Labour minister grilled over Rachel Reeves' potential public sector cuts on morning round

Published 2024-07-29
Pat McFadden was out on the morning round today amid rumours the Chancellor will announce spending cuts to bridge a £20 billion black hole left by the Conservatives.

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All Comments (21)
  • @outloud6430
    Oh! Won't someone think of the millionaires!😱😱😱
  • I love how whenever there's something that's the tories fault, the media always tries to pivot it as a labour failing. Where was this scrutiny of the government when the tories were in power?
  • @kellymckeever.6
    Get the dodgy ppe contract money back first then start taxing the ultra rich ..... people of this country have already had too many years of austerity because of the ultra rich, banks and government
  • @MrDaveyboy1985
    The Tories people, the party of "economic restraint and competence". Never forgive and never forget what they have done
  • @pip1723
    And the media laughed along with the tories as the county went down the pan ...with brexit.
  • @lonelyone69
    To break this down: A) Jeremy Hunts NI cuts were a completely unfunded mess in fact they were likely supposed to come in for the Autumn budget with an Autumn election but they were made in april. They were completely uncosted and the government proceeded to take on hugely high interest debt as a result. B) There is currently a 20 billion hole in public finance as a result so its simple, cuts, taxes or if you're torys ofc you get to dip into the Gilt market without criticism, obviously not labour though. C) Because of said massively unfunded actions by the previous government was the main reason Starmer pulled back on spending pledges. D) The media has continued to peddle the myth that labours pledge was ZERO tax increases when that was never a pledge the manifesto promise was no increases for average working people. The implication of course being "NO OUR POOR CORPORATIONS PAYING MORE TAX, LABOUR LIES GRRR!" E) The pay body statement releases were way higher than expected about an extra 8 billion in spending if they're fulfilled. Plus the last year of strikes has hit the public sector hard, ps should be an inquest into how much was spent on private sector scabs because im pretty sure theres a scandal hiding in there. F) Deficit spending from the pandemic is continuing to kick public finances ass because the tories had to take on high interest bonds and gilts because the normal avenues of debt were ran dry by their consecutive year on year deficit and subsequent demolition of british investment and industry.
  • @zootrunner
    There's plenty of money. There's 165 billionaires in the UK. We need to TAKE their money. It's so simple.
  • @SammyInnit
    These cuts were always going to happen regardless of who won. It was baked into public policy that at least 18bn in real terms would be cut from spending.
  • @stonelane1827
    All we want is the NHS to work, our public services back on track and it would be nice if we could for once see those responsible for stealing billions from the public purse held accountable for their actions.
  • @beatpeace879
    That is the same thing torie said when they got in power after labour. “They left us nothing”
  • @MrGrantyb2
    So this is why Sunak was so insistent that Labour would be putting up people’s taxes, he knew exactly what state of countries finances really were. He also knew tories would lose and was laying foundations for this throw back accusations and so on. This is not a labour problem but more of a Tory mess.
  • @michaelrch
    The country has record number of billionaires who could not spend their fortunes in 1000 lifetimes. Not restoring public services is an ideological choice. Billionaires first. 63,000,000 get the scraps.
  • @blue_jay31
    We know we where screwed just not by how much !
  • @beatpeace879
    Basically the torie has stole the money and put it in their offshore accounts in Rwanda
  • @jimmyguitar9873
    I like how Ed Balls is not shy to ask his former party awkward questions.
  • @joe94c
    More scrutiny over their attempt at a recovery than what the tories left behind. Media bias is gross