They thought he was just an ordinary carpenter, turns out he mastered the deadliest sword techniques

Published 2024-04-15
They thought he was just an ordinary carpenter, turns out he mastered the deadliest sword techniques

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Crime movie, crime show, movie review, story recapped, story, recapped, story recapped movie review, story recapped explained, story recap channel, full movie, thriller, thriller drama, drama movie, mystery movie, movie recap, story recap, detective recapped, daniel cc, daniel cc movie, sci fi, sci fi movies, sci fi review, sci fi summary, detective recapped 2, movie recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, minute movies, cinema summary, movie trailers, movie recapped, movie commentary, pink movies, movie, summary recapped, trailer, full movie, netflix, story recap, movie recaps, story recapped, story recapped movie review, daniel cc movie review, detective recapped movie review, mr brain junkie movie review, pink movies, mshorror, storyline movie, devious recap

All Comments (16)
  • @knowit1m
    The recap king almost hit Half M 500k Movie lovers. ❤🎉🎉
  • I have seen this movie it’s really good movie number 3 came out not too long ago I think this year
  • @darenrrful
    just tell us youve never watched the movie. eisei was sick, that is why he struggled
  • @umai2520
    should watch the anime too guys
  • @burtan2000
    How many people did these battles really have? It's so bizarre to think that most of Alexander's battles from 2300+ years ago, had far more participants than most of the skirmishes of the American Revolution, which ended up being one of the most historic wars in history. Marc Antony and Octavian fielded 100k troops, Or more. Washington's greatest victory consisted of a few thousand militia farmers and tradesmen (and like another thousand walking wounded) of the continental army surprising and defeating some 3k elite Hessians, hungover as they were. Crossing the Delaware. A moment that had he failed, history would've continued down a much darker path. China always had a lot of people. How big were the battles ? I know a lot of Western history, but little and less of Eastern history. I know we got lucky as fuck snagging this paradise for Pennies. The world's most productive farmland and the home to some 20 million ppl today, the LA purchase we got for $3 million. Half a fucking continent, and full rights and ownership for (almost) the entire Mississippi-Missouri River system. Hell even our civil war wasn't THAT big and it has more America causalities than all other American conflicts combined. Partly bc that bipolar drunkard wisely ignored the bait intended to lead him westerly and instead burned a bloody path across Georgia, from Atlanta to the sea. And cholera. Since Disease caused more death than violence. Hey! Coincidentally, that's how we got this wonderful land! A horrendous crime we can never be free from. Accidentally causing the death of millions is one thing. That we must forgive. But we know that wasn't the end of it. The gave the cold blankets they desperately needed and those blankets carried death, not warmth. What was China doing during the Enlightenment?
  • @mooredelira
    two things good about this recap: 1) it's a movie I never would've watched because it's not in English, and 2) it's not a recap of a series.
  • @llaboy2000
    As a veteran I can tell you that there is a Vice Admiral rank but no Vice General rank. And to improve your videos, stop giving moral of the story dribble.