Me DNFing next to an angry Stanley Chapel

Published 2023-07-01
lol. not sure if you can hear but he was complaining about the runners early in the vid

All Comments (5)
  • @salovamrani2084
    When I was cubing around 3 years ago, I've been on his streams. He was extremely toxic for no reason and banned everyone for normal questions.
  • @thehastycuber
    He gets like this because the kids most of the time aren’t careful with the cubes, and this is what causes unnecessary extras. This is probably his biggest pet peeve maybe besides people asking his pbs and scramblers talking about scrambles. And I love how mad he gets about it because this is what I think every judge/runner needs at least once in life. I know I needed it. I fucked up scrambling a 2x2 once five years ago and it was for of the main comp organizers for my state, worst honest mistake I’ve ever made, he refused to let me help judge or anything at all at his next comp. I’m still scared of him to this day. But I learned my lesson and stopped being that one child that people get mad at at comps. it’s just something about Stanley getting mad at people that makes me so joyful yet so mean spirited at the same time Like YES TEACH THEM JUDGES LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!! ☠️
  • @kaemonvita
    unrelated to the video but for that Oll alg i “found” (i was messing around on a cube) a more finger trickable alg it’s (U2) R U2 R2 F R F’R U’ R’ U R U2 R’
  • @vexxfn1799
    this video reminds me of a comp i went to a week before this one and i was judging skewb finals and put dnf insted of plus 2 and it didnt change his average even if i did put plus 2 and hes started cussing and yelling