Living with M.E. - My life with CFS blog- Week 6

Published 2014-02-03

All Comments (21)
  • @bethellen1962
    You are the mountain and the lion. I wish I had a Time Machine so I could go back and show this beautiful child (you look 12) what he has come to mean to so many. Thank you for letting the stars that shine in you shine on all of us. Your talent is MASSIVE, but your gorgeous soul is what knocks people on their ass, it shines through every smile and every tear you show us. Thank you for giving us all permission to be vulnerable. Thank you for shining a light on the things that need to change in our world, and thank you for not being just another self-serving ‘brand.’ And best of all thank for being a real human being. From an old human to a young one.🙏
  • @Veeliscious
    I really love this song so much. I've been following you for the past 18 months and watching you explode with your release of Hi Ren (and now all your other work as they delve down the Ren rabbit hole whilst you're busy in Canada getting your long awaited treatment for all the damage caused by misdiagnosed Lyme Disease. This page makes me sad where you did and learnt everything you possibly could to treat conditions you didn't have, buy also happy because I have the benefit of knowing how far youve come and that All your efforts (and all that you've been through) has brought you to this point in your life where there is so much to rejoice and celebrate.
  • @feliciasokol
    omg i love this! patience <3 i just added it to my long list of ren songs on my ren playlist. you are absolute magic, brother xoxo so glad you exist in the world making music. what a gift. so glad you're on a path of recovery now in 2023.
  • @Silkytoaster
    I wish I could go back in time and tell young Ren about the impact he would have on so many people .
  • @elenaoakes8494
    I've had M.E for around 4 years but ive only just been diagnosed. Its so nice hearing that its not just me going through the struggles of M.E. Your song was beautiful.
  • Hi , i thought i would send a quick message of support.. I'm a suffer of ME and have a mild mental Health problems.. I just wanted to say how much your videos helped me and i miss them. I wish you well on your road of recovery and all that you do in the future. Many thanks for your help through your music and videos.
  • Hi Ren, I have had CFS for over 15 years now. Finally got a proper diagnosis last year and am on my way to recovery. Just wanted you to know there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will get there! Also, your music is beautiful! You are so talented!! Hope you do well in the future :) xoxo
  • @kateolivia598
    Beautiful song, caught myself singing it in the bath yesterday! Im 18 and Ive had M.E for the past two years now, causing me to drop out of education and completely change my life. I have a wheelchair which I use quite often and still spend a lot of my time resting. Its been a hellish two years, I was comatosed for about 9 months, drifting in and out of consciousness, unable to walk, talk, swallow- just breathing was taking energy I didn’t have. It was very scary for me and my family and I didn’t know what was happening to me. So for a long time I was just “existing” and not living (as Im sure many other sufferers are). It seemed like it was a never ending battle. Yet, it did end. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in a park in the sun. I walked here this afternoon without my wheel chair or any help after managing to get myself up and Im going back to school to study fine art in September. I still have to take it easy and be careful but Im on my way up and Im on a better path than I was before so in a way the illness has kinda been a blessing. So keep going!  Good luck to everyone who is battling M.E and thank you for your wonderful videos Ren  xxx
  • yogourt and bananas are keeping me alive right now, seriously. Just had jaw surgery , flattened me and it's hard to eat. Bless yogourt And you've told me stuff about the thing i've been living with for decades Love you Ren
  • i've loved watching all of your videos they have been so helpfull to me and i feel like i can relate to the way you feel. i have have M.E. for almost 3 years and im now 14 years old (15 this year) its been like a huge rollercoster with all the ups and downs but in think im in the middle right now. i was in a wheelchair for over a year and cruthes for long periods of time and im currently still on cruthes. im currenty going through a rehabilitation program to get me back to health, but i dont feel very positive about it. thank you for making these videos i have enjoed watching them. please make more i would love to watch them :) 
  • @aimeemcguire2681
    I need this song on replay through hard times. Please release this song in a full version or if it has been please tell me where to download it load it.
  • You were funny as hell even in worst times I must say. The uterus yoga thing got me 😂. But don't worry young Ren, things are gonna get better. Me lo dijo un pajarito 🐦
  • @Totes_Hardcore
    This is beautiful. I see you haven't made any new videos in awhile. I hope all is well and you will continue this journey :)
  • @victoriaausonio
    Love your song ~ serious inspiration. Thanks, Ren for sharing what's helped you. Messaged you on FB with some resources that have helped me tremendously,too, in my recovery journey…hope you'll check them out. Wishing you the very best.
  • @Hellylou
    Great guitar skills! I've hAd m.e from age 16 til now aged 23 x
  • We think you're so great! And we love your huge vegetables (seriously, why are they are so big?) This video will help so many people, uterus or no uterus. We have just started our channel, we all have chronic illnesses (4 out of 5 of us have M.E too) and we are so glad we found you but sad you haven't uploaded in so long! Where are you?! - A Spoonful Of She