Dynamic Eigen Decomposition III: Applications to Flutter Prediction, Linear Time Varying Systems

Published 2021-11-22
Third video in a series on the Dynamic Eigen Decomposition. Applies the idea to flutter prediction and linear time varying systems. Dynamic eigenmodes allow prediction of flutter conditions using data far below flutter point. Linear time varying systems are decomposed, as the linear time invariant systems in part 1, but the size of the system increases.
1.Aircraft Design - Aircraft Flutter Testing on Educational Video Library channel
   • Video  
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3. Dynamic Eigen Decomposition I: Parameter Variation in System Dynamics
   • Dynamic Eigen Decomposition I: Parame...  
4. Dynamic Eigen Decomposition II: Applications
   • Dynamic Eigen Decomposition II: Appli...  
5. Kim, T., “Finding Characteristically Rich Nonlinear Solution Space: a Statistical Mechanics Approach”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10.1002/nme.6310, 2020.
6. Kim T, “Flutter Prediction Based on Dynamic Eigen Decomposition and Frequency-Domain Stability”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 86 (2019) 0-13, authors.elsevier.com/a/1Yiir3..., 2019.
7. Kim, T., “Higher order modal transformation for reduced‐order modeling of linear systems undergoing global parametric variations,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018;1–22. doi.org/10.1002/nme.5905.
8. Lee, S., Kim, T., Shashank, S., “Efficiency enhancement of aeroelastic optimization process using parametric reduced order modelling”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2018; 31 (2): 04018004.
9. Kim, T., “Parametric model reduction for aeroelastic systems: Invariant aeroelastic modes,” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2016, 65: 196-216.
10. Kim, T., “Surrogate model reduction for linear dynamic systems based on a frequency domain modal analysis”, Computational Mechanics, 2015, 56 (4), 709-723.

All Comments (5)
  • @johnkim3840
    If it hasn't been clear to you what we mean by 'Modally Equivalent', it means that the solution spaces of the two systems can be spanned by the same set of modes that are not necessarily fixed in space but changing with time, i.e., the dynamic eigenmodes. This is quite a departure from the traditional definition of 'vector spaces' and 'spanning' but one can still derive the equivalence based on the moving basis vectors.
  • @johnkim3840
    In the second half of the video, the whole point of the proof is that you can use as many frequency samples as you want making the approximation of the convolution integral as accurate as possible and in the limit you'll get the MEPS for the linear time-varying system.
  • @johnkim3840
    It is important to know that the perturbed flutter equation has the rank of 2N, exactly twice the number of structural degrees of freedom, regardless of how many degrees of freedom the original aeroelastic equation of motion has. This means there are only 2N nonzero dynamic eigenvalues and we need to deal with only 2N dynamic eigenmodes. Typically, the coupled AE equation has far more fluid DOFs than the structural DOFs. For example, if we use a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model the number of fluid equations can easily reach an order of 10^5 to 10^6. On the other hand, the structural equations are in a much smaller order, say of 10^2. Hence, by working with the perturbed equation we only need to calculate the 2N dynamic eigenmodes and eigenvalues instead of solving the 10^6+2N equations.
  • @johnkim3840
    The biggest takeaway from the application of DED to flutter prediction is that flutter can be thought of as an intrinsic property of the aeroelastic system, rather than a solution of the system at the particular condition. Most interestingly, the flutter mode exists in the aeroelastic system and therefore can be extracted at any dynamic pressure values.