Why Devils Never Cry is a certified classic

Published 2022-12-15
Links: linktr.ee/marcodmeatball - Feel free to like/subscribe :)

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I love love love the intricacies of this song. The dark demonic voice, the celestial choir, the melody. It's genuinely so fun to listen to and every time I do the last few melody lines always get stuck in my head. I hope you enjoy this breakdown. The track was composed by Tetsuya Shibata, as well as written/performed by Shawn "Shootie HG" McPherson of Hostile Groove. The light vocals were performed by David Allen Baker.

All Comments (21)
  • @MarcoMeatball
    Just started filming my Devil May Cry 5 musical let's play - really curious to play the older titles as well, especially if the music sounds like THIS.
  • @JongleurBt1
    "Are you crying ?" "Nah, it's only the rain" "But the rain already stoped" "Devils never cry..."
  • @BeeGBoss
    A lot of people dont really understand dantes story even after playing the games but u pretty much nailed it on the head just by listening to his theme. this was amazing.
  • the first two verses literally mock the player for using revive orbs, and i love it
    Another aspect of the song, you could infer the angelic choir at the beginning as what you'd expect from Dante's demon hunting business. Righteous and just, fighting demons to protect the innocents of the human world. But then the metal kicks in, and you realize Dante isn't doing this to be a hero or anything. He hunts demons as a form revenge for tearing apart his family. That's all it is, a personal vendetta against all of demonkind... at least at first. Then he realizes the scope of the sacrifice his father made to protect the human world. He realizes that there is more to life than his revenge, that he can genuinely help people with his career. And that's when the chanting kicks in. And then the chanting and metal vocals mix together. He can get his revenge, and he can protect the world his father and mother loved.
  • Nero: Embrace the darkness that's within me! / GOTTA LET IT OUT GOTTA LET IT OUT! Dante: Bless me with your gift of light! / Bless me, with the, leaf off of the tree. On it, I see, the freedom reign. Vergil: BURY THE LIGHT DEEP WITHIN /I AM RECLAIMER OF MY NAME~. BORN IN FLAMES, I HAVE BEEN BLESSED! MY FAMILY CREST IS A DEMON OF DEATH! The three are so inherently different, yet similar all at once. Vergil's story is the easiest to grasp, but the most impactful imo. He throws away his humanity, both figuratively and literally, in search of the power he needs to protect himself and those around him. He grew up believing his mother abandoned him and became obsessed with his father's legend and the power he held. He will stop at nothing to surpass Sparda, his power will be so overwhelming not a single thing that exists will ever stand a chance against him. Nero's is more everyman and common, but still impactful. Unlike his father and uncle, Nero wears his heart on his sleeve. He doesn't hide his thoughts or emotions, he acts on them. His power is fueled by rage and the will to protect those around him. He has the same mindset as Vergil with the whole 'Might controls everything, and without it you can't protect anything, let alone yourself' (which is a line of Vergil's in DMC3 that Nero repeats almost verbatim in DMC5), but he hasn't been corrupted and blinded by loss and trauma like Vergil has. Nero wants power to protect what he loves, Vergil wants power because he couldn't protect what he loves, and needs to rectify that to maintain sanity. Now there's Dante. With very similar trauma to Vergil, Dante opts for a different route in coping. Vergil comes to favor the demonic strength of their father Sparda, idolizing him, but for a good chunk of his earlier life, Dante has no respect for Sparda or any other demons after the death of his parents (and presumed death of Vergil) when he was a kid. In DMC3, he even goes to renounce Sparda's name. "Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father, Sparda??" "I have no father. I just don't like you, that's all." But by the end of 3, Dante has come to see himself more as devil than human, a total contrast to how he felt earlier in the game. This is shown in his interaction with Lady at the end of the game. "Are you crying?" "Its only the rain." "...The rain already stopped." "Devils never cry." "...Maybe somewhere out there even a Devil May Cry when he looses a loved one, don't you think?" Dante doesn't answer her question and immediately reverts to his wacky wahoo pizza persona as demons start to surround them, using wackiness and comedy as a way to avoid emotional stress and confrontation with others. "This is what I live for...IM ABSOLUTELY CRAZY ABOUT IT!" While Vergil shuts off his emotions and goes full power frenzy in response to his family trauma, Dante does the opposite, and puts on a façade of happiness and goofiness to avoid his own emotions. What stories.
  • @Zaffr3
    Me when this song comes up: "I'M ABSOLUTELY CRAZY ABOUT IT!"
  • @king_of_frauds
    Imagine you hear the beginning of this and decide to use the song for someone's funeral.
  • @aaron_guzman
