Eugene Terre'Blanche's Afrikaner Resistance Movement - Rally

Published 2011-03-28

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The documentary film My Beloved Country by director Saskia Vredeveld takes us back to the early 1990's in South Africa. It is a provocative look from within at Afrikaner extremists who, in 1991, clung to the belief that they were the chosen "super race" of Africa. With the demise of white rule, many of these Boers lived in fear. Some had banded into paramilitary groups, such as Eugene Terre'Blanche's Afrikaner Resistance Movement, which claimed wide support within the South African army and police. They were preparing for an armed showdown with the new government.

All Comments (21)
  • @marklee6316
    So, it’s 2018. Turns out everyone just may have been incorrect about these guys being paranoid.
  • @jo14wp
    I remember how the media and people use to make fun of him back then... Not so funny now as it turned out his predictions were right.
  • His family name, Terreblanche, resumes everything. (In french it means white earth/land).
  • @GroenRizla
    Just to correct you there, the Boers didnt take anyones land away. Neither did they oppress or rule over any black people as they have always believed that each nation should rule over themselves as they want. The British took ALL the black peoples land away, not the Boers who fought against the colonial rulers. Britain took the Boers land away too. Have you never heard of the Anglo Boer war ? How is it possible that some1 commenting on a Boer vid knows absolutely nothing about the Boers or SA ?
  • As a kid I heard him speak in Vryheid. I will never forget it. The microphone broke and when he realised he spoke so loud I could feel it in my chest. The tent shook. As he walked out a drape fell in his path as a carpet. Like watching Alexander, Napoleon and Ragnar all at once.
  • @BuyXRP895
    If only people had listened to this man….
  • @leeab2824
    I am a white Englishman but I stand with the Boars respect rip
  • @DelaPenious
    Racial segregation is something good and the way this hero died really proved his point. 
  • @enklaev1465
    Beautiful the spirit of afrikaners is so strong
  • @cherryboppp
    I’m Irish/British but my parents moved out to South Africa to live in the early 70s. I was born in the 80s and it was a fantastic country back then, I don’t care what anyone has to say about it. If you weren’t there you can’t speak on it and it’s sad that the country is in the state that it is now but it’s hardly surprising. My parents left SA in the early 90s as they knew what was coming and I’m proud to say I never lived there under the flag they have now & since 94. That flag represents literal shit and the sorry state the country is in now. I’m proud to have been born and lived in SA when it was a beautiful country and had honourable leaders 🧡🤍💙
  • @suryavajra
    As an outsider looking in, I canonly say this afrikcankiwi. I sympathize with what you are saying. A new beginning should have happened in 1994, where there was prosperity, freedom and security for all. I am with you in that I would love to see a peaceful South Africa, for all people who desperately want a new beginning.
  • @221Dw
    One day we will have to do this in Europe!
  • @dardalion3199
    I dont speak africaans, but I understood what he meant when he said "waapen!"- weapon, gun. And it's true. Never, EVER surrender your weapons to unknown entities.
  • @oldwight
    I think all minorities should stand up for themselves like this