Captain Marvel Movie Review | Joe the Movie Guy's Review (5 Years Later...)

Published 2024-05-01

All Comments (5)
  • @Jackie535
    10:34 Just a Girl is actually by No Doubt and Gwen Stefani is the vocalist of the band…..
  • @gcolbyp
    Yeah I rewatch this in prep for The Marvels because I haven’t seen it since it came out and while I don’t think it’s a stinker like certain people do, I do think it’s one of the weakest MCU movies. Just too bland and underwritten for me, and failed to make Carol an interesting character. Like you said, Brie Larson ain’t the problem, she’s doing fine with what’s she’s given, the problem is that I never felt the movie went into the depth of her character, in fact it does a lot telling and not showing and I feel like maybe if we started when Carol was a child then enrolling in the military with Maria, meeting Mar-Vell and then getting captured, it would give a chance to show a bit more of her personality and flaws on how she could be a bit insecure and hot headed as she reacts before she thinks as a character flaw. Like it could be like Marvel’s answer to Robocop, but it would probably allow Larson to play to her strengths rather than just be a blank slate from the beginning. I’ve seen people say somebody like Charlize Theron or Katee Sackoff (from Battlestar Gallactica or as you know Bo-Karan from Mandolorian) would’ve been a better fit, but the character would still be boring as hell if she was written the same way. That’s kind of the frustrating thing with Captain Marvel judging by her appearances so far cause there’s an interesting character under the surface, but so far it’s barely fletched out, rarely allowing Larson to truly shine outside of some moments. I think if this movie, along with Endgame, set her up better, I feel like audiences wouldn’t be as apathetic towards the character and Larson’s portrayal and she would’ve been perfect as the new main face of the franchise after Tony and Cap. Like Marvel, you got an Academy Award winning actress, showcase that and give her better writing since now she’s probably now in supporting roles or ensembles after The Marvels bombed. And oh yeah the Skrulls, yeah… I don’t want to see the Skrulls after what happened in Secret Invasion 🤦‍♂️
  • Great review, yeah I would say is fine as well not amazing but not awful or terrible as many others have been saying or claiming, and I agree this is not a woke propaganda movie! Brie Larson I do like as actress and I do think she’s great choice to play the character of Captain Marvel but I did think it’s the direction and how her character was written wasn’t really well handled, minus few spots here and there, which is real shame I do think her performance in Endgame and The Marvels is a lot better in those movies alone. But I do like Sam L Jackson as young Nick Fury I thought he had a blast on this movie and I do like the 90’s throw back they have and young Agent Coulson who’s great to see again. And the skrulls I was actually rooting for them and I had moment of “ I need help for some reason” 😂 and as far for Secret Invasion series which is well…. We will save that for another time! I don’t hate it as many people do, I do watch it time again and I do but I will admit that the writing it could’ve done better with the character development, and maybe could’ve done better in the long run. Goose The Cat probably I will never look at cats in the same way again after that! 😂
  • @wickdaline8668
    Another unfairly shat on character under the unbearable online woke scrutiny placed on Disney. Next to Rey from SW. I'll take both any day over the likes of Bella Swan from Twighlight and Alice Abernathy from Resident Evil. Those two are less forgiving.