Do Disruptive Protests Work? Extinction Rebellion & Just Stop Oil Debate | Good Morning Britain

Published 2023-04-20
Do Disruptive Protests Work?

Debating the issue is Extinction Rebellion who have abandoned causing physical destruction and ‘Just Stop Oil’ who continue to adopt more destructive tactics, as they disrupted the World Snooker championship this week.

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Broadcast on 20/04/23

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All Comments (21)
  • It's very hard to sympathise with people who come across as nothing more than passive aggressive and delusional. Unless you agree with them, nothing else matters.
  • The General public will turn on these people physically soon
  • It was not the paint people found scary, it was a stranger popping out of the blue in the centre of a crowded stadium unleashing an unknown substance in a threatening way. In history there have been appalling attacks involving showing up out of nowhere; releasing dangerous, unknown substances.
  • @deejay7648
    Will Gail Bradbrook be attending the big one? Will she be driving her diesel car there?
  • @nolonger9112
    Dont know where you live but where we collect data those disruptive protests actually have opposite effect. The more those demand stop use fuel the more people want to use more fuel. So we curious if those protests are actually ads of fuel companies.
  • @bradspringer2372
    Three blondes were walking through the forest when they came upon a set of tracks.  The first blonde said "those are deer tracks."  The second  blonde said "No, those are elk tracks."  The third blonde said "You're both wrong, those are moose tracks."  The Blondes were still arguing when the train hit them.
  • @czhaok
    Would have been nice if a presenter bothered to challenge them in the slightest. Anyone? No?
  • @Wolfways
    Yes, disruptive protests do work... if the objective is to turn people against you and your cause. Also, if there's an extinction then the problem goes away.
  • @daviel1005
    It used to be that these types of people would just stand on street corners with signs hanging from their necks that said, 'The end is nigh,' and eventually the men in white coats would come and take them away.
  • That woman going on about how the powder was childrens paint and implying that it’s not dangerous. Maybe it’s not, but if I was somewhere and an unknown powder was released, my rage/fear wouldn’t be manufactured, it’d be bloody real, and I’m a 32 year old male! I wonder if she’d feel different if she had kids, was at an event and an unknown substance was released, if she’d still feel any fear was ‘manufactured’ or if she’d be genuinely terrified
  • @onepartyroule
    I think part of the problem is a failure of imagination. What you want is attention to the cause; it isnt disrupion for disruptions sake. But these tactics are either established activist memes, or are just seen as childish spectacles. I don't know what the answer is because I havent sat and thought about it long enough, but you need something creative and novel that is going to emotionally provoke in the right way; in a way that causes curiosity and compassion. Traffic jams and throwing paint IS NOT HELPING.
  • @100davies
    Wearing oil based products and clothing won’t help
  • She's right, a lot of people don't agree with the wholesale disruption and for good reason. It doesn't help anyone at all, there is a difference between being seen and being heard. I get what the Just Stop Oil dude is saying, but it's not about emotionally connecting with the cause, I'd say most people these days are quite accepting that climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our society, but frankly most of us are not privileged enough to be able to step out of their daily responsibilities. Most have other people depending on them, bills etc. Just dropping everything to go and protest, is not an option for the large majority of people. So causing disruption for these people is doing nothing for the cause. Seeing a protester in the road on the way to work isn't going to make them stop what they're doing and join, I just don't understand the logic. There are less disruptive things you could do for more publicity. Lastly, Just Stop Oil need to send someone who can interview better. James had a lot to say, but kept interrupting and wasn't really answering questions directed at him, so he didn't come across very well. In addition a lot of what he said was for shock value, making sure he used dramatic sound bitable phrases in the hopes he will scare some people into supporting the group. Laura did a much better job, she was level headed and answered her questions directly whilst redirecting the viewers attention to relevant information. In contrast James was argumentative and emotional. I'm sure he's a valuable member of Just Stop Oil, but his idealism I fear makes him poorly suited to PR in this instance.
  • @lumen_anima
    I love how none of these bozos can answer a straight question. Q: "Have you ever seen a parrot?" A: "Pandas are an extremely endangered species and it's because..." Yeesh
  • @minamoo3035
    Did Skeet take advice from his legal team after his clash with Morgan?
  • @m1zxry_tt832
    Ah yes, let's harrass people. Maybe they'll join us!
  • That James Skeet is the criminal not the government. All this hysterical hyperbole doesn't help. What it does is irritate and anger.