Are you depressed or feeling lost and alone? This might be a good thing!

Published 2014-04-23
Are you depressed or feeling lost and alone? This might be a good thing! Jason speaks about the reasons why you might be feeling lost, depressed, insufficient, flawed, or lonely. He suggests that it is something that could be celebrated instead of frowned upon.

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All Comments (21)
  • @timbo11
    Whenever I feel down, lost or rejected for what I am. I just look up into the skies at night and remind myself how insignificant and meaningless my being is. That my actions and existence will most likely have no effect or harm on the overall universe. This allows me to be myself and realize that society is just a bubble that we all created. The world will not stop spinning if I am a little weird and do things my own way. I have to live with myself all my life. I better make sure I like myself.
  • @Mojosfire
    As they say, some of the happiest smiles, hide the biggest pain.
  • @kianae514
    “Stop trying to be successful in the eyes of others. “ “When someone says You should be something other than what you are, You are signing up for abuse. “ That was so powerful for me.
  • @jdn7982
    Idk about you guys but when I'm in depression, I find my happy place in the wilderness :/ it reminds me of what the world really is, other than what we make it
  • @wesna213
    Sending much of love to everyone who is alone, sad, tired, confused, lost, unloved, depressed or anything similar to how I was feeling for last ..let say..14 years....YOU are not ALONE...we are in it all together and we gonna sort it out, we gonna fight it...DON'T GIVE UP...stay for while, sit, breathe slowly and calm down...everything will be all'right :)
  • @anthonyh1596
    Had suicidal ideations then saw this, makes me feel a tiny bit better!
  • @Thibault_95
    I am just so lost right now nothing satisfies me anymore I literally just sit at home watch TV and yotube videos and go out for little drive's I have no job due to my generalized anxiety and depression. I see therepist weekly and I find I just can't talk to them they think I am doing good. I'm 21 years old was diagnosed 7 years ago I just want my old life back and it hurts me to say it i know when this is over I will be stronger then ever.
  • @MayganSanchez
    Very very intelligent & wise. So grateful for this.. I really needed to hear this right now.
  • @traceylarrs1248
    I feel lonely because I'm gonna have to spend my new year's eve alone because everyone else already has plans with their close friends and I don't have any close friends :( And I feel like I never will :) I feel like a loser and I'm so ashamed of spending my new year's eve alone.. with my dysfunctional family that I hate. I feel SEVERE loneliness and I just want to fall asleep and never wake up again.
  • @dragospan96
    i'm a 21 years old male, i typed on youtube " i feel lost and alone" i found your video, watched it, and now i'm crying, cuz u just said what is happening and destroying my life and my happiness. You are a good guy just like me... too bad i'm a good guy that chose the path of suffering and i wanna get out of it..
  • One of the hardest things I've had to learn is when you have no friends no family and when u really need to talk to someone about something your going through but have no one so u cry a little and bottle it up again cause you have kids and don't want them to see thier only parnet weak or crying cause you want them to think everything is going to be ok and you have it all under control when you really wanna brake down cry and talk to someone but can't cause they don't understand
  • @marlenep9102
    today seem a little more darker then usual , lonely and very lost. it's a struggle and a learning process, but when I came across your video. your video help me, not feel so alone and to understand that I'm not alone in this darkness.
  • @simrandeep.
    I'm dealing with depression anxiety ocd from 2010, ,,I'm totally broken, can't fight anymore, ,,just sitting in a dark room and watching YouTube
  • @DeucesWild91
    I am already so sick and tired of my loneliness.
  • Thank you. I've been feeling so depressed. Unhappy with my self image, and feeling alone.
  • @monogramadikt
    the truth seems to be the loneliest place to inhabit
  • Thank you for your words...the problem is that i actually don't know who i am and where i'm  going to...i think i used to pretend for too long and i'm totally lost, just see the straight way to the void...there's nothing left for me, just dark void. Best wishes for you.
  • I can't find a word to describe how much my appreciation is. I have a feeling, this video is probably gonna be a turning point of my life. I almost cried when I was watching the video cause I could feel and relate to what you said so much, and I truly admire your wisdom. I'm in college, dealing with struggles between my parents expectations/society values, and what I truly want to do. It's hard to make a choice and plan my academic career. At the moment, I'm not getting support or understandings from my parents, that's why I'm feeling kind of lost. So what you said about not to constantly looking for approvals is really an enlightenment for me. Although it may still take more time and process for me to figure out what I'm going to do next, but your video does help me a lot. Thank you for making good videos. I'm lucky to find your channel.