    Devils Never Cry marked a generation in the DMC community to be the anthem of the saga (until Bury the Light was released). The full OST of Devil May Cry 3 is gold and hope you can listen to it as well. This song puts tears in my eyes everytime the final part of the song drops. Jackpot!
  • This was the song that pulled me into the series! Gods, always loved the latin (?) choir at the beginning, and it definitely shows that human side of dante in my eyes. The deep depression that he tends to hide, when it comes to his family. And everything after is his bluster and bravado. He's fearless, he hunts that which once hunted him.
  • @tsdZero1993
    It's funny just how much you get right here. DMC3 is a tale truly of Dante's Awakening. Inside himself is his Father's blood, the blood of a demon. He's always thought that he accepted that, but it turns out he never did. He's always seen himself as "Human" because of his mother. So inside him is two voices. One an innocent human whom sees destruction and loss of life as the demons rise and kill other innocents. The other voice is also his, but he doesn't recognize it. It screams for justice, for revenge for those lost and the power to do so is inside him, but he doesn't want to take it as he won't see himself in the same light as before. So there's this struggle to either stay human or evolve as something else. Something unknown to him. And he's secretly afraid of that change. As the game goes on, not spoiling anything, but this fact is even brought up by Virgil who's already accepted his father's power and blood while Dante hasn't. And it goes to show that, while Dante seems happy go lucky and a badass he still has inner demons both literal and figurative to figure out. This song perfectly encapsulates that especially with it's two voices about "The Tree" which I take as "The Family Tree". Where one voice is almost praying while the other is screaming. One wants to stay, one wants change.
  • Devils Never Cry is the only dmc song that is better than Bury the Light in my opinion, thank you for hearing it, it's a banger
  • I love the intro to this song Also I love how you can see the exact moment he goes from “Wow, this isn’t what I expected at all” to “Nevermind, it’s exactly what I expected.” At 1:48
  • @Rixstarian
    DMC3, w/ the subtitle Dante's Awakening is set the earliest in the timeline of the games, & thus shows Dante at his youngest. You've correctly identified that he is indeed struggling w/ the duality of his human & devil origins & the careful balance he has to establish to centre himself, so great! I hope you find the time to enjoy this, 4 & 5 (we don't talk about 2 or DmC).
  • @sgtshortstack578
    I love how this man is casually describing the plot of DMC 3 on Dante's theme alone
  • Hearing this in the trailer is what got me into the series. I think the song very much reflects the progression of Dante through the game. The initial chorus evokes the legend of his father Sparda and how he was simultaneously a demon but also chose to reject his nature and elevated himself to savior of humanity; an initially wicked being who became a noble hero out of myth and legend. This proceeds to second section showing Dante's initial character of disregard for his lineage and immature behavior, juxtaposed against Virgil who remains disciplined seeking the power of Sparda for himself as shown with the line "Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you. That's all." wherein despite his bluster, Virgil immediately wipes the floor with Dante. In the third portion he has grown through fighting numerous demons and gaining their Styles and Devil Arms, manifestations of their demonic souls highlighting their acknowledgement of his prowess; Cerberus, Agni, Rudra and Nevan specifically state he has earned their blessings after he bests them. This combined with his interactions with Lady and her own family trauma, and now seeks to honor their father's legacy while Virgil only desires the physical embodiments of Sparda's strength, to increase his personal power. This culminates in Dante calling out Virgil "We are the sons of Sparda. Within each of us flows his blood. But more importantly HIS SOUL! And now my soul is saying it has to stop you!" Virgil began the game more powerful due to preferring his demonic heritage but Dante has surpassed him by embracing his humanity. The game even specifically highlights this by playing each portion at specific points in the game where part one plays during the prologue narrated by Lady, section two plays immediately after Dante's first confrontation with Virgil, and an orchestral version of part three as the final battle, and finally the full song in its entirety playing during the end credits. The song and the game are Dante's own Inferno; by descending through Hell he becomes closer to his Father, the divine.
  • You kind of nailed the thesis of the gams from the word go. The meat of the game is not only about Dante coming to terms with his dual heritage, but also literally fighting his twin brother about it who is going through essentially the same struggle but with the opposite outcome.
  • Just now realizing this entire song is mostly lady’s, Dante’s , and Vergil’s perspectives of the games events…..
  • @Xanatrix
    Bruh, yes! Devils Never Cry is truly one of the best songs in the series; much like Bury The Light, it carries so much meaning behind it. Fantastic.