O'Reilly vs Stewart debate

Publicado 2012-10-07

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Tiigerr
    The more I watch Bill O'Reilly the more it seems like his whole TV persona is just an act.
  • @bootyeater7331
    “Why is it that if you take advantage of a corporate tax break you're a smart businessman, but if you take advantage of something so you don't go hungry, you're a moocher?” Perfectly summed up by Mr. Jon Stewart
  • @scrogfpv7443
    There are very few non-veterans that go as hard for veterans as John Stewart. You can feel the sincerity every time he talks about the government not doing right by us.
  • @cristiandiaz458
    Man Jon doesn’t get enough credit . He is able to have a intellectual dialogue and still keep it funny and still make valid points
  • @allisonminch1280
    8 years ago I thought I was an O'Reilly Republican. Its fun to watch this back with extreme gratitude that I got off of BS Mountain
  • @88omair
    Jon Stewart, you were sorely needed during this election
  • @willw1375
    Bill holds up idiotic cue cards like a kindergarten teacher while John is brandishing his words like a sword.
  • Stewart is literally the best when it comes to shutting down GOP BS talking points. There is literally no one else that can do it as good as him. It's tough because I get that he just wants to retire and lead a more private life, but the fact is that the country really needs him now more than ever. UPDATE: HE'S COMING BACK!
  • @z0e898
    I live in Canada and I'm going through a depression. I've been seeing psychiatrists for the past 6 months and I never had to pay a dime for it. Healthcare helps
  • @NarpytheCrimeDog
    I'd rather pay for someone's birth control than 18+ years of raising that person's children...
  • @terihammond5932
    10 years later, this is still a great debate, but the fact that we haven't gotten past most of these issues is super sad :( However, I have an answer to the question of who is the most trusted man in America today. It is Jon Stewart. Thank you, Jon, keep up the great work.
  • @jarbasssmendes
    If Jon Stewart did something like this in each election cycle, the USA would be a completely different country
  • @landonconner5694
    "Many pundits say that this is the most important election in a generation..." Oh, my sweet summer child...
  • @ML807
    Why won’t Jon run for president? The world needs you to right that ship.
  • @7ellowY
    I love Stewart’s argumentative style, he breaks down the opponents ideas to its simplest form and targets the hypocrisies and flaws in the argument. He’s very quick.
  • @TomWhaley621
    I can never get enough of these Jon and Bill debates… great sparring partners. Always entertaining. Man, even Bill has some funny moments in this too.
  • @TaintedBlood30
    God. If only presidential debates were this well conducted.