SCHMENZ in defense of Diddy? Kim Porter

Published 2024-05-27

All Comments (21)
  • Just because a woman is not dainty, does not mean they deserved to be abused!
  • @Audie1228
    There is NO WAY I would be on a podcast with these men. I wouldn’t feel safe. Work or leisure would be dangerous
  • @1mzd
    I hope Cassie's lawyer sends a cease and desist to the lady spreading those lies on her when she can't prove what she is saying.
  • @HazelAyes1
    🫤 So we were supposed to wait for a tape to believe Cassie but they can go off hearsay about Cassie vs Kim while still believing Diddy's abuse of Kim is a maybe or a team effort orchestrated by Cassie & Diddy... well ok. Why can't they just admit they're defending their own past and/or present behaviors🗑️🗑️🚮
  • Themis, Corey Holcomb, his co host, and guest constantly degrade women. This is what the show is based around. The female cohost oftentimes laughs and agrees with them on less serious, yet still misogynistic points, however on some more serious topics, she disagrees with and argues with the other hosts. Oftentimes they drag black women, in particular, and the female co host laughs. It’s misogyny wrapped in “comedy”, wrapped in colorism and narcissism
  • @leelee6946
    This entire exchange lends to the mistrust of black men . It shows that there is no such thing as “the nice guy”. I bet if you ask them, they’ll say that they are good men. The degeneracy of these men was absolutely disgusting. The way they tried to absolve Diddy’s abuse while triangulating black women against non black women, while BOTH TYPE OF WOMEN ARE VICTIMS of this man is disgusting. And Cassie was a 19 year old dating a 39 year old man who held her singing future in his hands. All of this made my flesh crawl.
  • @KeshTheAuthor
    If Cories argument was that the cheating man was being abused by the shooting wife then he just proved how someone can stay with someone who abuses them. Good job Corey!
  • @Hathor17
    Themis, they don't realize that by talking their trash, they are basically saying a man's default setting is pure evil and they look to women to avoid the men (and the toxic reasons they are with you). Saying he looked at Cassie suspiciously when she was with Diddy, means that he KNOWS why Diddy is there, he wanted the 19 year old child to have the wherewithal to avoid Diddy.
  • @Darline_ox
    soooo by their logic, we should not be mad at or condemn clear people for sl@very since black people stayed for 400 years right ? it should be nulled and void right ?
  • They same men would of NEVER cared about kim otherwise but want to bring her up for this ish
  • Don't forget a such as "broad" Clare Huxtable is what's wrong with society according to males because she's smart, independent, and can take care of herself! Remember Cassie was an inspiring artist who was trying to make a name for herself! She was 19! Diddy took advantage of that!
  • The fact that i had your show up in my living room whilst cooking, my family (husband and our kids) came to the room and said "are you for real!!?? Are these men for real!! I'm not in community with these men (my husband) and my 16 year old son laments: Yo, these men's way of thinking is insane!!" Now, as a family, we have a running joke, that we "vet" the young men that our daughters bring home. See their thinking wave lengths because this is bad!!!!
    Themis & Thoth, You're the best! I subscribed because I love your content!
  • @Yamalie
    I want all men that have this type of mindset Keep on talking in 4k I need to know all my enemies. I’m not arguing with non of these demons.
  • A huge number of Diddy defenders are the same guys. And many are dating out and getting dragged around by the woman but they direct all their anger toward BWs!! These guys are toxic.
  • @womanish
    I imagine this is why Aaliyah never spoke out. I bet she knew people would behave like this. I don't blame her. Also that man is what an physiological/emotional abuser looks like. I am afraid for the women sitting next to him.
  • @juce9169
    Just let them keep on talking...
  • @bougie-nel362
    Themis doing the influencer hands really helped me destress after listening to that beige dust bucket 😅