My Indie Game Publishing Company

Published 2022-09-21

All Comments (21)
  • @IronPineapple
    “I understand what kind of ideas always work” shows a grapple hook accurate
  • @GoroOno
    Bro Animal Well is INCREDIBLE. Congratulations.
  • @arenkai
    As someone who works in publishing, I wish you the best. There's so many excellent games we end up not funding because it's not "company policy" or not "profitable". I hope some of those end up seeing the light of day regardless of the label, so seeing a new player in the indie publishing scene makes me hopeful Good luck Dunkey ! Hopefully you have surrounded yourself with people that can support you in this endeavour.
  • @Belisarius094
    If the first game is a turn based farming sim, this will be Dunkey’s greatest joke yet.
  • @ivanroman8914
    It is heart-warming to see the inspiring stories of people that walk out of League of Legends. Thank you, Dunkey
  • @kamin28
    This is god damned fantastic. I love the idea of a real fan running a publishing company. I wish you guys nothing but the best.
  • @soren6343
    Dunkey please invest in my new up and coming indie game "Hogan's Castle"
  • @loqi453
    I can't believe the guy who has the world record on Bowser's Big Bean Burrito is making his own games company!!! Will any of us even be able to beat them?
  • So hype for the Kill Butt series! Paul Creenis is such a talented dev
  • This is so goddamn cool, fuckin bravo man. Can't wait to see Big Mode come out with KNACK 3 BAYBEEEEE. -B
  • @aguyfromnz537
    Big Mode has not released a single bad game yet. Truely the best gaming company of all time
  • If Dunkey really likes a game there is usually a 90% chance I'm going to buy it. He really has a good eye for great games that are indie.
  • @neomothdev2
    all the doubters are coping rn after animal well
  • @ParanoidxProd
    Dunkey once again proving he’s a genius making a Frog Type Indie Game Company ahead of all the Frog Type Games on the horizon!
  • @TheShaunhay
    "Please note: We are not accepting any games that use NFTs, crypto or blockchain." Praise dunkey, such an excellent move. I can't wait to see what gets published xx
  • @whiskeydeltasix
    And what a start they've had. Animal Well is honestly a masterpiece.
  • @ajwaddanwarr3409
    Remember when the industry laughed at Dunkey, and now Animal Well is a hit on Steam? Yeah who's laughing now? Dunky and BigMode stock waaay up