Yesterday Today

Published 2012-08-29
In celebration of my country, Malaysia, turning 55 this month on the 31st of August 2012, I made this random video. This video is not for commercial purposes and I do not profit from it.

All these years I felt that I have not been doing much to show and feel enough patriotism during the month of Merdeka. This year I decided to be different. Thus, I decided to go for on an adventure and took videos of the amazing buildings and landmarks around Kuala Lumpur to feel the spirit of Merdeka. And I did.

A Malaysian should spend a day walking from one place to another to experience our city of pride, Kuala Lumpur. Even tourists and foreigners have already experienced it, so why haven't you?

The theme is "Yesterday Today" to show how far we've come as a nation and to remember our fallen heroes that fought for our country's independence. This video is a way of me showing gratitude and respect for our fallen heroes that gave us the peace of living today. So let's continue growing and fostering the peace they have died for. Let's keep going as a nation.

Happy Independence Day! :D

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