Working Through Emotional Trauma | His Grace

Published 2019-09-26
Will emotional trauma ever go away? Addressing it with a professional counselor, praying to God, and talking with trusted friends can ease some pain. In this video Brittany shares her experience with God’s grace and her emotional trauma.

When Brittany was a young teenager, her parents got divorced. The feelings of abandonment were overwhelming. Deeply hurt and longing for acceptance, she ended up in an abusive relationship. Alcohol, starving, and self-harming were just some of the ways in which she tried to cope. But everything she did took her to darker places.

Brittany never felt good enough or lovable enough. It was as if she deserved to be left alone. But one night, while her friends partied, she realized she could not deal with her emotional trauma alone. Alcohol hadn’t helped in the past, and it wouldn’t help now. A thought occurred to her that the Savior, Jesus Christ, could help work through the pain. She wanted to change her life and take the Savior’s hand.

It took time for Brittany to understand her value. Regular therapy visits, prayer, and talking with loved ones helped. Now Brittany consistently works through her trauma in healthier ways.

Hope, healing and support can come in many forms and from a variety of sources, including through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Can I heal from this?…

Am I still of worth?…

Where can I turn for support?…

Victims need someone to believe them and to provide kind, caring support. If you know or suspect someone is being abused, take steps to protect them, and offer to get them help.

What do I do if I know of or suspect someone is being abused?…

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All Comments (21)
  • @allyciak4068
    I think this is the most relatable video I've ever seen. I'm still looking for the light at the end of the tunnel but seeing someone who has gone through these same things as me and made it out gives me hope.
  • This was beautiful! Thank you for sharing such personal experiences - this will help more people than you know!
  • @samhallowsdc
    Love love these incredible, real stories of people like me struggling through life and finding their way. The Savior brings me hope, He is the answer, He is the way and He shows me the way. 💙
  • ❤ I could feel so deeply her conviction, the reality of her experience with Jesus Christ. I very much also experience Grace as the Lord being near me, not carrying me or taking away pain, but just being with me through it. His gift of love and strength is immeasurably powerful and enlivening.
  • @gifeechick9939
    Love it. He picks up the pieces. The Savior. I deal with depression and the savior is the only way with medication..
  • @amh9641
    I love this so much - thank you Brittany for being so raw, willing, open and vulnerable with your experience; it brings hope to those in need for sure :) ❤️
  • Thanks for your great testimony that we can be healed....blessings upon you and your family
  • @psivast8007
    That was a beautiful message, thank you for sharing it. Stay strong, we need people like you.
  • @gifeechick9939
    Hes there holding our hands you said and its so true thank you sharing
  • Thank you for sharing this message of truth and the hope and joy that comes from the Lord.
  • @mammamathews
    Therapy is a huge blessing that god has given us. It is important to lean on god but therapy is an important part of the healing process.
  • @PapaKryptoss
    What a powerful message. Thank God our savior is here for us. Peace
  • @davidglover5255
    I know I can trust Him 100%. He is always there for me. On my left & on my right, He goes before me & He has my back. I love Him.
  • @hdb80
    "I wanted to belong to someone that didn't want to leave me, that wouldn't leave me." I relate to this so, so much.
  • @scottgoobie7507
    The therapeutic and healing power of hearing and seeing others who have endured terrible emotional and mental pain and then found solace in Jesus Christ, combined with recognition of the many other steps we may need to take is so very, very real and life changing. Hearing and watching brings the miracle of healing to those who are in desperate need of hope and relief from severe pain and trauma. Thank You!!!
  • @Downlinx
    I can totally relate to this, thank you for sharing your message, I hated the feelings of waiting for someone to leave me.
  • @lemongrove57
    I have been in a similar place. The good news is that, with faith and prayer and the amazing resources available today, trauma DOES heal and resolve, and you can live an even better life and do more good in the world than you could have without those experiences. The other good news, I'm so excited about today, is that so much I've learned about preventing and healing from emotional trauma is the basis of the new child and youth program. In working on those principles, along with many from positive parenting, mindfulness and sensory integration, I almost can't believe how much better I feel. They made us to be able to recover and thrive again. They know we need this support now as much as ever. Wishing you all well.