Anti-Cult: Healing In A Mad World | FULL Documentary

Published 2024-06-20
Aubrey Marcus has been called a cult leader by his critics, for founding the transformational coaching program Fit For Service. This film is an inside look at what actually happens inside the radical Fit For Service container, and Aubrey’s philosophy behind creating this community that has served thousands of people since 2018. Is this a cult, or is this the antithesis of a cult: An Anti-cult. You be the judge.

This film, produced by Chakaruna Media and directed by Cody Mitchell & Max McCoy, stars Robert Edward Grant, Matias De Stefano, Blu, Vylana, Aubrey Marcus, Caitlyn Howe, Kyle Kingsbury, Erick Godsey, John Churchill and more.

| Aubrey Marcus |
► Fit For Service:
► Own The Day, Own Your Life:
► Aubrey Marcus Podcast:
► Ayahuasca Documentary:
► Get 10% off all Onnit Products:
►Aubrey Marcus Poetry:
►Aubrey Marcus Binaural Beats:

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About the Podcast
Founder of Onnit and modern philosopher Aubrey Marcus asks the important questions: How do we find our purpose, wake up to who we truly are, have a few more laughs, and human being a little better?
The Aubrey Marcus Podcast brings in world-class guests from the fields of athletics, health, business, fitness, science, relationship and spirituality, and asks them to open up about the failures and successes that define their wisdom and character.
Follow me on social to keep up with the latest, and meet many of the incredible guests we’ve been honored to have on the show.

All Comments (21)
  • @carolranes91
    Awesome! Great job. I am 79 and had to do this all alone! I did it and broke the generational cycle and taught my immediate family how to love! I am the last surviving member of that family and so glad I chose to figure all this out and not live a life like the majority of people do in this world. It was the hardest thing I ever did and I mentored a lot of people along the way but the best thing I could do for myself. Glad to see you guys are taking on the challenge of changing the world on a larger scale. Good for you!
  • @ShareeMonique
    Not sure if it is a cult, however charging 3500 for 5 days seems like it’s all about making a profit. I wish there were places like this that made it more affordable for average people looking for healing.
  • @nanoghostmusic
    I joined Fit For Service in the first year…before it had a true identity. I stayed in the group for 3 years. Hands down the most transformative time of my life. I experienced nothing other than the purest love and support from the team and my fellow members. I can say I’m a fundamentally better human who lives a life of empathy and compassion from what I learned in FFS. Best part is I didn’t have to even wear a funny brimmed hat to accomplish this!
  • Remember people, that the greatest source of freedom, energy and awareness is inside of you. It cannot be sold or bought. It cannot be advertised. Spend an hour in darkness with your own being and you do not need to travel anywhere. Your true tribe will if needed be attracted.
  • @charlie4.0
    You can't change the world behind a Paywall.
  • @tinalouise9323
    While it has some great aspects to what they are teaching, this is out of reach for average people when you look at the PRICING for online courses ($1500 EACH online (5-6 courses) and $3500 summits!! I was overly hopeful there was more to this, but it looks like it is for helping people who are privledged enough to afford it.
  • @jimmytherizk
    Smells like class based horseshit to me! Rainbow family has been doing this for a long long time. Rainbow is definitely NOT a cult. Always be suspicious of rooms full of pretty talking about how they are helping the world, while they are surrounded by material possession
  • @TylerTheDrake
    "They" can say what they want. It's an honor to stand side by side my brothers and sisters who are voluntarily inspecting who we are and how we relate to everyone and everything. Only scared people attack. Energy doesn't lie, I choose to live thru my heart. Thank you for leading this tribe of beauti-full heart centered souls Aubrey. 🤝❤️‍🔥
  • @user-jj2up9rb7d
    Oh wow tears tears and more tears while I watched this doc. I’m a 62 year old woman, thank you from the fullest part of my heart for making me realise it’s never to late to start my healing journey. 💕🙏🏽🦋
  • @SamJamCooper
    Cult or not-cult isn't a helpful framework. It's better to think in terms of cult dynamics, and the health of the group is based on how many dynamics do they have and at what intensity. Anti-cults have just as much chance of cult dynamics as traditional cults, especially with time. Does any group, or Aubrey's group, have: - A leadership who hold the 'secret sauce' where inner peace / enlightenment / empowerment can only be gained through them - Authoritarian dynamics between leadership and congregation. Lack of democratic decision making. - Monetary costs to join and advance - Monetary coercion / pressure to work for little or no pay for the organisation - Pressure and threat of consequences if someone wants to leave - Over-focus on one or a small group of teachers - Promotion of in-group narrative of "us against the world". Lots of conspiratorial and persecutory thought - Promotion of "chosen ones" narrative who are waking up and everyone else is asleep / sheep - Lack of openness to criticism from outsiders
  • @guelkaratas5164
    This is really the new thing. I watch all over YT folks scream and cry together, talk and Performance together, danve, sing, sitting next to campfire...and so much more. Then my curiosity let me hop on the website, just to check the invoice, meanwhile I remember a quote from Zig Ziglar: Stop Selling.Start Helping.😊 I am pretty sure the team will prosper and the folks will heal in community of sameminded people. But after the adventure they are not members, they become family, brothers&sisters. The team/ business around Aubrey is so well chosen that "cult" is maybe a harsh word. Because it seems more like community/family/.... at the end. I hope everyone will have a great catharsis a great healing journey. New times new ways of healing.
  • @toddparsons9399
    It's just good marketing for a $3500 motivational self help program. It's Tony Robbins for the next generation.
  • @philosophik1267
    This has a feeling of a healing community and not a cult. Great job.
  • @syd_santon
    This is what I needed today. A reminder that we are really in this together, and there is so much shifting for humanity❤️ It is an honor to be here with all of you.
  • @Farawaylander
    $3500 for an individual for a few days? Definitely catering to financially well off here.
  • @Farawaylander
    Y’all ain’t going to “change the world” much in a few days coupled catering to people with an unusual amount of discretionary income. Real shit comes out when people live together, not on a mini vacation with feel good workshops
  • @Slaman5150
    Im 8 months clean ane have been listening to aubrey M. and eric G. Mostly, and some others I have seen in this doc. This was like .... finally, a way i have found to tie everything together! This is so valuable... I am so happy I have been given this master key .... I feel so lucky that I have been able to appreciate and find this. I cannot express how lonely i feel...😐
  • @natashagilbert3
    I think some people don’t understand the criteria for a cult. They keep you separate from the rest of the world. No outside contact. No individuality. You believe what they tell you or you’re kicked out.
  • @DevilDears
    The video editor did an INCREDIBLE job with this! 😮 I’m so impressed with the opening sequence alone. It’s so emotional and right on the beats! 😮 Very skilled.
  • @donalo1270
    If it’s not a cult why do you have to make a documentary about how it’s not a cult 🤣