Things That Could HELP YOU NOW, That I Learned Late ! Once Human Tips And Tricks

Published 2024-08-12
Once Human is a multiplayer open-world survival game set in a strange, post-apocalyptic future. Unite with friends to fight monstrous enemies, uncover secret plots, compete for resources, and build your own territory. Once, you were merely human. Now, you have the power to remake the world.

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Title: oomiee - Pure Gold
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All Comments (21)
  • @diegosigua2106
    the logic of Ale giving sanity regen is always hilarious to me
  • Scraping mods at the recycler was a nightmare. All jumbled up and disorganized. Then I discovered you can tag a mod for scrap while in your mod menu. So if you only need armor mod parts, you can go to mods, armor, then helmet, top, bottom. . .etc. Pick the one you want to scrap with x, then go to the recycler and they are already loaded up to be scraped.
  • @MegaLurch
    I have 160+ hours in my playthrough and was like "I know all this stuff"... then you pointed out the load outs pressing "H"! Dude, I never noticed that before. Worth the watch :) Thanks man
  • @Poke-ladd
    I suppose a decent tip, don’t be afraid to go to a higher level area, cause the highways are usually filled with loot, and lvl 30-50 areas have items which are useful to get early on cause it took me forever to get power
  • @eksentrysyti
    Hot take on the ammo tip. Yes, Steel Ammo is what you want to use for most things in the game, but Tungsten AP ammo crafted with special materials depending on your build is a 40% damage ammo (15% base + 25% for your build type). You'll want this ammo if you want to obliterate endgame content. This is assuming you've set up your base for acid production (which you should anyways). Also look out for the AP Ammo specialization, it's a large discount (+30% yield when crafting) tl;dr - Steel Ammo for easier content, Tungsten AP special for super endgame for huge damage.
  • @YUriPup
    To take your cannon trick one further, you can take your Prime War mats and stick them in the truck of your car or Jeep. Jeep has a bigger trunk. You can keep ammo there too.
  • @BakerMeters
    That food and drink tips is invaluable, as well as the pre-set build function. Never knew about that. Thank you so much
  • Thanks for the vid and great tips! I'll just add another thing the game/devs don't tell you is that you can stack food & whim buffs! For instance, you can eat roasted meat that's made with deer and rabbit and get both stamina buffs AND you can eat your canned meat to get the shrapnel buff added on top of that.. As for whims, you can stack up to 7! So Living Armor, Featherweight, Utter delight, That Spring Step one, Weaver and whatever other whims are in the game! That's very powerful in of itself... As for the drinks I haven't found a combo that stacks yet, but there's probably some. I hope this helps!
  • @therealSlick99
    If you didn't know, Canned "Bear" Meat will give you +100hp for 30 min's along with the +20% Shrapnel bonus. Theres a HUGE Bear cave in most NW Mtn in Chalk Peak 👊🏽👊🏽
  • Good tip for new players and storage is that (H) will merge everything in your inventory to that storage crate
  • @Nika-YTV
    "Use your bullets to get acid, don't use your acid to get bullets!" - I love this one! ^^
  • @TheTopStarz
    Ohhh I didn’t know it also saves your cradle settings/selections too, that’s really good
  • @unusmalzum
    Once you reach end game(lvl 50) you should be using Tungsten ammo for every day use, and Tungsten AP ammo for bosses/crucial PvP. Tungsten is easy to find and acid isn't hard to get (Refineries, killing mobs, crafting with specializations, brewing). The damage difference is noticeable enough to make it worth the effort.
  • @asmosisyup2557
    on food, getting the portible refrigerator (either spec yourself or buy from another player) makes all your normal foods last for 10 days rather than 24 hours. It's often overlooked but is literally gamechanging as you can make multiple rare/high cost foods and keep them for when you need them. As for inventory at end of season, pretty much everything moves to eternaland, and you then take some of that (deviants, weapons, armor, resources) into the new season. The only items that will not be moved (i.e. destroyed) are items made with memetic specializations i.e. the 14 day backpack tools, gold/silver bars, combo chipsets and any season specific items/deviants related to the mechanics of that season.
  • @paulhudgeonyt
    I watched the whole video just to see the tip regarding the fish with the arrow pointing at it in the thumbnail...
  • @snowglass3969
    Some really great tips here, thank you so much! If I can add one, it's make the time to grind out getting all of the accessories, even if they aren't for weapons you use. Not only do you get the accessory, which you might decide to use later, but you also get stardust source and a controller from each loot crate, plus other goodies. And there are 50 total accessories. That 50 non-time gated controllers, which are really at a premium for people on my server at least. I would also say take the time to do the Blackfell extractions, if you're at that level. They also grant stardust source, and the premium barreled fuel you need for the missiles.
  • @Weep_TTV
    Some of his tips are bad imo. Like the tungsten, if you’re farming acid, you have tons of acid you want to optimize your damage. The key is getting the bench where you increase the amount of bullets you create!
  • @RayIock
    It is too expensive early in the season but if you're phase 4-5 all your resources will gonna get nuked anyways, just go crazy
  • @Work-os9xk
    is this game worth playing? before it came out i saw somewhere that the world resets after x amount of time and everyone gets wiped. so I was like what's the point of even playing.
  • @x11tech45
    Attacks that deduct sanity affect you even when under the influence of Malt Ale or Corn Ale. (You are not able to ignore all sanity loss.)