Would CASTLES be useful against Magic and Dragons? FANTASY RE-ARMED

Published 2016-12-15
Does the fantasy in Medieval Fantasy make castle redundant?

All Comments (21)
  • @DrCruel
    Of course castles are useful against enemy wizards and dragons. If you're a powerful archmage, you can throw castles at them.
  • @maksuree
    how skyrim was made: "hey remember oblivion?" "AHAH, BUT WHAT ABOUT DRAGONS?"
  • @JohnDoe-on6ru
    "Line of sight teleportation" I imagined a guy launching himself into the air with a catapult, looking into the castle and then teleporting everyone inside :D
  • @davenevius6365
    Dragons would actually be a perfect reason why fantasy castles would have so damn many towers, and why those towers would be so tall. In fact, there are fantasy castles that seem to be nothing but a whole bunch of towers all shoved together! But this is actually a perfect defense against dragons! Each of those towers could have its own ballista!
  • @gso619
    Afraid wizards will fuck up your lovely masonry? Too broke to afford those fancy magic runes or fireball insurance? Well, have no fear, DAVE IS HERE! "Who is Dave?" you might ask? A perfectly normal run of the mill soldier, who we gave a crossbow and told to shoot anyone who vaguely looks like a wizard. And boy does he. He doesn't slice, dice or make julienne fries, but by god can he shoot a wizard in the face. Earthshaker trying to crumble your walls? Dave's on the job. Bright mage trying to set your city ablaze? Not when he's bleeding out, he can't. Cultist trying to summon his master? Watch in glee as he messes up the incantation due to the bolt in his throat and gets sucked into a dimension made of pain and lemon juice. With Dave you'll never have to worry about any fireblasts, magic missiles or demonic incursions again. Call the number on your scrying orb within the next 23 minutes and we'll throw in our dragon defense model for the low low price of 500 gold. And what might defend against these mighty beasts of lore? MORE DAVES! That's right, you can sleep easy at night knowing that any wyrm, dragon, wyvern, gentle-hearted rapper or basilisk will be shot in the dick 17 times by our expert team of Daves the moment it comes within dick-shooting distance of your castle. ORDER NOW!
  • @toasega
    "Would CASTLES be useful against magic and dragons?" Me: Well, I'm sure it's better than having no castle at all.
  • @VechsDavion
    What about stone-shaping magic that radically reduces the cost and construction time of a castle? :)
  • @witalian1
    Having nuke tier weapons does not necessarily make fortifications useless because regular weapons still exist and fortifications still work against regular forces. It's like the argument that walls don't work because ladders exist. The wall still works. That's why you need the ladder.
  • @rzq100
    "Dragons happened" -Tywin Lannister(Game of Thrones)
  • I actually designed a castle that was designed "as if dragons existed" that attempted to repel them. Should I model it and send it to shad and would he consider reviewing it? Edit: After years of comments and none being made I have started remaking it to submit. It will have as much detail as possible and will take a month or two from now to finish! It the least I can do.
  • @draco5991rep
    "Do you think I look fat in that dress?" "hmmm .... What about Dragons?"
  • @vroomkaboom108
    and thus a meme is born You've seen Lloyd's "because [people] had BRENs" You've seen Skall's pommel throws And now... shad's "AHA, but what about dragons?"
  • 6:10 On the other hand, bigger creatures means you have creatures with much greater lifting strength, so if you put them to work actually building the castle you could make the walls out of much larger and heavier stones, thus have thicker and larger walls than what a human could build without the aid of heavy machinery.
  • @carbon1255
    Simple strategy to castle design to dragon proof. Make it a castle IN THE SKY. And make it higher than dragons can go. International Space Castle. Also high enough and there will be little oxygen for dragon fire to work with.
  • @Lantalia
    Castles are still useful in separating the Dragon/Wizard from mundane support They force the commitment of special assets.
  • @MasterTheik
    I'm going to have to disagree with the Game of Thrones assessment. Even if Dragons can burn down your castle walls, it'd still be useful to have a castle. Even if every enemy you are going to face has at least one dragon, you still have use for a castle. If you can stop that one dragon, your castle works fine. It'll stop forces without dragons from attacking you. It's kind of like if you're going to be fighting 100 opponents and 99 of them have a sword and 1 has a lightsaber that cuts through armor. Would you decide not to wear armor, simply because 1 of them has a counter to it? It'd still be useful against those 99 other people.
  • @Casedilla73
    Is this where the famous, “But what about dragons?!” argument originated?
  • @robertburns4429
    Do not underestimate human ingenuity. If dragon's and magic existed castles would be designed to compensate.