Protesters rally outside Biden fundraiser


コメント (21)
  • If that person with the Palestinian flag & LGBTQ could visit Palestine. Let's see how the leaders of Hamas will receive them.
  • Oh look, losers inside and outside Joe-blow’s fundraiser 😂🤡
  • Yo the gay flag next to the Palestinian flag always sends me 😂
  • @1nikg
    I don't know why they are protesting, they'll all vote for him in November
  • None of Palestine's Muslim neighbors will help them and that says a lot
  • I don’t consider people throwing things, yelling at people being a peaceful demonstration/assembly. These people talk about genocide… When the very words that they are chanting is exactly that genocide against Jewish state/people!! Listen to what was told by their leaders about their own people…whom they themselves are Willing to kill and destroy recuse of their own hate for the Jewish people…Of which are Allies to The US. (I don’t think we need our Allies against us at any time for any reason.) And afraid to tell that person that is waving that gay flag that is protesting i hope you understand that the very people you’re protesting for would not hesitate to do to you that were done to the Israel people…. They wouldn’t care that you protested for them… You protesters would not be looked at any differently to them. Please correct if need be.
  • @Tallacus
  • The crazy socialists vs the champaign socialists.
  • I can’t see supporters outside except protesters .. Lord we need peace ✌️ because Jesus is the Prince of Peace not war! I’m tired of war many innocents are victims.. we need a Leader who brings peace ✌️ are you not tired of war????? “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” is a verse from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in the Bible, Matthew 5:9.