Evo 2023: Street Fighter 6 Grand Finals | AngryBird vs MenaRD

Published 2023-08-06

All Comments (21)
  • @AitsuMyBeloved
    Game has been out for 2 months and this is the level of play we're seeing. What an amazing Grand Finals.
  • @DSMTheEditor
    SF6 could not have had a better EVO debut, so many awesome sets
  • @ziegly
    14:30 Angrybird didn't hesitate. What a legend.
  • @WizardRPG
    Angrybird not taking that round for the disconnect was true sportsmanship.
  • @TK_TheFURY
    Congrats to AngryBird and MenaRD, amazing performance. we knew this would happen from first week of sf6 release, the guy really deserves this.
  • @redpanda416
    What a beautiful match, there is no boring time at all.
  • @adr916sac
    All the systems (burnout, drive impact, parry) at play in sf6 made every set feel fresh, was entertained all the way through.
  • @TonyPino18
    AngryBird praying after winning was pretty emotional and is the reason why fighting games are so beautiful.
  • @methanesulfonic
    Congrats to AngryBird! what a great performance from start to finish.
  • @edge9380
    This EVO goes to history, what a night, man i'm so happy for Angrybird, if anyone in this world deserved EVO it was him, congratulations to MenaRD as well for being besides an amazing player an amazing human being too❤
  • @imaika281
    I think Mena deserves some credit for how gracefully he took the loss at the end of this GF. Hugging, soothing, smiling and laughing with the dude who just beat him to win the tournament. Champion shit right there.
  • @bolt_vanderhuge
    To be able to so deftly switch characters, read your opponent that hard, and make fairly consistent perfect parries like MenaRD earns him mad respect!
  • @UGXZ
    Mashallah habibi AngryBird with the sujud at the end, Allah blessed this Evo man. Arslan and AngryBird
  • @axebattler
    AngryBird refusing the DC forfeit and thanking God for the win---what a gentleman!
  • @Jon_East
    So many awesome things to see here. The fact that this is EVO Grand Finals between a Dominican and Arabian player (not US, not Japan, not Korea, not Europe), and the fact that the Arabian player wins, goes into a prayer, and nobody's being shitty about it, warms my heart.
  • @abc2390986
    This is literally one of the hypest gf I have ever watched. Was rooting for Mena but know Angrybird is definitely going to be the toughest opponent here. Mena did well resetting the bracket already. Many of us been wanting to see Punk, Mena, and the Birds clash each other since the beginning and we got our dream fulfilled tonight. This is truly one of the best EVO and I can’t thank the finalists enough for their performances.
  • @777bruno
    おめでとうございます! お二人とも本当に凄くてずっとドキドキハラハラしました 素晴らしいプレイを見せて頂き心から感動しました
  • @RUOK2000
    That moment, you'll know it when you get there, that is one of the great evo moments ever. REPECT. SF6 HAS BROUGHT BACK STREET FIGHTER