, educated me on fast and slow fashion and the industry's role in the climate & ecological crisis, and basically you've been a hugely important part of shaping me into the person I am today. Whatever the future holds for you, I hope it's every bit as bright and powerful as you are. Thank you for all the good times, you rock, and keep being true to you ✨
  • It’s sad to see you go, but we all respect your choices and prioritisations. You’ll be welcomed with wide open arms if you ever choose to come back ♥️♥️
  • @HeinousMoron
    You know, it's a rare thing in life to receive closure, or to get a satisfying ending. Thanks for thinking of us and taking the time to let us know that you're moving on for good. I'm glad you found the space and time to become a person you're proud of. Your videos inspired me to get into sewing and I'll be forever grateful for the time and energy you gave to your audience. Good luck Annika xx
  • You're the person who taught me how to make a circle skirt years ago when I started sewing. Thank you for the energy and optimism you have put into your Youtube career, you are truly inspirational
  • @BrookeBaubles
    Just the other day I was thinking, "What happened to Annika?" I'll miss you but I'm glad you're finding yourself and pursuing things that make you happy. Good luck 💛
  • @tinytinalea
    I was just telling my husband about your “babe with a mobility aid” sticker on your scooter to make him feel better about using a cane. Thank you for sharing all your sewing projects and personal journey with us. We’re so happy to know you and learn from you ❤️ best of luck on your future endeavors!
  • @letsgetlizzical
    Today due to my hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome, I used a wheelchair in public for the first time and thought to myself ‘remember Annika, be a babe with a mobility aid’. Then this evening I came across this video - thank you for your videos across the years and helping me gain the confidence that got me through today; I hope you are enjoying life on any path you so choose!! ❤️
  • @ShockingSarah
    I've always admired and appreciated your transparency regarding chronic illness. It's not discussed openly enough, and it absolutely should be. Thank you for all the fun and quirky projects you've shown us over the years. ❤❤
  • @drew.g6010
    This is the true magic of youtube. Not sad at all to see you go, I'm ecstatic to see you grow, heal and run towards a better life! You are a person, a wonderful person who shared your journey, and the end of the journey for youtube isn't at all bad. I'm so happy to get this update, and rewatch your tutorials for a pick-me-up. Go forth, be the happiest, healthiest Annika there ever was, we all love you and will remember our time together fondly ❤
  • @heavytanhat
    Add me to the chorus of "sad to see you go, but so happy you're finding your path". I don't sew, but I love seeing just about any craft when it's done well (whether that means a master at work or a beginner brave enough to show us how they learn), especially when it's presented so well as your videos. If you ever get bored I'll be waiting for you to pop up in my subscriptions, just in case.
  • Annika!! you were one of my favourite channels as a 14/15 year old and really helped me get into sewing. Now at 21 I've opened my own fashion business thats going really well!! You definitely helped me get to where i am so just wanted to say thank u <3
  • @aquaintsound
    As a non-binary person with a connective tissue disorder, it makes me so so happy to hear that you've found yourself more. The "I'm dissociating because of pain, right?" Is a mood. Of course we're gonna miss you, but YouTube is so much work I'm just thankful i got to see someone with a similar condition thriving right around when I first got diagnosed. It made the world of a difference for me; at that time I couldn't do any of my hobbies, but you gave me hope that I could do them again. And I can now! Thank you for everything
  • It’s sad to see you go Annika, but it’s totally understandable for you to leave and look after yourself and explore more different opportunities, to see what you want to do in life!!! I have learned so many different sewing techniques from you and adored your style and videos, so thank you so so much for sharing everything with us. 💖 I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in the future and am so happy you are still here with us!!! 🥺🥰💖💖
  • @ConfusedCorvid
    I’m so sad to see you go but so happy for you! 💜 As a young, chronically ill, disabled, nonbinary, sewer and crafter I relate to you and look up to you so much and you’ve made me feel so much less alone over the years. Actually my first sewing project was because of you, I made a little bag with scraps and dyed it myself. I’m so happy for you, figuring out your health, identity, everything. You’ve made a huge difference to me, you’ve made me laugh and smile and taught me so much about how to sew and create projects myself. You’re always welcome to come back to YouTube, if it’s ever the right thing for you again, we’ll be here with open arms. Thank you for everything, we will miss you! And good luck for all the amazing things the future holds! We love you💜
  • @CryptidLarklin
    You taught me how to make a circle skirt, a skill I'll never forget. You inspired me to create and I'll always be greatful for that
  • @nicerice8439
    Annika you taught me how to sew growing up and have been a huge part of my life! I am now going to school and getting a degree in fashion thanks to you! Thank you so much for everything you’ve made here!