dad goes to challenge council tax bill

Published 2014-08-14
council tax for 2013 has now left bailifs and is back with the council who are now attempting to take money from benefits through social security impliciting yet another 3rd party in their corporate scam. luckily dad not in receipt of any personally benefit since stopped by atos over a year ago.

All Comments (21)
  • @MrBillfinn
    More people should take this approach...stop moaning about these fake unlawful taxes and false notices...take your complaint seriously and STOP PAYING, to many people are armchair activists and do fuck all apart from commenting how wrong it is but still cough up,....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
  • @leegrant1800
    I wish my lovely wife would take more notice and just realise that council tax is a fraudulent tax.
  • @whitenightf3
    I have not paid it for the last four years, the last 2 years I have been reading Law. None of this matters, what matters and what people need to know is this. Council Tax and all other forms of Taxation violate Constitutional Law and that my friends is the highest form of Law that not even Parliament can abrogate.
  • @babytony83
    Stop paying for your freedom find help pay no more people standing togather will hurt them wake UP England
  • @kenella74
    Well done we all need to stand together on this
  • @mossadon
    Notice how she keeps talking over the top of him and trying to control the conversation, not letting him make his point. This can and does often lead to an angry rush of adrenalin which brings on louder voice and vexated speech, which is one of the tricks of throwing YOU off your game and gaining them the good old "You're shouting , don't speak to me like that, please leave" and gives them reason to have you removed or walk away and remove your discourse altogether. ALWAYS remain calm, like poos dad does here. Adrenalin WILL flow the first few times you try anything like this as there is a natural rush release in these situations, jus make sure you expect it, breath and even count to ten to get your thoughts together before answering / talking to these people and if they are talking over the top of you jus politely say " Please stop disrespecting me by talking over the top of me. In the interest of good manners AND clarity, listen to what i have to say and then i will listen to your reply"  Doff of the cap to poos dad.
  • @andrewwright.
    Council tax is poll tax both given by the conservative party.
  • @extramextra6809
    It would only take 3.5% of the population to behave like this to put an end to the protection racket that is called council tax. Same goes for business rates.
  • Well they can't force you to pay, it's a contract and a contract has to be agreed and signed by 2 parties. Ask for a detailed invoice with terms & conditions, if you don't agree with a service, and cost, don't pay as they're is no Law stating you have to
  • @shredzntredz156
    Good job bud only bad thing I can say is don't be a hypocrite "I'm not a Mr or anything else I'm a man excuse me love" she's not a Mrs Ms she is a female not a love just saying 😂 but good man keep up the great work 😊
  • @Biggles2498
    When I lived in Edinburgh renting an apartment I was overcharged on Council Tax for 8 months and it was quite stressful getting it reduced to what it should have been ! Also be careful with Direct Debits on Council Tax as they will charge your Bank Account early before Public Holidays even though the Direct Debit Mandate states a withdrawal date on or after the said date but they still take it out early anyway !
  • This is a police matter for police Obtain an harrassment notice To prevent money with menace's Letter's breaking the malicious communications Act
  • @stevejepp2044
    There are too many taxes - how do we know that everything isn't being paid for three times over?
  • the council is becoming the pay desk of the SS ,if not they arrest you , what is more oppressive than that . living in Afghanistan perhaps?
  • very well said, I think she got the message across.
  • @MrFes888
    these servants are black belt in..  not listening,,,
  • NEVER write anything in an Email. ONLY letters.are admissible in a court.Respect to this man.Threat of losing benefit. That is so wrong.. Only contact anyone by letter. pointless talking to another man/ would be wasting your time.Good video.