Every They Might Be Giants Album Ranked from Worst to Best || Mikaela Thorn

Published 2022-08-17
They Might Be Giants are my favorite band, so today I'm ranking all of their studio albums from worst to best! Sorry in advance for the vocal fry.
If you enjoyed this video, consider supporting me on Patreon: patreon.com/thornbrain

Inspired by Elliot Roberts' ranking videos, so be sure to check his out too: youtube.com/c/ElliotRobertsVideos
Thanks to the TMBG Wiki, which I used extensively while writing this (though I made sure to go to the primary sources noted in its articles wherever possible. Don't inherently trust a fan wiki, folks!): tmbw.net/wiki/Main_Page
Thanks to these YouTubers for posting concert footage: astralbee, bells1208, Dave Boddis
Thanks to these YouTubers for posting their own generated song instrumentals: naturalkatsup/hailey, Robot Spongebob, smurfparty, Christina Hamilton, Nautical Sponge
My original footage and commentary is owned by me. Music videos and official instrumentals owned by TMBG themselves. TV performances owned by their respective bloodthirsty overlords.

All Comments (21)
  • @funkybunko
    I really appreciate you not dismissing the childrens music albums, so many people discount them on principle alone but they have a lot of merit, especially No!
  • @ZyxthePest
    In an interview, I once asked Flans if they'd ever do "Here Comes History!" and he just responded something to the tune of "I don't think parents would take well to my pinko manifesto". Funniest shit ever, I wanna hear it.
  • @Alansaurus
    NOOO HERE COMES SCIENCE WAS MY FAVORITE THING AS A KID 😭 I genuinely love it and relistening to it made me love it even more, but to each their own! I also have a very personal connection to the album, so I guess I do view it through a different lens!
  • @ZehOverseer
    You have 100% sold me on TMBG and convinced me to listen to them more. Thank you!
  • Regardless of our opinions of the albums, this band must be seen live. I've seen them many times in the last 30 years, and they never fail to please, and surprise the audience. I saw them a few days ago, and they played one of their songs from "Flood" (I won't say the title in case this is now a regular thing) BACKWARDS! After intermission, they played the video of that performance backward, which was forward, and pretty accurate.
  • @squwooshk
    I would put The Else up higher, I love the aggressive and crisp sound throughout most of the album
  • @BugsyFoga
    Birdhouse in your soul will always be stuck in my head .
  • @NICKtendoReviews
    I’ve been listening to about an album a week from the band since the middle of last year and just finished up BOOK. This was a great guide for what I had to look forward to and I always enjoyed going back to rewatch each entry afterwards. Excellent video.
  • Gonna cry. A Trans woman is now in the TMBG fandom, not just old men.
  • @tassaron
    I found TMBG through Lemon Demon and the newest album at the time was The Else. Your rankings are pretty similar to my own, except I have John Henry and The Spine at the top :p But ranking the albums is really hard because most of my favourite songs are from different albums. They are remarkably consistent :)
  • Honestly, I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've found TMBG has a shocking level of consistency in sound across albums relative to a lot of other bands- each album definitely has its own sound (especially John Henry imo) but pretty much every song works really well in its own, to the point that my current preferred way of listening is just a massive playlist of my favorite songs across the entire discography set to shuffle. I can't think of a lot of other bands where you can have a song from 1986 lead into a song from 2018 while still feeling totally natural, all without really feeling like their sound has stagnated or failed to evolve over the years. Really fun experience, highly recommend. Also, I'm pleasantly surprised to see how much you enjoyed Join Us, though I guess I'm still in a minority for thinking that Flood is my least favorite of the first five albums, I'd probably rank them Self Titled/Pink->Apollo->Lincoln->John Henry->Flood (not that it's saying much, I still love all five) Your outfit rocks, by the way
  • I don't think I completely agree with the ranking but I certainly enjoyed the breakdown. Thanks for the content on one of my favorite bands!
  • @DPaz-ug6zh
    As a lapsed TMBG fan (they were my first band, I grew up with them and stopped buying their albums after Mink Car), I really appreciated how you covered the past two decades of their work. I may have to revisit them!
  • I can't believe your ranking on Here Comes Science. I think it is a strong contender for possibly their best record. It genuinely moves me to tears at points.
  • @ChudSpannaday
    As someone else who discovered TMBG between Mink Car and The Spine, a lot of these takes resonate with me. It's refreshing to hear someone not just dismiss those albums entirely.
  • @MouseRants
    This was an excellent ranking video. The short but sweet song reviews along with your overall critique of each album was extremely insightful and I agree with pretty much everything you said (Don't Let's Start is my favorite song of all time too, but Brontosaurus is also up there as I relate more than I could ever explain in words), with the exception of Mink Car. I found your analysis so thoughtful and well-explained. I'm definitely here for any and all of your ranking videos in the future.
  • @danagboi
    Started watching this with skepticism but I gotta say, as a fan since I heard their debut at 12 years old, you absolutely nailed it. Can't fault anything you said and I even learned a thing or two.
  • @RedComedy1
    How does this only have 10k views? Extremely well done video, TMBG is bae. Cant wait to watch the rest of your videos!