Tyrion is Pretty Lame Now | Game of Thrones

Published 2018-09-18

All Comments (21)
  • You'll notice a SIGNIFICANT drop of quality in the show when they started free styling instead of following GRRMs material.
  • @ShrishSudharsan
    I'm here from the future to tell you that S8 Tyrion is basically a vegetable.
  • @hartisify
    Tyrion is supposed to be a smart strategist. In the past two seasons he hasn't given a single good advice. It's pathetic.
  • @MackAyache
    The writers didn't only ruin Tyrion (he was an early casualty) but they've now ruined pretty much every character left in the show.
  • @kyros905
    I feel sorry for Peter Dinklage. Tyrion is like the role of his Life, he was really invested in It, he could've done so much more.
  • @Xearrik
    I agree completely. They've show them selves to not really be good writers the more they diverge for the real story. They started to do the same old tropes that most tv shows do. Characters who were supposed to be smart suddenly become completely moronic, but everyone still claims they're smart in the show. I think one of the best examples of this was Petyr Baelish. He died the same way as Eddard Stark. He just blindly did things his way, and stupidly kept pushing stuff until he got killed. That's not how Petyr would have died. He was like some sort Judo master of manipulation. The writers were so proud of their selves for the scene where she accused Petyr. I don't know anybody who was surprised. I was watching that scene saying "No they are not about to do this..." and then they called his name, and I laughed openly at how moronic and predictable that whole scene was. They do this thing where they make all the characters around someone really stupid temporarily so they can say that the one person not being a moron is super smart. It's so frustrating to watch this show now. :(
  • @ams6116
    Tyrion next to Cersei: AMAZING Tyrion next to Daenerys: The most boring character ever. I'll just leave this here.
  • @MrCaptainZach
    He lost his individuality, now he's just Daneys puppet, it's happening to Jon Snow as well
  • @harpe9415
    The showrunners have ruined so many characters, Loras became a stereotypical gay dude whereas in the books he is a Kingsguard member and launched an assault on Dragonstone. Jon didn't change at all after his death, except for becoming a stereotypical hero. Daenerys is still an idiot, Jaime took way too long to leave Cersei, Margaery and Tommen were killed off. Cersei is a stereotypical villain and apparently isn't hated by her people after causing her own son, the king to commit suicide and killing the queen and her family. She even killed her own uncle and the Westerosi equivalent of the Pope. Bran was turned into a robot, Arya became an immortal superhero and Sansa is just there. Littlefinger became a mustache twirling idiot and Varys became a total boot licker with no plans of his own. They'll probably ruin the Golden Company as well now that they're bringing them into the show, which kinda sucks.
  • @sakurayuki8391
    What happened to Tyrion? Daenerys happened. He has literally no storyline of his own. Of course the writers are to blame because they erase his entire storyline. Now he drinks and makes jokes.
  • @BlindGardener
    Varis ist also just an empty shell of his former self.
  • @Scarecrow545
    This is a symptom of a larger problem. Take the general Lannister-Stark plotline, which I'd say was the main driving conflict of Phase I. The political aspect of that is basically over after the Red Wedding. However, the aftermath of it is still very much present in the novels. For three books we had people going ''lol ned such naive! xD' and 'omg tywin so brutal and effective!'. Then Feast happens and we see how his entire house fucks itself to death before his corpse is even cold. The show gives us none of this. Jaime getting disillusioned with Cersei and war? Gone. Cersei going completely fucknuts? Gone. Tyrion being a miserable wretch? Gone. Then we get Dance and the complete vindication of Ned and the Stark ways. From the wild mountain clans to the ordinary houses to the Southron Manderlys, everyone loved Ned and the Starks so much that they're itching to rise for a dead and disgraced house. We get this perfect irony in that Ned left a better legacy than Tywin ever could have. In the show? One old lady saying 'The North remembers', then immediately getting flayed by Ramsay before he goes to brutally rape Sansa some more or whatever (while the rest of the North pays no mind).
  • @ADPRadio
    Lemme just put it out there, George RR Martins needs to be around for Tyrion to be written right.
  • @WillRock07
    1-5 tyrion - An genius intellect on par with Tywin Lannister, with an incredible wit and strategic mind that makes him incredibly dangerous.Also has compassion due to being downtrodden, and has a habit of talking too much. Has a unique story and motivations. Season 6-7 tyrion: An idiot who basically fails at everything he attempts. Gets schooled in war efforts by both his siblings on numerous occasions. Runs about telling everyone how smart he is, while sprouting rather unfunny lame jokes. Becomes Dany's Lapdog and does nothing of any interest on his own.
  • @TheInnerParty
    I almost didn't even bother with S8, but I figured I was invested and should see it out. But I am angered too, because this show did not need to die this way. It's just painful to watch now.
  • @MrOwnerandPwner
    The problem I have with Tyrion is that he's just a propaganda piece for Daenerys. Every reunion he has with another character in Westeros begins with a short exchange about how they know each other, and then the rest of the conversation is Tyrion trying to convince them how amazing Dany is. And now in Season 7 Jon acts the same way. It's getting difficult to enjoy a show that sacrifices interesting characters for a single character that I don't particularly like.
  • @MarcAlcatraz
    i suppose it's akin to the "Littlefinger effect" as i call it, once a character that has a silver tongue (Varys, Tyrion, Baelish) leaves King's Landing their usefulness to the plot lessens and D&D cannot be relied on to write characters like that well once they go to new settings. Because let's face it, all three of those characters have been on a downturn in Season 7.
  • GRRM can write but D&D don’t have even the slightest bit of talent to write for Tyrion
  • @PowerofRock24
    You want to talk about deflated characters? How about Jon Snow this season xD His whole character arch was built around the White Walkers and convincing people they exist and to join him and save the world from the apocalypse. He was resurrected to be Azor Ahai... then he doesn't even get to kill or even duel the Night King. Instead, it is killed by Arya, a character with no relation to the Night King and whom only just found out about the White Walkers.... Subverting expectation isn't good writing, unless there is good reason for it. Deus Ex Machinas are also not an example of good writing....